Four Bronze Stars
Last week, this letter to the editor appeared in the Oregonian:
My father was a native Oregonian and served in combat in World War II. I am a native Oregonian and a veteran of the Vietnam "conflict." In fact, I was a U.S. Army combat sniper who, like my father, saw my share of death and injuries on both sides.I now have two sons receiving recruitment fliers from different branches of the military. While I love my country as much as the next person, I would encourage my sons to do what I didn't do in the 1960s: refuse to go and kill innocent people in other countries in a misguided war just because your leaders tell you to.
George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney -- how many Bronze Stars do you have between you? I have four, and I have four children. You can have the medals back, Mr. Bush, but you can't have my children.
RON ALLEN, Northwest Portland
Nov. 04, 2006
Posted in letter to the editor. |
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9:54 a.m.
Nov 4, '06
Nicely stated.I have two bronze stars and two sons. Same sentiment.
Nov 4, '06
Lucky me I missed both Korea and Viet Nam. I thank you both for your service, although I did protest Viet Nam. Last night I watched 'NOW" on PBS and a statement was made that no congressman has a child serving in Iraq. I hope all of you will see " Fahrenheit 9/11". Sometime I would like to see the figures of how the races add up in this war and maybe a discography, also. The price at the pump does not reflect the true price of oil.
Nov 4, '06
come wednesday morning there will be one senator with a son who is a marine and is currently deployed to iraq--jim webb who will take down george allen.
Nov 4, '06
Lucky me too. My draft board was in Berkeley during the Vietnam "conflict". I filed for CO status, but with so much turmoil in that neighborhood during the 70's, my case was never heard. My two sons have followed my example. But I have a dear friend whose anti-war sentiments mirror mine, and she's crushed because one of her sons has joined the Marines in the midst of all this. You can raise your children to do what's right, but ultimately you have to let them go, and hope.
Nov 4, '06
As a Vietnam War Lottery participant I commend those who serve. I do not mistake Administration policies with the honorableness of serving. I opposed Vietnam and was willing to serve in jail, the little balls fell otherwise. Iraq was wrong from the outset, but that has no bearing on the regard we should have for our soldiers. They make the sacrifice of trading individual judgement for lawful orders and that is a significant consideration. I do believe our military is currently being mis-used, a person should consider that before joining.
Nov 4, '06
Chuck makes some very good points. I'm currently serving, although I disagree with the use of the military by this administration. However, I believe that it is my duty to serve my country and to respect the democratic process, even if I disagree with the outcome. I think that's an important point that has been lost lately, by both parties. Opposition to the party in power does not excuse civic responsibility and respect for the process. Similarly, being the party in power is not a license to subvert the machinery of democracy to stay in power.
Nov 5, '06
The murderous insurgents are "innocent"? Only in your world.
10:44 a.m.
Nov 5, '06
RON ALLEN: "I would encourage my sons to do what I didn't do in the 1960s: refuse to go and kill innocent people in other countries in a misguided war just because your leaders tell you to."
Victoria Taft: The murderous insurgents are "innocent"? Only in your world.
Hmmm.... I wonder who we should believe knows more about the actual reality of war? A decorated combat veteran with four bronze stars? Or a stupid anti-American demagogue whose job is to validate the prejudices of the cowardly bigots who oppose the very principals this great nation was founded on?
I'd say "hard choice". But only sarcastically.
Nov 5, '06
I am a VN era Army veteran. I enlisted thinking: one less man they have to draft. Thinking of an 18 year old ...
My 20 year old son enlisted in an Army reserve unit. He trained as a post master, thinking it might buffer him from combat duty.
He knows my stand on the middle east ... I support our troops, just not the current administration.
Nov 5, '06
Cindy B:
A patriot and a feminist...HoooRah. I hope your son returns safely. Thanks to both of you for your service.
Nov 6, '06
Heya Victoria Taft, if you like W's silly little oil war so much, why don't you ENLIST in the Army and go fight it?
Too scared? Too morally confused? Too rich? Too white? Too pretty?
That's what we ALL thought, sweetheart.
11:35 a.m.
Nov 6, '06