VOTE OR DIE! Haiku Thread
The One True bIX
G.O.P. cancer
in the body politic
means you vote or die!
Add your own contributions in the comments. But please stick to haiku only! That's part of the challenge.
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connect with blueoregon
12:25 a.m.
Nov 7, '06
i miss a great blog called portland communique b!X should return, yes?
Nov 7, '06
Representative: Queers Marry? No way for me. (just boys on the side)
Nov 7, '06
Rain came falling down. Didn't mail ballot Thursday. Must trudge in person.
Nov 7, '06
vote or die? I vote my way not the blue highway live another day
Nov 7, '06
G.O.P. Cancer? Tell us how you really feel! (Not far from the truth)
Nov 7, '06
If a ballot drops in the box and no one counts it did they vote? YES!
Nov 7, '06
Hail to the Chief, or God Bless the King???
Dear Former Citizens of the United States Of America;
Nov 7, '06
To Dan Grady: What? Way to get us off topic. It's all haiku, dude.
Nov 7, '06
I used a black pen Despite the clear instructions I am a moron
Nov 7, '06
The <abbr title="The Democratic Party Headquarters - 503-239-8646">Donkey Stable</abbr> - at two three two northeast ninth - needs more volunteers.
Generous CubeSpace, donating many phone lines, needs volunteers too: six two two southeast grand "ave". (this is "<abbr title="A poetic form, like haiku, but consisting of an additional two lines, both of which are seven syllables each.">tanko</abbr>" - not haiku)
Nov 7, '06
Black pens sometimes work. (Those without red component) Hard to tell with eyes.
Nov 7, '06
Call in to sign up (two three nine, eight six four six) or just come on in.
Nov 7, '06
Ted Piccolo sucks. N.W. Republican sucks, SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!
(By far the greatest piece of poetry ever written!)
9:34 a.m.
Nov 7, '06
Voted in Portland. May yet float to the river and out to the sea.
In the middle of forty days and forty nights --short on animals.
Fall in Oregon, can the election distract from the rain, rain, rain?
Nov 7, '06
Ted Kulongoski a better governor makes than Mr. Saxton
Nov 7, '06
Sugar, fat, coffee: election season diet. I want a salad!
10:13 a.m.
Nov 7, '06
Don't let steady rain keep your ballots from being delivered by 8.
10:51 a.m.
Nov 7, '06
Argh, can't blog the vote 'cos there's a power outage or DSL down?
Nov 7, '06
"Reality-based Politics are obsolete," Say those with no dreams.
Odd, to be run by Those whose grasp of the future Matches that of the past.
Nov 7, '06
a vote is a vote democracy stops not there-- what are you doing?
Nov 7, '06
Repug robocalls harangue and deceive no more blessed silence