Saxtonville: Day Seven
Kari Chisholm
Here we go again... It's been seven days since the blogosphere put two and two together - and got Saxtonville. What's the evidence you say?
First, the photos provided by the Polk County Assessor. (Use MSIE, not Firefox.)
Second, Ron Saxton's own admission on Lars Larson. (mp3)
Soon enough, a local reporter will dig deep enough to find someone willing to go on record and talk about what happened at Saxtonville, when it happened, and who knew about it.
But for now, we're going to content ourselves with this amusing little Photoshop illustration:
I've even got a hi-res version here. I'll buy a pitcher of margaritas for the first person who brings me a copy, autographed by Ron Saxton himself.
Meanwhile, I've been humming the Jimmy Buffett tune in my head... Wastin' Away Again in Ron Saxtonville... but obviously, we need more lyrics than that. Help me out here.
(To get you started, here's a song clip and the real lyrics.)
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Oct 19, '06
"First, the photos provided by the Polk County Assessor. (Use MSIE, not Firefox.)"
I don't have any problem viewing that site with Firefox. In fact the site looks the same to me in Firefox on the Mac, Camino on the Mac, Firefox on Windows, and MSIE on Windows.
The site looks crappy no matter which browser I use. :)
Oct 19, '06
New book by Mr Chisolm. Sure to be a best-sell'r.
"Irrelavent Micro-Issues" -or- "Another Excuse For Why Us Dems Continue to Lose: A Progressive's (sic) Guide to Losing Elections...Again."
3:24 p.m.
Oct 19, '06
It's the photos that you seem to need MSIE for. For some goofy reason, the photos have a .HSF extension - and Firefox wants to open them as PDFs, and then chokes. I think it's some bad server setting on the Polk County server. In any case, MSIE seems to be forgiving of their bad setting.
Whatever. Send me lyrics!
3:26 p.m.
Oct 19, '06
Stan... just so we're clear: BlueOregon isn't a voter contact mechanism. We get 3000 or so readers a day, but in a state of 3.5 million people, that ain't nothin'. Here, we're about talkin' 'round the progressive water cooler, encouragin' doin' activism, and talkin' smack.
Oooh, it's fun talkin' like ya.
Oct 19, '06
Kari, Why do you make fun of people? Some people work for a living and don’t want to pay more in taxes, obviously I’m not a rich person like you that can afford to pay more in taxes, I am middle class and I will be the one paying Ted taxes not you, you are What Ted calls the Rich people, you leave it up to us the working class to pay the taxes. You don’t try to solve problems with good leadership, you look for ways to make fun of people and criticize people. The elite rich are the Democrats of this state and they know it, ya, keep telling us working class that you are here to help us but all you do is tax us to line your own pockets…Nice
Oct 19, '06
I'm still trying to figure out which issue is the stickler regarding "Saxtonville." Is it the living conditions, or the possibility that illegal labor was employed, or both. According to Steven Davis, "The picture IS the story. Again: the picture IS the story." If that is the issue, I think it may be much ado about nothing. All we have is a picture of the outside. It may be very inexpensively constructed, and unappealing to look at, but that doesn't mean it is filthy and uninhabitable. It may not qualify as a destination resort for most of us, but it may be very functional and comfortable. The bottom line is, we know none of that, and trying to build a case for deplorable living conditions based on the picture is unsupportable.
Many of these farms in the valley have received federal money (in the form of loans) to provide worker housing. They are required to meet acceptable standards of sanitation and liveability in exchange for an annual reduction in the interest rate on the loan. They have to apply for the reduction every year, contingent upon inspection of the housing. I have made numerous such inspections over the years. Not many of these housing units are very eye-catching, but most of them are decent places to live. I can vouch for neither the squalor nor the splendor of "Saxtonville," but the pictures tell us nothing. Unless you've got first-hand accounts attesting to the deplorable internal conditions of the "shed," I recommend that you drop this as an important issue being ignored by the msm.
Hammer Saxton all you want for his duplicitous fomenting on the "illegals," but quit fishing for a scoop on the sheds, unless you've got more compelling evidence than an unflattering photograph.
Oct 19, '06
If Ms. "notax" does not like paying taxes, than she should move to Alabama, Mississippi or Georgia and try and send her kids (like she has procreated!) to those schools.
Ms. "notax" hates taxes, but loves when the Police show up, or the Firemen, or the Ambulances -- all paid for with -- taxes.
