Smith's Challenge from the Right
Michelle Neumann
Is it a given that Senator Gordon Smith will sail through the Republican primary without a challenger? There are clearly some elements on the right who are unhappy with Smith. Dean Barnett of labeled Smith an "11/7 Republican" for criticizing President's Bush's Iraq war policy:
A less noble creature is currently crawling out from Washington D.C.’s swamps. These are the 11/7 Republicans. Stunned by the election results of November 7, these Republican office holders surveyed the political landscape and decided that they had to distance themselves from the Iraq war to have any chance of preserving their political viability. While the 9/11 Democrats worry about the future of the country and matters of the highest principle, the 11/7 Republicans worry about their own craven interests in a completely unprincipled fashion.THE POSTER CHILD FOR THE 11/7 Republicans is Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon. Oregon is a blue state (or a purple state if you’re a cockeyed Republican optimist), and Smith is up for re-election in 2008.
Hyper-partisan Fred Barnes of Fox News awarded Smith and others the "Turncoat of the Year" Award for failing to publicly toe the party line on Iraq.
A compendium of the far right's complaints against Smith, on issues ranging from immigration to domestic partner benefits, can be found here: SmithWatch.
There is also a website dedicated to ousting Smith for his yes vote on S. 2611 (I'm not going to link there - the site includes offensive content): "Our goal first and foremost would be for Smith to lose in a Republican primary, however, should Smith be in a general election we are willing to 'stay home' and not cast a ballot for him", the site states.
So-called "amnesty" seems to be an issue that inflames the far right like few others. In fact, Smith's position on immigration prompted this comment at the Northwest Republican blog:
Can anybody say, "Primary challenge?" Whoever could challenge Smith with any credibility probably would not win, but could send a message to Smith that he cannot take conservatives for granted any long.
But will this dissatisfaction translate into a real effort to run a different candidate in 2008? Will Smith's criticism of President Bush chill support from the RNC?
How realistic is the possibility that Smith would face a primary challenger, and who might that person be? Jason Atkinson? Mike Erickson?
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8:39 a.m.
Feb 7, '07
Wow. Thanks for linking the Smithwatch site. It is really illuminating of where the looney right is and the pull that Smith will have in trying to be all things to all people.
However, Smith will use this to show that he is really a centrist moderate. Since he has opponents on the right as well as the left he must be the centrist that sensible Oregonians need to support. At least that is how Smith and the Oregonian will be putting it. We can hope however that the Constitution Party will do to Smith what it did for Ron Saxton.
9:16 a.m.
Feb 7, '07
Our Senators need to take action to stop the Iraq War and rescind the War Powers (use of force resolution.)
I called Gordon Smith's office this morning, 1 202 224 3753
If you are tired of Smith triangulating his message so as not to offend anyone and to avoid taking blame in case the Iraq situation grows worse call his office.
Be prepared for his staffer to tell you that you misunderstand Gordon Smith's position.
It is up to each of us to shine a light on Gordon Smith's timid postering.
Pick up your phones and dail for spine!!!!
Feb 7, '07
The staffer in the DC office told me Smith wouldn't vote with McConnell to cut off debate, "He supports the resolution!" so I called the Portland office 503-326-3386 the next day and told them they had a problem with DC staff saying something different than Gordon actually did.
Feb 7, '07
I think it's wrong to let Smith try to portray opposition on both sides as evidence that he is a moderate.
I believe an examination of his actual votes will show him to be far right.
The real issue is the duplicity. Say one thing in Oregon, then do another in DC, and try to get away with having it both ways. This is standard operating procedure for Smith. When he voted against the minimum wage increase, you call his office to complain and his staffers will unabashedly tell you that he supports an increase. Well - he just voted against an increase! Yes, but he supports an increase, is the nonsensical response you will get.
It's the intentional, manipulative duplicity.
Feb 7, '07
The far right is positioning Gordon for a successful re-election.
Sending him out at the first R in a blue state to come out agasint the war is only the fist token move.
Running a candidate from the right against him in the R primary would only thicken his veneer of seeming to be a moderate.
Having an opponant or nor, we know he's going to win his primary.
The real questions are:
1.Who'll oppose him on the November ballot
2.Who'll canvass and phonebank for that candidate
Are the answers Steve Novick and you?
2:53 p.m.
Feb 7, '07
You know, this war could very well put Gordo out of a job.
If Steve does run, I'm sure some people will say he's crazy for taking on Smith. I remember doing a report on Wayne Morse in high school. Some people thought Bob Packwood (some young upstart Republican)was crazy to think he could defeat the "Tiger of the Senate", as Robert Smith's book called him.
I say, Let's win this one for Wayne.
Feb 7, '07
Stay Focused: You bet your sweet bippie I'll work for Steve Novick anyway I can.....Now...all we have to do is convince him to do we go about doing that??
Feb 7, '07