Donna G. Nelson, will you please go now?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Donnanelson3From the O's blog, the quote of the day year. The esteemed Representative Donna G. Nelson of McMinnville:

Colleagues. I thought this was a great bill until I just found out I don't know what I'm talking about.

Now that we're all in agreement...
...and with apologies to Dr. Seuss and Art Buchwald:

The time has come. The time has come. The time is now.
Just go. Go. Go! I don't care how.

You can go by foot. You can go by cow.
Donna G. Nelson will you please go now!

You can go on skates.
You can go on skis. You can go in a hat.
But Please go. Please!

I don't care.
You can go By bike.
You can go On a Zike-Bike
If you like.

If you like You can go
In an old blue shoe.
Just go, go, GO!
Please do, do, do, DO!

Donna G. Nelson
I don't care how.

Donna G. Nelson
Will you please

You can go on stilts.
You can go by fish.
You can go in a Crunk-Car
If you wish.

If you wish
You may go
By lion's tale.
Or stamp yourself
And go by mail.

Donna G. Nelson
Don't you know
The time has come
To go, go, GO!
Get on your way!
Please Donna G.!

You might like going in a Zumble-Zay.
You can go by balloon . . .
Or broomstick.
Or You can go by camel
In a bureau drawer.
You can go by bumble-boat
. . . or jet.
I don't care how you go. Just get!

Donna G. Nelson!
I don't care how.

Donna G. Nelson
Will you please GO NOW!
I said GO And GO I meant . . .

The time had come
So . . . Donna WENT.

A boy can dream, can't he?

  • Jägermeister (unverified)

    Or, channeling Cromwell:

    "You have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, GO!!"

  • David (unverified)

    I couldn't agree more. Donna Nelson is, by far and away, the least qualified member of the Oregon Legislature. She's almost a caricature of the far right. I can't tell you how many times last session when she'd get up wearing one of her various flag shirts and repeat the whole Bush talking points about supporting our troops. You could feel the eyes rolling, on both sides of the aisle.

  • (Show?)
    <h2>OMG. Better than a cup of coffee. Thanks for the laugh.</h2>

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