Michelle Neumann
Why do we need legislation in Oregon that protects people from discrimination based on sexual orientation and that creates domestic partnerships for same-sex couples? This commentary from the Portland Mercury about the public hearings for SB 2 says it all:
But those who were opposing the bill—many at the behest of the conservative Oregon Family Council (OFC)—unwittingly did a better job of making the case for the anti-discrimination law, by trotting out thinly veiled insults against gays and citing "evidence" that homosexuality is immoral, "harmful," and "destructive." …
Nick Graham, OFC's communications director, was one of two invited speakers opposed to the bill (five members of the governor's Taskforce on Equality, which recommended the bill, spoke in favor of it; public testimony followed the invited testimony). Graham stuck to the OFC's talking points, claiming the bill's exemptions for religious organizations and churches weren't strong enough, the law would prompt frivolous lawsuits against businesses, and that sexual orientation shouldn't be granted minority status (OFC's "reasons to oppose SB2" say that gays meet "none of" the qualifications for minority status, which include being politically powerless; apparently the OFC believes that things like Measure 36's passage and the decades-long legislative fight to pass an anti-discrimination bill demonstrate gays' political power). Graham tried to have it both ways, simultaneously arguing there was very little discrimination in Oregon to begin with, making the law unnecessary, and that the anti-discrimination bill would be a huge burden on the state.
And from the House floor Tuesday (courtesy of Willamette Week):
After Rep. Dennis Richardson (R-Central Point) said gays were more likely to commit crimes against children, Rep. Tina Kotek (D-Portland) rose in protest. Kotek, who's lesbian, told Richardson to stop defaming her character.
The opposition's arguments simply had no basis in logic or fact. These clearly unsupportable assertions were the best they had. And they know that we know that they know that their assertions are unsupportable - and yet they still attempted to present them as legitimate arguments. As long as there are those who are so determined to discriminate on such an unfounded basis, SB 2 and HB 2007 are needed.
More from Willamette Week:
Meantime, here's one from the "rich with irony" department: House pages tried to block Aimee Wilson, the partner of Rep. Tina Kotek (D-Portland), from being on the floor during the debate because she wasn't a family member. Wilson eventually made it on the floor.
There is one more item related to today's events that I wanted to close the loop on. Previously, the Oregon Family Council had been pushing to amend HB 2007 to add "reciprocal benefits" for other kinds of domestic partnerships that would not be eligible for marriage - for example, sisters jointly operating a household. I wasn't aware that there were so many two-sister households pushing for domestic partnership status in Oregon. Did they ask OFC to advocate for them? As I wanted clarification, I called OFC for an explanation - are you against this bill, or do you just want it amended? Is the amendment bona fide, or just for a dilatory purpose?
The person who I spoke to at the OFC said that the OFC opposes the bill, and does not just want it amended. I asked about the OFC's prior statements regarding Measure 36 and civil unions (i.e., pass Measure 36, defining marriage as one man and one woman, and you can always go back to the legislature for civil unions later). I was told: "That didn't mean that we would not oppose civil unions." I have to admit for a second I didn't know what to say. I was astounded. I had merely called to understand the OFC's position vis-à-vis the two-sister domestic partnership, but after that comment I informed the OFC rep that I intended to report that statement here at BlueOregon because it was simply outrageous. "Well, I wish you had told me that at the beginning of the conversation." Well, I wish the OFC had been more honest with the public then I wouldn't need to report it.
“If same-sex couples need legal protection, they should consult their legislative representatives. If they need legislation to do that, no one is going to stand in their way.” Defense of Marriage Coalition Executive Director Mike White, Lincoln City News Guard, 11/10/2004
Unfortunately, we all know what comes next. The state of Oregon will be papered from one end to the other with ludicrous political fliers. Those politicians supporting civil union legislation in previous sessions, such as Jeff Merkley, were targeted relentlessly by the Oregon Family Council during the 2006 campaign. (For purposes of reviewing the article at the link, keep in mind that the Defense of Marriage Coalition was founded by the Oregon Family Council.)
