House Rs invoke sympathy for defunct energy giant

EnronNot sure this is a winning argument for them: House Minority Office media release.

Decrying the Democrats' tax-raisin' ways, House Leader Wayne Scott (R-Canby) opens with this quote:

"This is a tax increase on every business in Oregon, from Enron on down to Mom and Pop."

The astute reader will remember that Enron ceased to operate as a functioning energy company after filing one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history. Six years ago.


  • PID (unverified)

    The real problem with that press release is that it doesn't have any real substance. It doesn't explain how the Democrats' legislation amounts to a 1280% tax increase. (It only cites "their own numbers", but doesn't even tell me where I could look to independently verify this.) It also blasts the legislation as "irresponsible" and "harmful to our jobs" without telling me why.

    Sadly, I see this type of (non)argument made by people of all political stripes.

  • (Show?)

    Wayne Scott: Defending Enron.

  • (Show?)

    Meet the Enron Republicans.

  • Anon (unverified)

    Wayne Scott is out of touch? Shocking.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    It's official: Wayne Scott is an embittered old man. He cannot accept with grace that his power is gone. Sad, really.

  • PanchoPdx (unverified)

    Wayne Scott is an ass for a host of reasons, but your misreading of his quote is just plain silly.

    He is using two extremes (Enron vs. Mom & Pop) to make a point about how this tax increase doesn't discriminate between those types of businesses.

  • Sid Leader (unverified)

    Poor Wayne. Next thing you know, he'll be pushing tax breaks for buggy whip manufacturers!

  • (Show?)
    Wayne Scott is an ass for a host of reasons, but your misreading of his quote is just plain silly. He is using two extremes (Enron vs. Mom & Pop) to make a point about how this tax increase doesn't discriminate between those types of businesses.

    No argument--but the truth is that Enron is not, in fact, a "business in Oregon"--or anywhere, for that matter. I don't think people are saying he's evil (in this instance), but rather a bit, well, stupid.

  • (Show?)
    <h2>The entity that was Enron still owns 51.2% of the stock of PGE, the largest electric utility in Oregon. The company has changed its name for this function to "Enron Disputed Claims Reserve." So Wayne Scott was not entirely wrong.</h2>
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