The Onion: Senator Gordon Smith

OK, it's lewd, it's crude, but it's kinda funny. Or maybe not.

In any case, Senator Gordon Smith is featured on satire news site The Onion. We won't excerpt it, because this is a family blog.

Read the "article".

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    The crudeness is to be expected from The Onion. But whoever wrote this also thinks United States Senators are affected by redistricting. What's up with that?

  • Eric Berg (unverified)

    Unless Malheur County finally joined Idaho or the State of Jefferson is back in play, I don't know of any recent 'redistricting' of Oregon's US senate boundry. In fact, Oregon's current boundry hasn't changed since March 2, 1853, almost six years before statehood.

    Onion editors, please hire me as a copy editor. Please. I can be funny. Really.

  • Laughing... (unverified)

    Well done, very tasteful.

    Tomorrow's Headline: "Chisholm Misses Dick, Pledges to Lose 80lbs."

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    I normally find the Onion humorously tasteless, thanks mostly to the poignancy of the subjects; but this one's got it's facts so painfully mixed up, it's not even really funny. I'm all for railing against Smith, but this just seemed utterly pointless and crude only for the purpose of being crude. I wonder who Smith pissed off at The Onion?

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    I usually find the Onion pretty funny in a Dadaist, "irrelevant to reality" sort of way. Maybe wind up there once every couple of months or so.......

    I didn't find this funny at all. I was trying to imagine what if it were a senator that I'd never heard of, from some other state and it still doesn't work for me.

  • LMAO (unverified)

    Tawdry, mean and humorless.

    I don't even recognize this garbage as satire, unless you think that Gordo is cheating on his wife.

    Whether you admire his politics or not, Senator Smith has more class in his pinky finger than the editors/publishers of The Onion.

  • duke (unverified)

    For krisakes people, Taking offense from tasteless jokes is one of the reasons Ds are considered humorless and out of touch.

    From my limited time spent pulling greenchain one summer, I can tell you the millwrights of the state have no such reservations.

    Lighten up!

  • Winston Wolfe (unverified)

    Duke, right on!

    And to all the people that pointed out you can't redistrict a senate seat...please go to the mirror and slap the dumbass you see there.

    IT WAS PART OF THE JOKE and now you are, too!

    The Wolfe

  • Jesse O (unverified)

    I loved it. But I also loved the comment, "[BlueOregon] is a family blog"

    As in, "what's up, Junior?" "Nothing, dad, just blogging away about polling numbers and political consultants from the East Coast."

    Or, "I know what we should all do Sunday... let's read BlueOregon and have a picnic."

    It's all just so Family Circus, you know. :)

  • true_slicky (unverified)

    the sad thing about The Onion is that they don't accept submissions. they make that quite clear.

    which is a shame because I had a great idea for a story: "OSAMA BOMBS!!! at his stand-up debut in Kansas City."

  • Brandon (unverified)

    I guess The Onion is giving the two major parties equal time because Sen. Smith has been exchanged for Democratic Congressman Lloyd Daggett.

  • jami (unverified)

    shut up, brandon. they mixed him up with republican newt gingrich, presenting his treasured cancer-stricken wife with divorce papers. family values my ass.

    now, maybe the onion's got an inside line on gordo, but i suspect they were just looking at pictures of the congressmen and wanted a republican who doesn't look like a pig. they had only one choice. our gordo. we should be proud.

  • Brandon (unverified)


    When I go to the Onion article from the link above there's no mention of Smith.

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    Holy crap! They changed it! Now it's an attack on Lloyd Doggett. Weird.

  • LMAO (unverified)

    Hey Kari, have you quit screwing your wife's sister yet? You ought to give her a break until the general election ballots are in the mail. Hee-hee, hah-hah. Buwahahahaah.

    If making lewd remarks about a U.S. Congressman is funny, then satirizing the blog host ought to be twice the fun.

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    <h2>No kidding. My wife's sister is smokin' hot.</h2>
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