<i>The Mercury's</i> Special Bipartisan Commission on Hangover Recovery

Charlie Burr

For all the overworked, underpaid recovering campaign workers out there: The Mercury Guide to Hangover Relief.

  • ed (unverified)

    What's up with the Blue Oregon, Mercury lovefest?

    Maybe every blog posted on Blue Oregon could start popping up on the Merc's blog!

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    You should have seen what BlueOregon and the Mercury's Blogtown were doing in the bathroom last night when nobody was looking. Let's just say that even Blogtown isn't necessarily proud--and Blogtown's a total whore!

    Alas, the blog heart wants what the blog heart wants.

  • Yeah! (unverified)


    The buzz of late is the Merc is really starting to move on doing some great news. Then of course people like you show up, write great news, and then start acting like Phil Busse. Of course, then you show up to social events, act like you are the shit, walk around with pad and a pen, while everyone smiles, and you smile back. Then of course, you leave, everyone vomits or pisses themselves in laughter, asking, "Was that for real?" No, that's just a Portland Mercuy writer pretending to be reporter. HaHaHaHa! Cheers!

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    Sweet! My first anonymous detractor at BlueOregon! It's quite a milestone.

    Anyway, until everyone in town has seen me in a Speedo, repeatedly, I don't think I can in good conscience accept the "acting like Phil Busse" tag. Thanks, though!

  • Yeah! (unverified)

    Bummer. Does this mean you won't be running for mayor and picking up lots of hot chicks? Shit! Maybe you can just stick to plagiarism and carry on the tradition just fine!

  • Ha! (unverified)
    <h2>None of the chicks I saw with Busse were hot.</h2>

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