Democrats Outflank Republicans On Supporting The Troops
The One True bIX
Daily Kos reports on a study by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America detailing the voting records of members of Congress when it comes to bills on issues such as veterans' benefits, healthcare, and medical research dedicated towards injured soldiers. The results? Democrats' support for the troops far surpasses that of Republicans.
As reported at the link above another blogger "has put the Senate rankings in order of letter grade, and produced this handy chart." Democrats are all at the top, Republicans all at the bottom. See the chart after the jump.
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Oct 24, '06
What is wrong with them?
God they're such freaking hypocrites.
Oct 24, '06
I don't think it's a matter of outflanking. I believe Democrats have always been more responsible toward veterans. It wasn't a Democratic president who turned the army's weapons under George Patton, against veterans camped in DC to demand promised war bonuses.
6:18 p.m.
Oct 24, '06
Though I would agree with The One True bIX in so far as when it comes to the facade of political rhetoric and bullshitting the public, the GOP has always tried to paint themselves as the second coming for "the troops" when delivering nothing but trips to Walter Reed based on lunatic radical neocon ideological pipe dreams of American empire. But hey, even though I am a military brat from a military family, I must be an Usama ibn Ladin lover according to the GOP and UNcle Karl, because I oppose the worst foreign policy fuck-up in our nations history... go figure.
Oct 24, '06
Speaking as a disabled gets used to the fact that generally speaking, the party out of power has a better voting record when it comes to supporting vets. Politicians in both parties make a good show when it comes to photo ops, verbal support, etc. But when it comes to approving expenditures & programs, the minority party votes for lots that sadly is politically dead in the water. It's taken decades of bipartisan short-funding and neglect, not a Republican majority, for the VA to get into the condition it is.
If/when the Democrats take control in Congress, unless there's a stunning change in the voting habits in Congress, the Republicans will suddenly again have a better voting record when it comes to supporting vets. Wish it were different, but...
11:33 p.m.
Oct 24, '06
Gordie makes a point i hope we remember. when Clinton was president, little was done for the welfare of our military; high levels of welfare existed then, too. the most obvious difference, of course, was that he wasn't sending them off to die for a pack of lies. i like to hope he would have equipped them properly.
we just need to remember this for the future. it's easy for Congress and the Pres to find reasons to not fund support for the troops, just like other "non-essentials" get shorted. we can't let that happen. we as grassroots activists can't let a new Congress be hyprocritical.
Oct 25, '06
It's not the job of Republicans to support the troops. They're supporting the war profiteers.
Mission accomplished!
Oct 25, '06
Please call Randy Leonard's office and ask him to take the lead on proposing a Resolution of Impeachment against Bush and Cheney!! His is the third and clinching vote, but we need someone to show leadership on this issue.
We just met with his aide to congratulate them on taking leadership on a Resolution to Bring the Troops Home, and to urge that it be seen as a first step toward correcting the abuses of this corrupt administration that sees military service members as mere cannon fodder for its Imperialistic designs. Vets will continue to suffer and die for Bush's is far past the time for change!!
Leonard's phone # is 503-823-4682, I believe. Call any of the other commissioners and Mayor Potter, as well, if you have time.
Thanks, Styve
Oct 25, '06
About Democrats and the welfare of the military and veterans:
It didn't become a cause celebre until VP nominee Dan Quayle refused (in answer to a debate question at a veterans convention) to say why he voted against it, but there was a bill which took 12 years to pass (1976-1988) called Judicial Review of Veterans Claims. It was about the red tape nightmare faced by many vets.
It was a Democratic Senator who sponsored it in 1976 at the request of Vietnam veterans from his home state. It would always pass the Senate. But there was a S. Democrat (who should have been honest and switched parties he voted with Republicans so often) as Chair of House Veterans Comm. who always killed the bill in committee until 1988 when it became part of a larger veterans bill.
<h2>Oregon in those days was a leader in legislation for veterans, and Judicial Review was in the 1986 Oregon Democratic Platform.</h2>