What to do about these fliers, which are the menace of Oregon political campaigns? To make matters worse, these fliers are sometimes designed to appear as if they were generated by an independent activist without any sort of political agenda, in order to obfuscate another party's participation in the campaign. We need to be much more methodical about collecting these fliers, researching them and holding those behind them responsible for the accuracy of their content.* Perhaps we need some sort of "debunking" website, where we post copies of these fliers and we document who produced them and paid for them. Anyone in the state could access this site, and hopefully most voters would soon become aware of who is behind the "bunk" that clogs their mailboxes.
*LoadedOrygun did a superb job of this in 2006, however, it's a huge task that probably deserves a dedicated website and a massive support team.
Let's support our legislators who are doing the right thing in Salem. Any other ideas to fight these fliers?
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Apr 18, '07
Thanks for a great article recapping this issue. I'm amazed that the OFC official position regarding civil unions was, "no one is going to stand in their way" really meant, "we would not oppose civil unions."
We have a commitment to these legislators to support them when they supported us. After some tough blows, OFC along with a regrouping of the OCA will be looking to play as dirty as necessary to get some wins.
We have to be prepared and it starts now.
8:31 a.m.
Apr 18, '07
Fantastic post and a great call to action. The public tide has turned against the anti-gay right; majorities now support civil unions and see the issue as one of equal rights. Using smear tactics to try to enforce a bigoted minority position is something we just can't stand for. I'm with you!
Apr 18, '07
Thanks, Jeff. I really want to find a way to prevent these trashy fLIErs from being used successfully in the next election cycle. We need to turn them right back on whoever is actually paying for them, designing them and sending them out. The other thing we need to guard against is the last-minute deceptive robo-calls.
Apr 18, '07
Ah. Hatred and logic. Juxtaposed once again.
Apr 18, '07
Dennis Richardson is really a dimwit isn't he?
wow Central Point...ugh.
Apr 18, '07
I am not in the least suprised by DOMC's response or the OCA Reformation. First and foremost, these people are NOT Christian. Let's get that straight here. (no pun intendted). They do not in any way follow in Jesus's footsteps of acceptance and social justice. So, while most liberals run from religious arguments, let's not let that make us allow these freaks free-reign in the religious realm. At the core of their belief is an anti-Christian, anti-human philosophy that needs to be confronted head-on for what it is.
I am truly grateful that these two bills passed the Oregon House. I am grateful for those courageous representatives that did the right thing.
Now, if I could just get a date!
Apr 18, '07
I'll bet somewhere Lon Mabon and his boyfriend are celebrating this important legislation. (Was there ever any doubt that Mabon was a self-hating screaming queen?)
Apr 20, '07
Two years ago the legislature had hearings to find out how bad GLBTs have it in Oregon and they failed to come up with any significant examples of discrimination. They'd have had more luck asking for discrimination based on party affiliation. Nonetheless, they want to make sure it never starts, so they are introducing SB2.
As with most do-nothing legislation, this one comes with a poison pill. It's only real effect is to drastically limit how religions practice. Right now, if a religion opposes homosexuality, they can refuse to hire a homosexual teacher for a religious preschool run in the church's basement. Under SB2, they would not be allowed to anymore. This is accomplished with a backhanded "religious exemption" that permits religions to discriminate only in their primary purpose, i.e., selection of a pastor.
One might claim the "religious exemption" is an unintended consequence, one that the legislature will simply shrug and oops over once it becomes clear, but there is no such cover for the deliberate attack on the boy scouts. The boy scouts would be required to leave the state or hire gay scout masters. Leaving no exemption for the Boy Scouts was deliberate and the state knows exactly what it hopes to accomplish
Apr 22, '07
The religious exemption was broadened to include schools, camps, shelters, thrift stores, etc. The "religious" are free to continue to discriminate in all their dealings with the gay and perceived gay, so you (Fitz) can stop complaining on that front.. (And this change took place many days before your post, so if you're going to rant, at least keep yourself current...)
Secondly, as was stated in the House in response to a question about the Boy Scouts, federal law overrides anything Oregon decides (about SB2A) regarding the Boy Scouts and their membership policies, and BSA, too, remains free to discriminate. That you even see the institution of SB2A as an attack on the Boy Scouts is so And actually, until they are much older, Scouts is actually a pretty safe haven for all those gay little boys out there who can't do sports! Did you think there aren't gay kids in the Boy Scouts??? And a third of THEM are Mormon...
Finally, it's the straight male teachers in the basement with the preschoolers I'd be more worried about....