Saxton manager Felix Schein levels an unfounded charge against the Elections Division
Kari Chisholm
Felix Schein is the campaign manager for Ron Saxton. In today's Oregonian, he levels a damning charge against Secretary of State Bill Bradbury, and the professionals in the Elections Division.
Yesterday, Bradbury pointed out that Saxton's claims of illegal immigrants voting are bogus:
“I looked at the past 15 years of general elections. Of the over 10 million votes cast in Oregon since 1991, only 10 people have met criteria that would warrant an investigation into their citizenship. Of those 10, only two were prosecuted,” said Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. “This ad is spreading inaccuracies and voters need to be aware of that.”
In today's Oregonian, Felix Schein responded:
Saxton campaign manger Felix Schein called Bradbury a Democratic partisan, and said it's not surprising that he hasn't found cases of illegal immigrants voting. "If he did, he would be partially at fault."
This is an profound accusation of deep unethical behavior. If it's true, it should and would be an enormous scandal. After all, the professionals in the Elections Division pride themselves on running Oregon's elections fairly and cleanly. And Oregonians expect that they do exactly that.
Felix, if you've got some proof that the professionals in the Elections Division are partisan hacks ignoring election fraud, let's see it. Prove it.
If not, you owe those men and women - and the Secretary of State - an apology. To suggest that he and his team would look the other way while illegal immigrants are subverting our democratic process is outrageous. Either put up, or shut up, Felix.
Frankly, this gives us a little insight into the Republican mind. Sure, we've always known that they've got their Katherine Harris's and Ken Blackwell's, but the easy way that Felix's accusation just rolls off his tongue... well, that proves only one thing: Felix Schein thinks the Secretary of State's office and the Elections Division is there for manipulating elections for partisan gain.
And that's unacceptable. Felix, if you've got proof, out with it. Otherwise, retract your statement.
(Full disclosure: I built Bill Bradbury's campaign website in 2004, but he's no longer a client. I speak for myself, and no one else.)
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Oct 3, '06
Oh puleeeze.
To suggest that Bill Bradbury is not out there actively seeking evidence of illegal immigrants voting is to make a "profound accusation of deep unethical behavior?"
You make it very hard to be taken seriously by going so over the top reacting to such minor campaign back and forth.
11:26 a.m.
Oct 3, '06
Cme on Kari, there have been numerous examples over the past ten years of elections officials and members of the judiciary using their public offices for purely partisan thuggery.
We've all met the guy that talks about how "Everybody" is/does __place your preferred ethics lapse here. Invariably it's the immoral guy unable to imagine that morality exists and is relevant to a healthy society.
It's worth noting that the hard core Lefties imagine that everyone is redeemable if we just engineer society correctly, while the Righties allege that everyone is corrupt. They're both wrong, of course, but still..........
11:28 a.m.
Oct 3, '06
sasha--the answer to your question is yes, because as Kari points out, Schein's charge is false and without merit.
11:48 a.m.
Oct 3, '06
Look, the real issue of whether there is voter fraud or illegals voting is not even a question of efforts by Bradbury's office. Voting registration and review is done at the county level. The last time I checked, only a small minority of counties (4-6?)out of thirty are held by Democrats. The vast majority are run by Republicans, esp. in rural Oregon where the bulk of the hispanic immigrants are located. If they can't find illegals voting then it is a stretch for Saxton and Schein to claim there is a big problem.
Oct 3, '06
"Saxton campaign manger Felix Schein called Bradbury a Democratic partisan..."
And all this time I thought he was an Independent!! He sure doesn't act partisan to me!!!!
12:48 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
Sasha, if you've got some facts to back up your claim -- if you've got proof of an illegal immigrant voting, let's see it. If you do, you're aiding and abetting a felony by not reporting it. And if you don't, stop with the accusations.
Same goes for Felix. Report the felony, or retract the accusation.
12:51 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
And by the way, Sasha, the accusation that Felix made is not "minor campaign back and forth"... rather, it's a serious charge that deserves serious scrutiny. It questions and undermines the very underpinnings of our democracy.
Frankly, thinking of it as "minor campaign back and forth" is exactly what's wrong with our politics today.
