Correction from Jim Edumunson on DPO leadership race
blueoregon admin
Earlier today, Pat Ryan posted a column on BlueOregon outlining his views on the upcoming leadership elections at the DPO. In that column, Pat wrote the following:
Jim Edmunson, current fearless leader, is stepping down from his chair position to run for drumroll the newly minted male vice-chair position. Mr. Edmunson is apparently supporting Carol Voisin, fresh off the CD campaign for chair.
Jim Edmunson sent a note to BlueOregon HQ that includes the following:
A recent contributor on Blue Oregon erroneously reported that I will seek the male vice chairmanship when DPO organizes March 10, and that I support Carol Voisin to succeed me. The first assertion is false; the second uninformed. I have not endorsed any candidate for DPO chair -- nor does any one need my stamp of approval.
After the jump, we'll post the full text of Jim's note.
Jim Edmunson's note:
I announced yesterday in Cottage Grove at the organizational meeting of the Democratic 4th Congressional District that I am not seeking a fifth term as state chair of DPO, or any other party office in 2007-08. A recent guest contributor on Blue Oregon erroneously reported that I will seek the male vice chairmanship when DPO organizes March 10, and that I support Carol Voisin to succeed me. The first assertion is false; the second uninformed.I have not endorsed any candidate for DPO chair -- nor does any one need my stamp of approval. Carol Voisin is an impressive and outstanding woman who would make a fine DPO chair, in my opinion. Mac Prichard is an equally talented Democrat and loyal party activist who also would be a great chair. Meredith Wood Smith has served as vice chair with me for four years and she certainly knows the inner workings of the party as well as any one. I have talked with all three and remain on good terms with them all.
I am proud of what I accomplished in eight years as DPO chair -- which is longer than any one ever held the office before me. For sure, I didn't please all the people all the time, and I did not try to. But I achieved what I set out to do -- namely, restore the party's political credibility, organize downstate counties and build their infrastructure, and most of all elect Democrats. My personal goal was to return the Oregon House of Representatives to Democratic control, and this past November the voters delivered! Along the way, Democrats won all statewide offices and five of our seven federal offices. Our staff grew right along with our budget, and our influence. My friend Ted Kulongoski won an impressive second term as governor, and my colleague Howard Dean has given our national party new hope and energy.
Thanks to you and (most of) the Blue Oregon posters for being fair and supportive of what we, as a party, have accomplished. It wasn't easy -- but it was fun -- and I did not do it alone, by a long shot. The people who have worked with me to build our party truly are great Americans, and they are the real winners through their hard work behind the scenes and determination despite the cynics.
I merely rode the bus and took my turn at the wheel. And boy oh boy, what a ride!
Jim Edmunson
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10:18 p.m.
Jan 29, '07
Jim, a sincere "thank you" for your years of service to the party.
Jan 29, '07
If nothing else will do, Jim Edmunson deserves a standing ovation at the re-organization meeting and from you stay-at-homes. DPO today is much more than it was when he took the helm and any Democrat should be appreciative of that particular FACT. For you 'outsiders' this is a piece of news that may mean little, but within the Party is of great significance, DPO is solvent.
Thanks Jim
11:36 a.m.
Jan 30, '07
Chuck, you hit the nail on the head. I am standing next to you at a distance contributing to the ovation.
Jim is a class act that has given so much to Oregon Dems. He deserves all of our thanks.