State of the Union Preview: 10 Things to Look For

Over at Perrspectives, BlueOregon contributor Jon Perr has his own State of the Union preview featuring "10 Things to Watch For." As he notes:

After the GOP's electoral disaster in November and the resounding thud that greeted the "surge" in Iraq, the 2007 SOTU can be said to officially mark the last throes of the Bush presidency. In anticipation of tonight's presidential flight of fantasy, here are 10 things to look for in the Bush 2007 State of the Union:

  1. An Unhealthy Vision
  2. Surge Protector
  3. Faux Iraq-9/11 Link Redux
  4. Sacrificial Sham
  5. Culture of Life Redux
  6. Energy Shortage
  7. Warming to Global Warming
  8. The Spend and Not Tax Conservative
  9. The New Bipartisanship: The Democratic Deficit
  10. Laura Bush: Gang Banger

For the full preview, see "SOTU Preview: 10 Things to Watch."


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