Oct 3, '06
I'm guessing Felix would LOVE to respond to your challenge, Kari, but the GOP probably disabled all of his e-mail and IM functions since all that trouble with his pal, Foley.
1:00 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
You don't think that out of the 80,000 illegally issued drivers licenses in WashCo and the 20,000 registered by mail in 2004 without required ID could leave the door open for voter fraud?
Oregon elections division does not check who is registering to vote because it is a "complaint driven system," so again unless there are "minute men" standing in front of every mail-box you'd never know. And the SoS would never look to investigate because voting in Oregon is on the honor system.
Kinda like the day workers?
So are you going to tell me that of those 80,000 illegal drivers licenses issued, not one of them cast a ballot?
Oct 3, '06
If Oregon would bring its elections system into compliance with international standards of democracy (where the head of elections cannot be a partisan ofice), there would be no incentive for these kinds of stupid, unprovable, racist attack adds.
Oct 3, '06
And who do you reckon your average illegal alien would favor? The open borders, sign 'em all up for taxpayer funded services, "No Person Is Illegal" candidates? It stands to reason that most Democrats would just as soon maintain the status quo on this one.
Oct 3, '06
Geez, Kari, untwist your knickers.
Can you explain to me precisely what charge Felix made? I've read your quote several times and I don't see any accusation there.
He implies that Bradbury might not be Johnny-on-the-spot when it comes to seeking and rooting out illegal voting. Is that a grave accusation of a crime?
Let's see. Has Bradbury resisted requiring proof of citizenship in order to register to vote? Hmmmm. Looks as if he is not vigorously seeking illegals voting to me.
Bottom line, Felix made no "accusation." All he did was imply that Bradbury was less than vigorous. Which, if you want to disprove, you should have at the ready lots of examples of things he has done to make sure there are no illegals voting.
Got any examples?
Oct 3, '06
"out of the 80,000 illegally issued drivers licenses in WashCo"--remind me: were those licenses given at authorized DMV offices run by state employees? Or did they come from a privatized effort?
There should be those 80,000 names on file. Those names could be checked against voting records.
Of course, that would be actual evidence rather than rhetorical points.
Oct 3, '06
Oh, come on, Coyote. Let's say I'm an illegal living here. I live in constant fear of a knock on the door because the government has found me. I'm going to commit a felony by signing a form with my real_address and sending it to the Secretary of State where it can become a part of the voter registration file? All so I can VOTE? When half of the citizens themselves can't be bothered to vote?
And it wasn't zero anyway. It was 10, with only 2 being prosecuted. And prosecuted they were. If you're going to accuse someone of an unbelievable statement, get the statement right.
Get real, guys. It was a made-up accusation that's just plain stupid on the face of it. It's more of the Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt that the right wing uses to scare the democracy and civilization right out of us.
"Oooo, hordes of illegal aliens voting! Oh my, I'm so scared! I guess I can't trust any Democrat victories in the election because they obviously could only happen because of all those evil, scary aliens voting!"
Please, indeed.
Oct 3, '06
"Let's say I'm an illegal living here. I live in constant fear of a knock on the door because the government has found me."
In Oregon, with our strict don't ask, don't tell policies regarding immigration status? Yeah, I'm sure you would be quaking in your boots.
2:44 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
The myth of illegal-immigrant voting has already been debunked. During the Gregoire/Rossi election in Washington, every vote was counted at least three times, and registrations were pored over by both campaigns with a fine-toothed comb.
There were, of course, a handful of irregularities. Largely, this came from elderly voters who sent in their votes but died before election day. (There were also your typical wild-eyed - and, of course, totally unsubstantiated - GOP charges that bi-partisan elections officials in Snomomish County and King County had deliberately engaged in vote fraud.)
However, there was never even a formal accusation of a single illegal immigrant voting. It just didn't happen.
The idea that illegal immigrants are lining up by the millions to submit their names, address, and shaky falsified documents to scrutiny, is nothing more than psychotic Repulican fantasy.
Face it, Republicans. It's not illegals that have a problem with you. It's Americans.
2:58 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
You gotta combine Felix's statement with the Saxton ad.
The Saxton ad claims that illegals are voting, and implies that it's by the thousands. Then Felix says that Bradbury is failing to enforce the law.
