Where in the world is Wu?
Pat Malach
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7:57 a.m.
Oct 23, '06
Gee, I've never had a problem meeting the Congressman. He attends our gatherings. He holds coffees and town halls. I hear that if you're out in Astoria, you practically can't get rid of him.
Where's Pat been that he can't find him? Downtown Portland? You do know that isn't in his district, right?
Oct 23, '06
My take on this cartoon is that Wu will neither engage nor acknowledge the Republican challenger, Derrick Kitts.
Oct 23, '06
Downtown Portland? You do know that isn't in his district, right?
I thought it was. Map (pdf0
8:50 a.m.
Oct 23, '06
If that were so, why the disengage cloaking device comment comment when we're "nearing election"? "Once every two years"?
No, I think this is a slap against Wu, criticizing him because he can't be found hanging around Portland.
Oct 23, '06
Wu's playing it right. He isn't giving the challenger any target or any air time. He is networking with constituents.
8:54 a.m.
Oct 23, '06
Well call me surprised, Ross. I knew the First CD went into the West Portland hills, but not all the way down to the river. To me, that's bike-man country.
Oct 23, '06
Well call me surprised, Ross. I knew the First CD went into the West Portland hills, but not all the way down to the river.
It seems sometimes you and David Wu both.
To me, that's bike-man country.
That garage under Pioneer Court House wouldn't be getting built if Blumenauer represented downtown.
Oct 23, '06
The fact that Wu doesn't have a race is in part a result from his active, consistent engagement in his home district. Also, why should he waste a bunch of money on TV ads that's better used picking up seats in Ohio, Florida, and every other truly competitive district around the country?
Oct 23, '06
Wu has worked hard to be all over the district during the last two years. He has no need to spend a lot of money just to see himself on TV. If you don't like Wu, say so, but you can't knock him for not wanting to spend a lot of time on Kitts!
Oct 23, '06
I for one am very proud to say that David Wu is my congressman. And I have to say he is very visible. Every year I see him talking to people at high school football games and I know people who have siad that over the years hes knocked on thier doors. Also when I went to DC last year with my school he was the only member of the Oregon delagation (house and senate) who actually spent real time with us. He gave a bunch of time in which we could ask him questions and he gave very strong and thoughtful answers. I think some liberals dont like him because hes to the middle for their taste but hes all in all a very good man to represent a district that contains part of the Coast, Washington county and some of Multhomah county,
Oct 23, '06
I've got a Wu sign (recycled from 2004) currently planted in my yard, which is not in downtown Portland.
I've voted for David Wu every time he's run. His votes in Congress actually represent me pretty well. But I'd hate to see him (and the Democrats) lose that seat to a challenger who is aggressive and well-funded. Obviously Derrick "Mr. Good Times in Maui" Kitts is not that challenger. But, because of Wu's low profile, he (and the seat) would be vulneable to a less-pathetic Republican challenge.
I'm not the only person who thinks so.
from "Experts say Wu's top rival outmatched" The Oregonian, Kathleen Gorman, Saturday, Oct. 21.
"Despite the (Democratic voter registration edge in District 1), Wu is perhaps the weakest incumbent in the (Oregon) congressional delegation and could be vulnerable, said Jim Moore, a political science instructor at Pacific University in Forest Grove. He faults Wu for keeping a low profile and not communicating well what he's done for voters."
"Oregon State University political science professor Bill Lunch says Wu is potentially vulnerable, though, 'Derrick Kitts is not that challenger.'"
Oct 23, '06
Where's Wu? When is someone from the democratic party going to run against this very ineffective congressman that we continue to send back to Washington to represent us.... Wu is terrible, but there is no srong democrat that is willing to take him on in the primary election.... Maybe its time we start some early recruitment....There has got to be someone out there willing to run against this incompetent congressman.... As a life-long democrat I continue to be amazed at what we will tolerate in our elected officials.... Come on Dems......Start Recruiting to BEAT WU....
4:45 p.m.
Oct 23, '06
Where's Wu? When is someone from the democratic party going to run against this very ineffective congressman that we continue to send back to Washington to represent us....
What Mike said.
Wu's vote on for Bankruptcy Bill alone should be enough to piss of the entirety of progressives in OR-1. And he didn't even bother to show up to vote "no" on the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit..which has been a monumental boon for big pharma.
I'm Wu's constituent too. And he pisses me off.
Oct 23, '06
I remember two years ago I called Wu's office for help with a Federal agency. After waiting a month for a call back, I called Ron Wyden's office and they helped me the next day. Another month went by and I finally got a called from Wu's office, asking "Did you contact the congressman? I have a note here but it doesn't say why you wrote..."
Wyden represents many more people than Wu. Combined with his "I hurt someone I loved" sexual assault confession, I can't vote for David Wu.
8:58 p.m.
Oct 23, '06
Sorry to hear you had so much trouble getting assistance from Wu's office. As someone who has worked as a constituent services representative in a Congressional office, that's not how it should work.
I'm glad Wyden's office was able to help.
Oct 24, '06
Holy crap! Carla and I agree on something! We'll need Spock to help explain this strange phenomenon. ;)
But seriously, what the hell kind of choice is David Wu or Derrick Kitts? I believe this is whats known at the turd sandwich conundrum. Of course Wu will coast to an easy victory, so my old standby write-in candidate got the nod. "Ozzy"