Sad People Support Karen Minnis
The One True bIX
At least, that's the message I got at Claudia's Pub while watching the Red Sox beat the Yankees, as I watched an ad for her on television without being able to hear the sound. Filmed in dreary color tones, the ad parades a small string of depressed-looking people before the cameras. If you catch the ad, turn the sound off. Astute political advisers would have noticed how this ad plays if you can't hear it.
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May 1, '06
The same thing happens to me whenever I try to watch an ad on the radio.
I didn't realize there were 12,038 sad people in House District 49, but only 10,514 happy folk. Rob Brading better curb the enthusiam and start cultivating some East County funk and depression.
May 1, '06
Filmed in dreary color tones, the ad parades a small string of depressed-looking people before the cameras
Perhaps the depressed people realize that bullying anyone who disagreed with Queen Karen, telling them to shut up because "the voters have spoken" and presiding over the 2 longest sessions ever (which made even Larry Campbell look good in comparison) aren't much to run on. And as much as she would like to repeal the wording, she's still a legislator sworn to uphold the Constitution, and the opening words of that document still are "we the people".
Others before have made mistakes about poor lighting in ads, lousy color combinations in signs or elsewhere, and other basic mistakes.
But perhaps the depressed people realize things have been downhill for Karen since a point in the 2005 session. I was talking on the phone with a young female staffer for a Republican rep. In the course of the conversation I mentioned that the ME website had a whole page of Mary Engelbreight merchandise with the "Good to be Queen" slogan and if I had the money I'd buy the Speaker something from that website. The young staffer giggled. Hard to instill fear if something like that can make a young staffer for a member of the majority caucus laugh at something about the leadership.
11:18 p.m.
May 1, '06
Bix -- you're absolutely right. It's an impossibly depressing ad, even with the sound on.
May 2, '06
Only thing more depressing was the outcome of the game... :(
May 2, '06
I hate to break it to you guys, but Karen Minnis isn't nearly the supervillain you think she is. Here's an inside tip: Minnis was taking direction from Richardson during the whole 2005 session. But it's easy to demonize her because Democrats have a registration edge in her district. You couldn't target Richardson because he has one of the safest districts in the state.
May 2, '06
I hate to break it to you guys, but Karen Minnis isn't nearly the supervillain you think she is. Here's an inside tip: Minnis was taking direction from Richardson during the whole 2005 session. But it's easy to demonize her because Democrats have a registration edge in her district. You couldn't target Richardson because he has one of the safest districts in the state. So THAT is why Richardson spoke to the City Club instead of Minnis? The whole "have to be at a meeting and can't go to Portland" was a ruse? Re-read the topic on Blue Oregon where Richardson's North Korea remark was dissected.
11:10 a.m.
May 2, '06
I hate to break it to you guys, but Karen Minnis isn't nearly the supervillain you think she is. Here's an inside tip: Minnis was taking direction from Richardson during the whole 2005 session.
Yes, because taking orders from a puppetmaster is so much less supervillainy than working under one's own power?
1:18 p.m.
May 2, '06
Is it possible that Minnis doesn't have a website? I went there to check out the ad, and couldn't find the "there" there. Minnis apparently doesn't spend much time online.
On an unrelated subject, the two Minnisites who joined the conversation (Wes and Former Salem Staffer) reveal more than they think. b!X wasn't referring to Minnis or her politics--or even her campaign, particularly--just mentioning she has a crappy ad. I'd expect Sten to get the same treatment here. Yet the crazy over-reaction suggests that folks are worried out in East County.
Finally, an unrelated unrelated point. How bout dem Sox?!? Papi took the wood to Johnny, so to speak. Certain vindication all around...
May 2, '06
I don't need to reread the thread about the City Club speech. I actually printed it out and handed it to Richardson the day after the speech and said, "Look, this is what people are saying about you." He basically laughed and wore as a badge of honor the fact that he went to Portland and told everyone in it to screw off. Richardson spoke at the City Club because Minnis was having a budget meeting with Kulongoski one of the very few times he actually showed up in the building. The speech Richardson gave was written by Minnis staffer Chuck Deister, though the responses given during the question and answer session (including the North Korean remarks) were all him.
Jeff- First of all, I'm not a "Minnisite." If anything, I think you guys are giving her too much credit. And my "crazy over-reaction" is nothing more than an attempt to provide insight as to what really happened during the 05 session. I could really care less if Minnis wins reelection or not. I just assumed that firsthand information would be more valuable than the speculative ramblings of armchair pundits.
2:10 p.m.
May 2, '06
Meanwhile, why is Jeff's new URL about the radiance of whores?
3:47 p.m.
May 2, '06
"Hog Low". Not "Ho Glow". Took me a minute.
Kinda like the person who once emailed about having trouble with the people in her office -- her "cow-orkers". I spent thirty minutes trying to figure out how one would ork a cow - and what that would look like.
May 2, '06
In case anyone is interested, the URL is:
Jeff is correct in saying some people "reveal more than they think".
Richardson thinks insulting others is funny.
Diester wrote the speech (just how much was he paid per month during session?).
North Korea remark was Richardson's idea.
As far as "firsthand information", did Richardson personally overhear the comments he criticized? Or was that hearsay? Does Richardson believe no parent has the right to say something to their kids while on a trip to the Capitol if Richardson doesn't approve of what they say?
Living in Salem, I often visit the capitol. I talked face to face with Richardson about his remark--is that "firsthand" enough?
What happened in the '05 session is that many legislators treated those who didn't work in the capitol every day as "just voters". Well, those who disagreed with the House majority each have one vote, just as those who agree. We'll see in November just which party controls the House.
Richardson may be in a safe seat (although there are those who say this year few if any incumbents are totally safe), but he could end up being a member of the minority. Wouldn't be the first time a Speaker Pro Tem one session became a member of the minority the next session.
9:54 p.m.
May 2, '06
I was doing my best to avoid the "" and went with what I thought was a rather attractive--and shortened--allusion. But everyone thinks its about the radiance of whores. Which, in a certain sense, isn't that misleading.
"Former"--apologies, didn't mean to besmirch your good pseudonym. But I think my analysis still holds--b!X wasn't principally talking about Minnis, but about her (apparently) abysmal ad.
And I now take it that I am accurate about the no campaign website thing. Yes?
10:07 p.m.
May 2, '06
May 2, '06
Also check out
including why the one PAC has an address in Silverton which turns out to be a bookkeeping service.
May 2, '06
On an unrelated subject, the two Minnisites who joined the conversation (Wes and Former Salem Staffer) reveal more than they think.
Huh? I thought the Minnisites were persecuted out of 15th century Macedonia, only to eventually migrate to the area around Sheboygan, Michigan. I hear they are very sad people, though, which might explain the ad.
May 2, '06
Wes, I love your wit. But you refer to the city which starts with Sh--the one in Wisconsin. Cheyboygan is at the tip of the "mitten" portion of my home state of Michigan. Over the years, many Michigan politicians have been both more common sense and more cheerful than it sounds like the Speaker's ad is.
12:13 p.m.
May 3, '06