DPO's new leadership team

We had the results buried deep in Kari's live blog from the DPO, but here's the full rundown from the party:

Chair: Meredith Wood Smith, Female Vice Chair: Jill Thorn , Male Vice Chair: Jesse Cornett, Secretary: Becky Gladstone

The AP has a story about Meredith Wood Smith, the new chair:

[Smith] said defeating Republican Gordon Smith for the U.S. Senate seat on the Oregon ballot in 2008 will be among her electoral goals, along with keeping three statewide offices and the Legislature in Democratic hands.

She said she would continue party-building. A 50-state initiative sponsored by Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has resulted in putting four organizers to work in Oregon. Wood Smith there is now also a faith caucus in the party now. "We need to take the conversation back from the far right," she said.

Amusingly, the same story has Vance Day - the GOP Chair - trying to wave us away from challenging Gordon Smith:

Vance Day of Salem, Republican state chairman, said he expected the Oregon Democrats to focus more on state House races rather than the U.S. Senate seat. "If they focus to much on Gordon, they could lose the House," Day said.

Unlike Republicans, Democrats seem capable of doing two things at once.


  • (Show?)

    As a registered Democrat I am proud to say that I can walk, chew gum AND vote at the same time!

  • Ron Morgan (unverified)

    "Vance Day of Salem, Republican state chairman, said he expected the Oregon Democrats to focus more on state House races rather than the U.S. Senate seat.

    <h2>Oh yeah, in a Presidential election year, and with control of the US Senate in the balance, the DPO is going to concentrate down-ballot...</h2>
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