And BTW, I'm guessing I pay more in tips than Ms. "notax" pays in taxes, so maybe she should get, um, an education, and make more mooolah, like the rest of us.
Than she can laugh when she pays her taxes, like me, in the state with the 44th lowest taxes in America, baby!
Oct 19, '06
Wow, all the anonymous posters think this is not an issue. Imagine that. And Saxton doesn't think it's an issue either. My heavens.
Who ran the first ad on immigration? Who's right wing pals are out their with him claiming that illegal imigrants vote? He campaigns on immigration. HE's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on TV and radio to inject this into the campaign. Saxton and the right have made this an issue.
Saxton is a lying hypocrite. The photo illustrates that.
If he's against illegals, he shouldn't hire them. If he's against illegals, he shouldn't house them (isn't that aiding and abetting? The law's the law). If the workers are not illegal, and they are just legal farmworkers, he should house them in better conditions or - gasp - pay them enough that they could rent a place. What a revolutionary idea (cue right wing rant calling me a pinko-comie spendocrat).
Seems simple. Seems like an issue if this guy is going to portray himself - and the media is going to assist him - in looking like Mr. righteous, anti-immgrant, pro law and order Republican Governor. He employed illegals. He housed them.
At best, he housed legal workers in poor conditions and payed them crap wages. It's an issue. The photos are the illustration. Too bad the media takes Saxton's view and doesn't think it's of value.
Oct 19, '06
I paid taxes last year all right; to the tune of $40,000.00+, I paid so don’t go there with me. I pay my taxes, think about that, my wife and I paid 40K in taxes, that is just two people, that is a lot of money. I don’t have a problem paying taxes, I have a problem paying someone $4,400.00 of our, ya, you and me pay a retired teachers pension to the tune of $4,440.00 a month. She did not pay a dime into that account, that money comes out of your’s and I’s paychecks every month. We work to make sure that every retired government worker gets paid. The wife and I have thought long and hard about moving out of this state, but this state is our home, born and raised here, was a Dem for 30 years of my life until I was a mayor and could see the waste of money in government. Taxes should go to Schools, Fire and Police, roads and public safety.
5:12 p.m.
Oct 19, '06
We're heading into off-topic land here, but what's wrong with someone having a $50,000/year pension after spending 30 years educating children?
Do we really want the kind of teachers that we'd get if we refused to pay them a decent salary, or offer them the promise of a comfortable (but hardly luxurious) retirement?
In any case, Mayor No-New-Tax, you're hardly credible claiming you discovered 'waste' in 'government' since you were the one in charge. Care to share your name, so we can go hunting for the waste in the city government you left behind?
Oct 19, '06
Of course, Saxton is not unusual in treating migrant workers like crap. We've always treated migrant workers that way the America. After all, we all want cheap food, don't we?
I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and visited migrant housing that left me shuddering in disgust. Most of those workers were southern Blacks. Here we use illegal" Mexicans. It's the same disgusting, market-driven exploitation of fellow humans that should have ended when "Harvest of Shame" made Americans aware of the problem.
That said, good work exposing Saxton's hypocracy, bloggers!
5:36 p.m.
Oct 19, '06
I love your sense of humor Kari my boy. Too bad some posters just don't get the spoof. Saxton, the man with no plan, is being spoofed. Loved the fake photo too! Keep pointing out to the readers that Saxton says one thing and does another regarding immigration. Sometimes folks just get way too serious around here. Day Seven is great. Can't wait for day 8. Enjoyed the fun videos too!
Oct 19, '06
My biggest problem with Saxtonville is Saxton's response, which seems to basically be, "I don't know if they were legal or not."
Where are his W-2's for these employees? I can understand, if they all applied for jobs with fake social security cards, he may not know whether they were legal or not, but 99.9% of the time, if he did his paperwork correctly, he should be certain his employees were legal. If not, he committed a crime.
Who cares where they lived? I mean, maybe he even provided that shack for them rent-free (although, then he may have to report that "perk" as part of their benefits), or maybe he charged them to live there. Either way, it doesn't get around the issue that he likely never confirmed their documentation, making him part of the immigration problem, not part of the solution, like he claims.
Oct 19, '06
Still no traction? Maybe some nude photoshopping (Saxton, not you!) will make those MSM goons cover KariGate.
Or you could find a waiter that is willing to testify that Saxton only tips 5% in nice restaurants. How does he expect a single mother to survive on 5% tips?
Chill dude.