This isn't, btw, about Bradbury. It's not like the Secretary of State is personally investigating election law violations. It's the professionals in the Elections Division who do that.
And, incidentally, it was the GOP majority in the 2005 House that denied the funding for an additional investigator for the Elections Division.
2:59 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
Sorry, that response was to Sasha, not Coyote. Getting my trolls confused.
3:28 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
Steven M is right on target. I should say that while there were no formal accusations, there was one documented case of illegal voting by a non-citizen. If I recall right, a Chinese student registered, voted, then THE NEXT DAY "turned himself in" to election officials, having realized his mistake. Some tide of illegals THAT was!
3:30 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
The bottom line is the Saxton campaign has hit on the one and only issue that seems to resonate, illegal immigration. The taxes thing sure didn't work for the Saxton campaign. The Kulongoski campaign should be in a studio right now shooting agressive Ads linking Saxton to Bush's coat tails and to the Republican talking points, especially since the Republicans are wallowing in a cesspool of their own creation. Just as Romon Ramirez stated in the big "O" today, "Saxton is promoting fear, and discrimination and xenophobia." At least Harry Esteve noted in his column this morning that Saxton has flip-flopped on the illegal immigration issue. First Saxton said children of illegal immigrants should not be allowed to attend public schools even if they were born in the United States. Then he flip-flopped stating, "illegal policies should focus on adults, not children." The Governor needs to take a harder line and we supporters need to get out and re-elect him. Stopping Saxton is what the game is all about.
6:13 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
Golly, not a word about all those conservative employers who are laying in the weeds hoping like crazy that they don't have to answer the question, "If there are 175,000 illegal aliens" living in Alienville,Oregon, what in the heck are they doing there?
Working for good ole boys I presume.
Not a peep from Ron, Lars and good ole boys down on the farms and the construction sites and landscaping services about stoop labor and who is doing that labor..
I can tell you right now, they aren't legal and most of them are probably getting paid under the table.
So are they good for the economy of Oregon or not?
Do you really think they would take a chance of getting caught by voting in Oregon? 99% of these folks are hard- working, and probably harder working than anybody on this list, and smart enough to not engage in politics.
These are honest, God-fearing human beings trying to make a better life here and for their families abroad.
There is no voter fraud..
It's a hollow and false accusation by a desperate political party and candidate running out of real issues to run on...
Oct 3, '06
"Let's say I'm an illegal living here. I live in constant fear of a knock on the door because the government has found me."
In Oregon, with our strict don't ask, don't tell policies regarding immigration status? Yeah, I'm sure you would be quaking in your boots.
Uh, it is SPECIFICALLY ILLEGAL for Oregon law enforcement to ask about one's citizenship. Illegals come from all over to get the free Oregon Drivers licenses. Florida will not accept an ODL as a piece of ID for state services, they know it is worthless. Quit defending a stupid system.
Oct 3, '06
Mark, I've managed to make myself real obnoxious about Illegal Hires depressing wages, in particular Construction. Now, I'm a Construction Contractor, I'm a by gad leftwing DEMOCRAT, and I've managed to run for the Democratic Primary OR 02 US. I know a bunch of contractors and every one of them foams at the mouth about illegal hires. You bet there are lying cheating scum bags doing it and enough that 30% of illegal workers are in construction, but you can take your blanket hit at us and stuff it. It's bad enough to be ranked below used car salesmen for trust but we're getting squeezed hard by everybody and their damn brother and don't need gratuitous insults thrown in on top.
Oct 3, '06
I got so PO'd by the time I got to the bottom I forgot what I actually wanted to say.
Felix Schein's accusations demean not only Bill Bradbury and the Election Division Officials but also the County Officials. Bill Bradbury has managed to maintain a very non-partisan stance for a very Democratic elected official. My County Clerk is a very nice, very ladylike person, but I'll bet she'd like to kick Felix's ass for that crap. Hey troll, did you mention RURAL Oregon? Did you bother to engage the couple live neurons you've got? We know everybody, duh.
Oct 4, '06
"Free Oregon Drivers Licenses"? Florida won't accept them?
Bill, what is your source?
is the official guide to what it takes to get a drivers license in this state. A pilot privitization project made some mistakes, but does that mean the whole system is corrupt and the rules on that site are not what really controls the situation?
