Who Are You? (BlueOregon Reader Survey)
blueoregon admin
This fall, we asked BlueOregon readers to participate in a survey to find out a little bit about who you are and how you use the site. Because we didn't survey a random sample of you--you self-selected yourselves--the results are not scientific, but they are fascinating. In all, 342 of you took the survey, which is a relatively small proportion of the 3,000+ visits (6,000+ page views) we get on an average day, but still a sizeable sample. Thanks much to those of you who took the time to fill it out--in addition to the demographics, you gave insightful and useful advice about how to improve the site.
Highlights are immediately below, and complete results are available below the break.
- BlueOregon has a statewide readership, and only slightly more than half of us (53%) are from Portland.
- We are somewhat more male (62%) but fairly evenly distributed by age (24% under thirty, 41% between 31-55, 35% over 56).
- Household incomes are higher than average, with 56% earning $60,000 or more (the US median income--half are higher, half are lower--is $46,326).
- 98% of eligible respondents are registered to vote, 84% of us vote in every election, and another 11% vote in all primary and general elections (two percent proudly don't vote at all).
- Nearly half (48%) describe ourselves as "strongly liberal/progressive" and another 39% are "moderate to liberal/progressive."
- Just over a third are (38%) are "true blue Democrats" but 19% say "down with the two-party system; bring on third parties!"
- Readers are overwhelmingly engaged in the political process, from contacting our political representatives (90%) to giving money to a campaign or organization (88%) to volunteering for a campaign or organization (77%).
- It's also a politically involved readership, with 51% having served on a government committee or commission, 45% having worked for a campaign, 20% having worked as a political staffer. In fact, 22% have run for office, and 14% have been elected.
Full details follow.
Reader Demographics
- Male or female? 62% male, 38% female.
- Age?
- 10% under 24
- 26% are 25-35
- 20% are 36-45
- 22% are 46-55
- 16% are 56-65
- 6% are over 65
- Household income?
- 13% under $20k
- 20% $20k - $45k
- 12% $46k - $60k
- 26% $61k - $90k
- 14% $91k - $120k
- 16% are over 120k
- Do you live in Oregon?
- 85% yes, for years.
- 9% yes, recent arrival.
- 4% no, but used to live in Oregon.
- 1% don't live in Oregon.
- Education?
- 22% have not yet graduated college
- 31% have a college degree
- 13% have some grad school
- 34% have a graduate degree.
- Registered to vote? 97% of respondents said "yes", 1.5% said "no", and 1.5% said they're not eligible.
- How often do you vote?
- 84% say they "vote in every single election, even the little weird ones."
- 11% vote in the major primary and general elections.
- 2% vote in November every two years.
- 2% don't vote.
- Describe your political ideology
- 48% say "strongly liberal/progressive".
- 39% say they're "moderate to liberal/progressive."
- 6% say they're a "middle-of-the-road moderate."
- 4% say they're "moderate to conservative"
- 2% say they're "strongly conservative."
- Are you a partisan?
- 38% I'm a true blue Democrat; power to the party.
- 33% I mostly like the Democrats, but occasionally go astray.
- 7% I could go either way, it all depends.
- 2% I mostly like the Republicans, but occasionally go astray.
- 2% I'm a grand old party Republican; power to the party.
- 19% Down with the two-party system. Bring on third parties!
- Political activities
- 90% have talked politics with someone they didn't know
- 90% have contacted an elected official about their opinion
- 88% have given money to a political campaign or organization
- 77% have volunteered for a political campaign or organization
- 72% have sent a letter or editorial to a newspaper
- Political jobs/service
- 51% have served on a government committee or commission
- 45% have worked full-time on a political campaign
- 36% have worked full-time for an advocacy organization
- 33% have worked as a reporter/editor
- 20% have worked full-time as staff to an elected official
- 14% have worked as a lobbyist
- 22% have been a candidate for elected office
- 14% have been elected to office
Media Consumption
- Own blog?
