Bottom-up Blue: Meet Mike Caudle

A bigtime national blog, Down With Tyranny, features Oregon's own Mike Caudle today - candidate against GOP majority leader Wayne Scott. A key part of DWT's argument for supporting Caudle is the bottom-up process of making progressive change - and it all starts with winning back legislatures, which then leads to winning back Congress.

So why do we need to expend effort in Oregon this year? The current makeup of Oregon's US House delegation is four Democrats and one Republican, which one might expect as a result of the state's progressive leanings. ...

But if the Republicans are in control of the redistricting process in 2010, then it is not inconceivable that all three seats will go Republican, thus endangering the Democrats' chances of creating a lasting majority in the United States House.

Noting, as BlueOregon did here and here and here, that Wayne Scott uses his office in predatory and partisan ways, DWT argues:

With a victory by Mike Caudle in November, we will not only help push the Oregon state house into Democratic control but also send a clear signal to legislative bigwigs around the country that Tom DeLay's tactics will fail on the state level just as they have on the federal level.

So, read the rest. Visit Mike Caudle's campaign blog. Discuss over there.


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