Bill, do you know that the local landscaper or construction crew or restaurant or farm have fully documented workers? That every one of their employees is either a citizen or an alien with the right to work in this country? Or doesn't that matter because attacking employers of illegals isn't as much fun as attacking government?
Someone I know works in landscaping and complains that companies hiring illegals puts a lid on the earnings of all landscapers. But that doesn't matter because nothing matters except your concerns about drivers licenses? Can you guarantee that if Oregon law enforcement could ask anyone for proof of citizenship at every traffic stop there would be no illegal aliens working in Oregon? Could it possibly be that the magnet is not drivers licenses but jobs?
And what's in your wallet? If you were stopped while on an errand, what do you carry with you to prove citizenship?
If you feel that strongly, which legislative candidate are you campaigning for? Because in the end these issues are decided in the legislature, not on blogs.
Oct 4, '06
“These are honest, God-fearing human beings trying to make a better life here and for their families abroad.”
Pleeeeeeease, spare me the melodrama. Let’s call a spade a spade. These people are greedy cheats who refuse to wait in line for admission to this country as my, and I assume your, ancestors did.
The fact that many have a strong work ethic doesn’t excuse their flouting the laws of this country in their quest to make more than could in their own country. Their actions support equally greedy employers who in turn depress wages for legal Americans.
Guv K needs to fire his campaign manager and get on the correct side of this issue and support stronger enforcement of laws addressing illegal immigration.
12:46 p.m.
Oct 4, '06
These people are greedy cheats who refuse to wait in line for admission to this country as my, and I assume your, ancestors did.
As opposed to the melodrama of illegal immigrants electing democrats? Which issue is being overblown here? Illegal voting or employers hiring illegal immigrants?
1:00 p.m.
Oct 4, '06
In as much as we arguing immigration. Something we haven't focused on is the Fed's role in this...
Here's a studied reference to illegal immigration pertaining to the INS...
Oct 4, '06
"This is an profound accusation of deep unethical behavior. " mean like providing points of contact, forms, and location information for Oregon public assistance AT the Mexican consulate in Portland? mean like insuring that illegal aliens get an Oregon drivers license as ID?
...that kind of unethical behavior?
Liberals don't have a clue.
1:50 p.m.
Oct 4, '06
Buckman sed: "Pleeeeeeease, spare me the melodrama. Let’s call a spade a spade. These people are greedy cheats who refuse to wait in line for admission to this country as my, and I assume your, ancestors did."
Big props to you for saying what the majority of Oregon conservative politicians are too afraid to say out loud! If the electeds won't stand up and announce their xenophobic, paranoid bigotry, the rank and file must take over! Nonetheless, some rebuttal is in order:
1) Are the 40-60% of undocumented aliens who entered the US LEGALLY and simply live here on expired visas (which remain expired even as the process to renew them can take months or years) the "greedy cheats" you're speaking of?
2) Do you really think the people crossing the southern border were EVER going to be able to gain entrance legally? Two words come to mind: one is 'hell;' the other 'no.'
3) This may shock you, but the Mayflower did not dock at Ellis Island. If by "waiting in line" you mean "waiting in line to get off the boat and declare the country theirs," maybe I get where you're coming from.
4) I love the headstand you do to blame the ALIENS for employers who give them jobs. Yes, all the aliens showed up and then pressured business owners to begin hiring cheap labor. There's no chance the reverse might actually be true, is there?
5) You know what else depresses wages for legal Americans? A White House and Congress that wants to keep minimum wage at 40-year lows. (not in OR, of course, but elsewhere). We could fix that problem fairly easily: forget the fence; vote in people with sense.
6) Since when did state and local government become deputies for US Customs and Border Patrol? Why don't you ask why Ted doesn't send more troops to Iraq while you're at it? Or print up some more money?
7) Ah...screw it.
Oct 4, '06
While I can agree with some of what Buckman said...and being a conservative as opposed to a Republican...I have to disagree on several points
Buckman sed: "Pleeeeeeease, spare me the melodrama. Let’s call a spade a spade. These people are greedy cheats who refuse to wait in line for admission to this country as my, and I assume your, ancestors did."
I agree that business is what's driving this. Employers nationwide need to be held accountable. No valid SSN for an deduction for the paid wages. Illegal aliens would become economic pariahs overnight. They can find their way back out of here the same way they got here.