- 11% yes, but it's not political
- 12% yes, and it's political
- 39% nope, but maybe someday
- 33% nope, and I never will
- Favorite local blogs (occasionally or regularly read)
- 35% Furious Nads
- 48% Jack Bog's Blog
- 26% LeftyBlogs Oregon
- 68% Loaded Orygun
- 34% Onward Oregon
- 41% Oregon House Dems
- 29% Oregon Media Insiders
- 28% NW Republican (fave righty blog)
- Favorite national blogs (read regularly)
- 38% Daily Kos
- 29% Crooks and Liars
- 23% Talking Points Memo
- 22% Atrios/Eschaton
- 17% MyDD
- Regularly read/watch/listen
- 67% Oregonian
- 54% Willamette Week
- 40% Air America
- 35% Portland Tribune
- 35% Local paper (not Oregonian)
- 33% Thom Hartmann show
- 23% KGW-TV news (16% KATU, 11% KOIN)
About BlueOregon
We asked several questions about how you use BlueOregon and which features you like best and least. We will take those results and try to fine-tune the site. In addition, we threw out a few open-ended questions and asked what you thought. While it's not worth reprinting hundreds of responses, some themes did emerge.
What do you like best about BlueOregon?
- Conversation. Many of you cited the depth of discussion that is possible in the comment threads. " Local people mixing it up." "Comment threads are often worth reading all the way through." "Intelligent discussion of issues and different points of view."
- Open-mindedness. Despite the fact that it's a partisan blog, many of you cited the transparency of writers and commenters. "Generally open and civil discussion." "You allow right-wingers to comment and engage in dialogue." "Good commentary that strays away from loaded, reactionary language."
- Inside info by knowledgeable writers. "Breaking news. The inside story on some scandalettes." "Reading political opinion from the people making it happen." "Commentary on below-the-radar races that get little mainstream press coverage (state legislature in particular)."
What do you like least about BlueOregon?
- Trolls and anonymous commenters. The biggest complaint by far is with commenters who try to stifle discussion rather than participate--a third of all commenters touched on this point. "The bashing, negative, cartoon comments." "People feed the trolls! One jerk can still hijack an entire conversation." "Ad hominem attacks from anonymous [commenters]."
- Lack of diversity. Although many praised BlueOregon for the diversity of opinion, others noted the homogeneity of the writers. "You can see the white, liberal, middle to upper class bleeding through." "Too many whities." "Not much socio-economic diversity." "There are so few women represented in both the columns and the comments."
- Too lefty/party-focused/insidery. While the majority appreciate BlueOregon's insidery orientation, for others it can grow tedious. "Largely lock-step DP [Democratic Party] line." "Get's a little inside baseball for my liking." "I wish it were less "Dems are the best" and had a bit more of a populist-green independent, maverick (dare-I-say, Oregonian!) bent." It's worth noting that a minority of respondents also dinged BlueOregon for not being lefty enough.
What features should we add to BlueOregon?
This was one of the richest sections of the survey, and responses demonstrate exactly why BlueOregon is such a good site--readers are smart and have great ideas. Below is a sampling of some of the ideas.
- User registration. A number of respondents urged us to tackle the trollish commenter problem. A minority of people, however, urge us to keep the comments open and anonymous to encourage candor.
- Podcasts
- Interactive community format. Readers of Daily Kos and MyDD like the interactivity and "bottom up" structure of those sites.
- Calendar of local political events
- Right-wing watch pages. Several readers would like to be able to track what local Republicans are up to.
- Polls.
- Media alerts. Links to good stories from around the state, "such as James Sinks from the Bend Bulletin." Others would like to see information categorized by region or topic.
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11:56 a.m.
Oct 20, '06
I like registration where it's not mandatory. That way those of us who use the same name over and over can register, give a bit of info about us if we'd like, etc.
Oct 20, '06
Relevancy? Looking at the blog entries, how relevant is this site? We're at the height of an election with crucial consequences for the state, the country, and the world. And we're talking about what "Draft Gore in '08" Sheesh... This site should be the Daily Kos of Oregon, a forum for progressives to communicate and network over the immediate issues, local and national, and electioneering.
12:25 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
Woot! LO--"Most popular non-BlueO blog among BlueO readers!"
By the way, 2005 median HH income in Oregon was $44,159, just to be more precise than the US figure.
12:27 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
Man, I hate to be out-wonked--good job on that median OREGON figure, though. Maybe there's a reason why Loaded has garned some eyeballs.