If that doesn't work, try bumping up your meds by 10mg. Maybe some Pilates would help you relax? Tai Chi? Deep breathing.
Oct 19, '06
yikes. it would be huge if saxton were talking a big game about "illegals" and hiring them himself. republican hypocrisy fails to surprise me any more, but there still seem to be some folks who haven't noticed it yet.
that said, i love blueoregon, but i agree with someone above in that i wouldn't mind a post about the gubernatorial race that would appeal to the less hardcore wonks. for example: besides saxton's (as yet unproven) law-breaking, why should people vote for ted kulongoski and not ron saxton? kulongoski seems like a good guy and saxton seems like a cheat, but what are their differences on the issues? we could use a refresher course, i think.
Oct 19, '06
I like it. What your Saxtonville saga lacks in substance, you made up for in entertainment value and creativity.
12:13 a.m.
Oct 20, '06
About Saxton not knowing if the workers are in the country legally, on possibility is that his outfit used/uses a labor contractor who would be the legal employer of the workers. Many of the worst migrant labor abuses (not all involving immigrants) e.g. in Imokalee, FL, involve that sort of set-up.
Kari's comment about "some reporter" eventually getting various facts that we don't know about reflects how the blogosphere depends on the regular press, and should be kept in mind at the next instance of overblown claims about blogs vis a vis MSM.
Sponge should look more closely at the photo above. It shows enough interior to show that "functional but comfortable" wouldn't apply now. Some have suggested that the building is no longer used to house migrant workers & the closest door does look like a storage space. Again we just don't know.
But it is obvious that the buildings are made of sheet metal over a wooden frame, and that there is no insulation or substantial dead air space above the ceiling. In other words these things are going to be hot as hell in the summer and cold at night in any other season. Clearly too there are no sanitary facilities in the building itself; there might be adequate provision in a separate building, but there might not.
The issues involved are not just hypocrisy but policy. The assertion made on a previous day that the workers would have been paid minimum wage if their hiring is properly employer documented (even with fake documents) deserves critical scrutiny. Agricultural and domestic workers are not covered under the National Labor Relations Act and the federal minimum wage may not apply to agricultural workers, or may be permitted to be offset by provision of housing. I am not sure if the same exclusions apply to Oregon minimum wage laws, either historically or after the recent revision to inflation index the minimum wage. Regulations about conditions and employment documentation are all very well but the personnel to enforce them are massively insufficient.
At a different level of policy Saxton is a knee-jerk "free market" man, and a big driver of the massive expansion of Mexican immigration in the last decade is NAFTA. However I doubt Kulongoski is much different on trade. The terms of virtually all U.S. "free trade" agreements allow the dumping of heavily subsidized U.S. agricultural products into other countries. In largely rural countries like Mexico this drives peasants or poor farmers off the land. It may marginally benefit urban consumers of grain. The subsidies in turn are mainly benefit large corporate farming outfits though the very few remaining family farms which haven't converted over to "contract farming" for agribusiness (modern quasi-sharecropping) and may be limping along by combining farming with outside wage work also have a stake in the subsidies.
If Mr. Notax & wife are paying $40,000 per year in taxes their household income must be well over $100,000 per year, which is a lot richer than I am or ever have been, and would put Mr. Notax' household into the top 10% or higher of income. Their tax bill roughly approximates the median annual income for U.S. households, which is much more characteristic of working class people, and about four times the annual income of someone making the federal minimum wage and a bit less than three times someone earning Oregon's minimum wage.
Oct 20, '06
Wastin’ away again in Ron Saxtonville...
(My apologies to Mr. Buffet)
Let them eat (sponge) cake Watchin’ the sun bake All of those illegals covered with soil Strummin’ my six-string In my beach house wing Hear those damn librals, they’re beginnin’ to boil
Chorus: Wastin’ away again in Ron Saxtonville... Searching for my lost credibility Some people claim that there’s a pundit to blame But I know its my own damn fault
I don’t know the reason I spun this all season Nothin’ to show but this brand new taboo But it’s a real beauty A mexican cutie How I got here I haven’t a clue
Chorus: Wastin’ away again in Ron Saxtonville... Searching for my lost credibility Some people claim that there’s a pundit to blame But I know its my own damn fault Yes and some people claim that there’s a Democrat to blame And I know it’s my own damn fault
Sorry, that's the best I could do on such short notice.
