Some design changes...

blueoregon admin

Over the weekend, we stretched out a bit on this here web page. Today, we've got a bit of a new look. The big blue wave, well, we hope it represents what's coming on Election Day.

One note about the Google Ads up top. We've now allowed Google to show you graphic ads along with the text ads. Hopefully, they'll still be contextual (even if they're sometimes contextual-but-wrong, like "Republican Singles Dating".)

Anyway, it's an experiment. We're going to re-evaluate later this fall, so stay tuned.

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    too beaucoup! too beaucoup! In my Firefox 1.5, the whole right sidebar is off the page. !!

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    My Safari page is a mess.

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    Looks fine on my Firefox (no clue what version).

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    Any immediate problems are likely a cached-stylesheet issue. Hold down shift and hit refresh/reload.

    Nothing moved (last night) horizontally last night.

  • Darrell Fuller (unverified)

    Nice looking. Well done.

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    Nope--the 4th column is still almost entirely off the page.

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    TJ -- has it been that way since Saturday, or just today? And do you mean that the fourth column is actually down there below the rest of the content -- or can you scroll sideways to see it? What resolution is your monitor set at?

    (If it's been this way since Saturday, and you can scroll sideways, it's likely that you're in the last 8-9% of the world that's still at 800 pixels wide.)

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    Another question... do you have the same problem at and

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    I can't speak to Saturday, just today. My res was set at 1024; at 1152 (or whatever the next setting is after 1024) everything shows up. However, setting it BACK to 1024 just now has fixed the issue. So I guess I no longer have a problem. !!

    I'm just a humble writer...this newfangled tech stuff befuddles me.

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    In both Safari and Firefox on my Mac the disclaimer text next to the Google ad is pushing the header down the page. Since you've got the nav bar positioned absolutely, this pushes the header behind the nav. Functionally, everything works, but for aesthetics, you may want to give the disclaimer another 50 pixels or so. Either that or drop the type size a bit. Otherwise, I dig the new look.

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    Nate, try holding down SHIFT and hitting REFRESH. Sounds like you've got a cached stylesheet.

    Update: Made some minor changes to the size and font of the title bar. (Also pulled out the state map outline.) Also, changed up the color treatment of the Google ads to lighten things up a bit.

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    Actually, the problem is on my end; though it's still one that probably shouldn't occur. I run my screen at a relatively high resolution so I set the minimum font size at 12pt. Anything smaller, I have to strain to see. I suspect it's not a completely insignificant number of people who bump up font sizes for this reason or simply because of mildly impaired vision. Still, it doesn't affect functionality and probably only hits around 1-2% of your viewership, so not a major concern.

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    Got it, Nate. I think I've fixed it. Shift-refresh, and let me know...

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