Oct 20, '06
i'm surprised about the male/female disparities, both real and perceived, in the survey, and not so surprised about the race disparity. hopefully participation in politics by non-white people and women keeps increasing.
voluntary user registration is a good idea, jenni. i wouldn't use it and i wouldn't want it to be mandatory -- i don't even read kos because his registration process is so effing clunky and the ability to comment is important to me. gimme atrios' wild commentariat abandon any day.
but if people want to register, that seems reasonable so long as lazies like me aren't required to.
12:45 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
Looking at the blog entries, how relevant is this site?
Dude, Bill... Scroll down. You might be the only guy in Oregon who thinks we're not covering Saxton enough.
12:53 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
"Looking at the blog entries, how relevant is this site? We're at the height of an election with crucial consequences for the state, the country, and the world. And we're talking about what "Draft Gore in '08" Sheesh..."
Wha?!?!?!? [Does the Jon Stewart two-fisted eyeball rub.]
The recent posts on BlueOregon are overwhelmingly directly related to the upcoming election. You're bent out of shape because ONE post is about something else? A something else that is based on an upcoming local event at that? Next time my family hassles me about my tendency to over-focus, I'm going to point them to this comment.
1:31 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
i'm surprised about the male/female disparities, both real and perceived, in the survey...
Keep in mind that this isn't a scientific survey. Could be that we have exactly equal readership, but men like to fill out surveys more than women. However, given what we heard about needing more women writers, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that we're tilting male. I think that's why we do these things--to find out what we need to do to improve.
Oct 20, '06
I have what I believe is a legitimate quesion, which is - is this forum dedicated to liberal and progressive views, or is this forum a mouthpiece for the Democratic party?
If your mission is to act as a cheerleader for Democratic Party candidates, that is a legitimate and worthy goal, but it is also somewhat inconsistent with your announced purpose of being a forum for PROGRESSIVE viewpoints, unless your definition of progressive is based upon a public opinon poll taken in eastern Texas (where they believe Jesus was a bit too liberal for their church).
Stop the War Now!
2:36 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
I have what I believe is a legitimate quesion, which is - is this forum dedicated to liberal and progressive views, or is this forum a mouthpiece for the Democratic party?
The former. I am, however, aware that there are many different definitions for the word "progressive". This is something I deal with every single day over another site I run, LeftyBlogs.com - where it is definitely true that "lefty" means one thing in San Francisco and another in Tulsa.
In any case, we've had plenty of conversations here about various non-Democrat points of view - including posts about Green candidates, the Working Family Party, and many many posts that are about an issue, not a party.
And above all else: If you're unhappy with the content mix, I strongly encourage you to use the "guest column" button. It's there for a reason.
3:23 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
we definitely need more women as regular contributors. there are plenty of us white males to spare (some of us are so brilliant and insightful, it matters not what flavor we be). given that Oregon is not the most diverse state in the union, we don't do too bad in terms of ethnicity, but it would be great to get more contributions from different "kinds" of people. for example, i'd be very interested to read the thoughts & experiences of immigrants, Muslim (women, especially), Native Americans, etc. i think BO is a great site, and i know Kari will keep it going in the right direction.
Oct 20, '06
I love a good debate, and am sorry that I missed this initial survey when it came out-- I would have enjoyed filling it out. :)
I enjoy blueoregon.com, because I can actually comment, and learn a different perspective on things. While my political ideology differs from the majority on blueoregon a civil exchange of ideas is always worthwhile. I often lurk here, but I'd like to post more often and get to know fellow posters.
Please remember, I don't come here to cause trouble, and I'm certainly not seeking personal insults(as was so kindly granted me on another topic). If we disagree, I'm a firm believer in civility-- goes a long way in helping to make your point.
4:07 p.m.
Oct 20, '06
YV -- you're always welcome here. Reasonable, respectful conversations that include multiple points of view are welcome.
It's the jerk who come over to piss all over the furniture that aren't.
Oct 20, '06
It's the jerk who come over to piss all over the furniture that aren't.
<h2>o.O... with that lovely word picture I think I'll reconsider making myself at home on your couch. ;)</h2>