Oct 20, '06
Mr. No-New-Tax: Seeing how you're so generously sharing with us how much you pay in taxes, part of which goes to make up the pension retired teachers, could you also share with us, the amount of your yearly gross income that puts you in the position of being obliged to pay that amount in taxes?
Just trying to get a sense of what your concept of "working class" is. By the way, if you and the wife need to cut back in order to help pay the taxes for those retired teachers pensions, maybe Ron Saxton could make a call for you to see whether the current owner of that magnificent utilitarian building pictured, could use a new tenant.
Oct 20, '06
Gee, only one song?? And dashed off at that (good though). The part I like is - NON-ISSUE. Why bother responding to the post? As much as I like BO, there's stuff I just scroll past, and I kinda think the picture's a tipoff to what follows. Must be picking up some traction.
Joe12pack asked if I just don't like Saxton. I don't like lying opportunists - period. Now Ron's policies are a joke, he headed a school board that had to go begging for handouts from the city, hey economy of scale guy - PORTLAND. Same dollar/student as our rural school, same programs, same students with special needs, and we get by. Hey - no economy of scale in Baker City for pete's sake. In fact the exact opposite, a couple special needs students take one full teacher, same as twenty except the reimbursement. Oh my god, he's a farmer and knows farm issues, like he doesn't know who worked for him, evidently he doesn't know that cherries don't grow on grape vines, for god's sake, I beat nails for a living and I know more about ranching than he does. He's going to cut your taxes and up your services, there's an alternate reality for you. What about all those Initiative mandated costs eating a big hole in revenue? Ok. I don't find that housing adequate, I build houses and sometimes I live in a crappy travel trailer to do it, but I also have a house. I don't want the Governor of Oregon to find that adequate.
But hey, he's got an "R" after his name and sez TAXS so all is forgiven. You'd think George II would be a wake up call...
1:08 a.m.
Oct 20, '06
Saxton's hypocrisy is unlikely to gain much traction because it reflects the hypocrisy of our society in general over immigration and immigrant labor. Lousy exploitative conditions for migrant workers have underwritten our cheap produce under both state and federal administrations of both parties. Doing something about it, or even reforming labor laws to allow easier organization by farmworkers so that they can fight for themselves, has not been a notable element of BlueOregon discussion up to now.
The issue I'm actually wrestling with as of today is that I got an immigrant-bashing postcard from the Kulongoski campaign. Obviously it was defensive against Saxton's demagoguery on the issue, but the defensive strategy adopted by Ted basically accepts Saxton's definition of the issue, except for the employer sanctions element.
But if we're honest about that, employer sanctions were no more pursued under Bill Clinton or John Kitzhaber (or Ted K. up to now) than under Reagan-GHW Bush. That has been partly because Dems also sought employers as constituents and campaign contributors. But progressive anti-racist concerns that employer sanctions would lead to discrimination against Latino citizens and legal immigrants have played a role on the Dem side.
Now both parties are engaged in a vicious cycle of raising the bets on pandering to xenophobic scapegoating of immigrants for the consequences of so-called free trade policies, scapegoating that often implicitly and sometimes explcitly relies on racist rhetoric.
The policy consequences tend more and more to create a class of vulnerable, superexploitative workers and to gross unfairness. Tonight I saw a new attack ad against Darlene Hooley for saying illegal immigrants should get social security. I don't know what her actual position is, but I'm guessing its along the lines that workers who pay the taxes should get the benefits. The implication of the ads is that the immigrants are taking something away from citizens, but the only ones who could get social security would be ones who were sufficiently in the system to be paying the taxes.
Ted's vote calculus that he has to do join the demagoguery defensively may be correct, but it doesn't say much for leadership. It sickens me because I think that this issue is well on its way to poisoning our politics and our culture in some ugly, ugly ways. I feel faced with a dilemma. Saxton is destructive on other issues and on immigration too. But Ted's choice to allow Saxton to define this issue contributes to a force of growing destructiveness, and I really don't support his position on it either.
It is dispiriting. It pisses me off that it's dispiriting because it means I'm letting Saxton's strategy work on me, but it also pisses me off that Ted's response puts me in that position. It arouses an impulse to vote Green. Probably I will suppress that impulse, vote for TK, and tell myself to try to find ways to support immigrant and worker rights better, so that position is more of a force and politicians like TK who aren't willing to challenge the demagoguery will feel they have some cover -- but will I really follow through on the latter?
Oct 20, '06
Congratulations on your constant sluething. On Day 1, we saw a picture of a metal sided structure.
