But is it ethical?
Chris Bouneff
Illegal means illegal. And I mean that. So, as your governor, I will no longer go over the speed limit, even if I'm late. After all, that is the law. And the law is the law. When I'm in downtown Portland, I also will never jaywalk again. Nor will I jaywalk anywhere. Nor will I pump more money into the parking meter. Instead, I will move my car because I'm depriving taxpayers of added revenue. I also pledge never to casually toss pocket lint onto the street. After all, littering is littering. And it's illegal. And, as I declare with a smirk, illegal is illegal. And it costs taxpayers millions in street sweeping. Now, I want to get one thing straight before the liberal partisans use facts to counter me. I'm not pledging to be ethical. Because unethical is not illegal. Especially when I live in two places. If you'd like more details, I can share this. My actions will create at least 10 percent efficiencies. I can't tell you how or where. Thank you.
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Oct 3, '06
On display here: quintessentially liberal inability to make moral distinctions.
Oct 3, '06
Was not paying someone to run spellcheck on your fliers part of the Saxton team's "efficiency" program?
Is that the kind of "efficiency" we can expect if you're elected governer.
2:19 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
Ah, contraire, Sasha. On display here is the quintessential non-political person calling out an idiot.
Oct 3, '06
Hi, there. Will someone ask Ron Saxton who picked the cherries in the cherry orchard that he used to own? Was it illegal workers? Just wondering....
Oct 3, '06
Saxton precludes us from making moral distinctions with his statement: Illegal is illegal. He does not equivocate. There is no moral distinction to be made.
On display in Sasha's post is the quintessential inability of conservatives to eat their own dog food.
Oct 3, '06
FYI - there is no state law against jaywalking in Oregon, you do so at your own risk, but there isn't a state law against it...and now back to Saxton bashing...
5:34 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
FYI - there is no state law against jaywalking in Oregon, you do so at your own risk, but there isn't a state law against it...and now back to Saxton bashing...
So "illegal means illegal" only if its state law? City and county laws/ordinances don't count?
Okay..NOW lets go back to our regularly scheduled Saxton bashing...cuz he's such a target-rich enviornment.
9:03 p.m.
Oct 3, '06
What is a "quintessentially non-political person"? Do you mean white folks who ignore their privilege? i.e. racists? Do you mean persons who have no sense of their community and are egotistical? Thats sure how this sounds. Just adding to the flow here.
Oct 4, '06
Actually carla, my frame of reference is Southern Oregon and at least in Medford (local) and Jackson (County)...there isn't a jaywalking ordinance or code...oh, and lighten up.
Saxton still wouldn't jaywalk in Medford or anywhere else in the state. He'd be too busy riding rooftop-to-rooftop in his jet helicopter paid for by his corporate sponsors.
Oct 4, '06
Wow! Joesph,
Lighten up, dude. I think a "quintessentially non-political person" (in this context) is someone who doesn't have a dog in the partisan fight between Democrats and Republicans.
The fact the Bouneff takes the time to post things on political blogs suggests that, while he may not be a partisan, he does pay attention and take seriously his role as an American citizen.
And if there is any racism going on here, it's from you, mon frer. Maybe a little introspection is on order here.
Oct 4, '06
What about the substance of the political ad? How many blue collar U.S. citizens have lost jobs to illegal aliens? Do BlueOregon posters care about the legal working man and his family wages? How many tax dollars have been used to subsidize illegal business practices reliant on illegal workers. Are you Democrats or corporate elitists happy about cheap labor that hurts American workers? Which are you?
Oct 4, '06
This ad is a "where the rubber meets the road" ad. 65% to 75% of American voters want illegal immigration controlled. Assuming Oregon voters are similar in desire and percentage; Question: Independents will decide this election; so how will they view this ad? Has Gov. Kulongoski met his burden of executive responsibility and leadership on this issue?
Oct 4, '06
I think we have an answer! Today's debate at the community college saw a question to Kulongoski about illegal aliens. Ted's answer,"illegal means illegal". What I imagined I saw was a fish out of water on deck flipping and flopping around. Have you ever heard the sound of a fish slapping the the wood on the deck, just before it's clubbed and thrown into the bag. I heard that today.
10:16 p.m.
Oct 5, '06
"Lightening up". Sorry if it was too snarky. Just trying to understand the meaning here, and not too enthusiastic. I agree with the poster, and Saxton's never been on my hot list.