My ancestors came here legally. They came thirsting for what America offered...and it was beyond money.
Big props to you for saying what the majority of Oregon conservative politicians are too afraid to say out loud! If the electeds won't stand up and announce their xenophobic, paranoid bigotry, the rank and file must take over! Nonetheless, some rebuttal is in order:
1) Are the 40-60% of undocumented aliens who entered the US LEGALLY and simply live here on expired visas (which remain expired even as the process to renew them can take months or years) the "greedy cheats" you're speaking of?
Are you actually saying that 40-60% of the illegals here....came here legally?
2) Do you really think the people crossing the southern border were EVER going to be able to gain entrance legally? Two words come to mind: one is 'hell;' the other 'no.'
...and so because they couldn't get here legally in the time frame they demanded.....what the hell right? ...everyone else was doing it right? It's all relative right?
3) This may shock you, but the Mayflower did not dock at Ellis Island. If by "waiting in line" you mean "waiting in line to get off the boat and declare the country theirs," maybe I get where you're coming from.
I'm not's entirely predictable that you redirect you thoughts so that you don't have to confront the here and now. Entirely.
4) I love the headstand you do to blame the ALIENS for employers who give them jobs. Yes, all the aliens showed up and then pressured business owners to begin hiring cheap labor. There's no chance the reverse might actually be true, is there?
I'll grant you that this is mainly being driven by economics (see above). But rest assured it is NOT the only reason illegals come here...for a job.
5) You know what else depresses wages for legal Americans? A White House and Congress that wants to keep minimum wage at 40-year lows. (not in OR, of course, but elsewhere). We could fix that problem fairly easily: forget the fence; vote in people with sense.
There ya go! Let's legislate wages! Better to redistribute the wealth huh? Never mind that it doesn't work. Nevermind that entry level jobs were never intended to be 'living wage jobs. Never mind that a man who works his butt off to improve his situation is what built this's time to legislate fairness dammit!
"forget the fence; vote in people with sense" I can see you're angling for the next popular bumper sticker!!! Good on ya...
6) Since when did state and local government become deputies for US Customs and Border Patrol? Why don't you ask why Ted doesn't send more troops to Iraq while you're at it? Or print up some more money?
Since when did it become politically incorrect for the cops to selectively enforce the law? Dude....BDS.
7) Ah...screw it. You have hurts...stop it.
1:10 a.m.
Oct 5, '06
1--yes, a good half are here on legal visas that expired. Look it up. 2--no, you asked why they didn't wait their turn. Their turn would never come up, ever, was my point. That would be why. 3--hey, I'm not the one who brought up the comparison between now and "our ancestors." I just fleshed out the reality for you. 4--I'm damned if I can think of what else makes you leave your home country. Opportunity, dreams, what have you--they all start with the fact that you can get a job here. 5--redistribute wealth? We're talking about compensation for wages. Doesn't work? So people haven't been earning a mandated minimum wage all these years? If they're getting the wage, it's working. As for legislating fairness--isn't that precisely the point? I was always taught rules were to make sure things were fair. ?? 6--local cops don't have the ability to enforce immigration law. Which is why its silly to fault a governor for not doing so. Taint his job.
Oct 5, '06
Here are some questions that need to be answered:
Why would anyone risk voting if it is a felony to register or vote if not authorized to do so?
What is Saxton's evidence such a felony has taken place?
With the 3 recounts for Gov. in Washington state, the votes were inspected "with a fine tooth comb" if not microscopically. Which was the greater number of out of state balloting they found? a) illegal aliens b) Oregonians voting in Washington
Where are local police supposed to find the funding and training to turn into the INS? Because someone on talk radio or a TV ad say so?
This is serious, folks. Lots of people are in law enforcement or related to someone who is--and I don't just mean police I mean prosecutors and judges as well. Such people deal in evidence, not in rumor.
If there is a concern that our underfunded state police should turn into INS agents, let's see a proposal for the training and funding of such agents. Of course that would take hard work and attention to detail.
If anyone has evidence of felony voting by non-citizens, turn it over to law enforcement. If not, let's hear proposals for funding the state police and not just attack ads which turn off voters tired of polarization.