On Day 7, we again saw a metal sided structure.
Those are the facts so far. Keep up the good work. You're really on to something here. I can feel it deep down.
One other thing you may want to check into: I've heard that Halliburton financed the construction of the building.
There's a connection there, I just can't put my thick, meaty trollish fingers on it.
8:54 a.m.
Oct 20, '06
Congratulations Kari! Day EIGHT arrives with a great column by Jeff Mapes from the Big "O" with the headline on the front page of the Metro section:
Oct 20, '06
Kari --
You are my muse. You have awakened my inner parrot.
Does the winner of your song contest get anything? How about a bottle of that red wine that Saxton loves?
Well, here goes:
Wasting Away Again in Ron Saxtonville
Chopping down cherry trees Workin' on hands and knees Farmer Ron, he wants pinot gris.
Me and my hombre Can't wait to get away. In Saxtonville, it's a hundred degrees.
Wastin' away again in Saxtonville. Workin' for my minimum wage. Some people say that we come for the pay, But Ron knows, it's all Ted's fault.
Oct 20, '06
I read Mapes' story this morning. I guess Blue Oregon will not be gettting a Pulitzer after all. I hope you are suitably embarassed for the baseless inuendos you have been slewing around so irresponsibly.
Oct 20, '06
What clever songs and poems.
Hundreds or even thousands of men and women from Mexico and Central America die each year while trying to come to the US in order to better the lives of their families. If they are lucky enough to get here, they work at low paid jobs and live in squalor while trying to send virtually all their pay back home to their families.
But then again, this is all just a game right? So who can help me finish my song. What word rhymes with wetback?
Oct 20, '06
Bug off you self-righteous toad. If poking fun at the hypocritical, conveniently xenophobic, Saxton is somehow denigrating migrant workers or their plight, you're delusional.
Sorry, but I never cried every day about how this is a non-issue. Those who see it as such, or the numerous Saxton apologists ("a leading architect built HIS home out of corrugated tin...") are the ones you should be chastising.
FYI - I married the son of a Mexican immigrant. Don't talk to me about what my in-laws have gone through to live here, K?
10:43 a.m.
Oct 20, '06
With my apologies to Jimmy Buffett, a great Democrat himself:
Sipping my french roast, watching the sun toast, all those migrants working my farm. Curl up with a book now, crank the A/C way down, and mis amigos can sleep in my barn
Chorus: Wasting away again in Ronny Saxtonville, getting busted for my hypocrisy, Now some people claim that Kari Chisholm is to blame but I know, it's Kulongoski's fault
My grapes are the reason, they stayed here all season, and now we're making some chardonnay. But I'll say I grew cherries, chestnuts and blueberries, don't want them thinking "the grillmaster" is gay.
Chorus Wasting away again in Ronny Saxtonville, getting busted for my hypocrisy, some people claim that Kari Chisholm is to blame Now I think, this could be my fault
We said Kerry flip-flopped and Bush came out on top things were looking good back in two thousand four. but then came Katrina Iraq, and subpoenas and this year we'll need Diebold to even the score.
Chorus Wasting away again in Ronny Saxtonville getting busted for my hypocrisy Some people claim that Kari Chisholm is to blame But I know, it's my own damn fault Yes, and, some people claim that Blue Oregon is to blame But I know, it's my own damn fault
Oct 20, '06
I'm pullin' a flip-flop now that my pants dropped seems I don't really know much 'bout runnin' that farm, But I do watch Greenacres with Republican fakers whose greed hides behind a faux country charm
Lyin' away again in Ron Saxtonville panderin' for that agricultural vote I liked to claim that farming was my game But now ... this rat's fleeing that boat
Oct 20, '06
Thank you for calling me a self-righteous toad. I do not know what that means, but it sounds better than what my wife calls me, which is a "money grubbing bastard lawyer".
In case you were unable to grasp my sarcasm, my point is that using the plight of illegal immigrant farm workers to gain advantage in an election is wrong regardless of your political party (and I guaranty I am at least as "progressive" as you are, unless you are Karl Marx). Illegal immigrants are only trying to better their lives and the lives of their families.
In any event, when my wife comes home tonight I will tell her I have been promoted from bastard to toad, and I thank you for that.
Stop the War Now!
Oct 20, '06
I kinda like "Wastin' away again in diet Snappleville."
Oct 22, '06<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=''<a href=' '<a href=' '
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