GOTV Weekend

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

One final weekend to make one last push for your favored candidates. The time for strategizing is over - now it's time to go push those ballots home.

Visit a candidate website, pick up the phone, turn off the computer, and spend the weekend getting out the vote.

(And campaigns, feel free to use this space to post your GOTV volunteer opportunities.)

  • Chris (unverified)

    Volunteers for the TOBIAS READ campaign will be calling Dems in HD 27 on Saturday (tomorrow) morning from 9:30 - 12:30 at the SEIU 49 headquarters, 6401 SE Foster. Feel free to stop by anytime!

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    Spend tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon walking in the St. John's parade with Jeff Cogen's campaign! Bring the kids and sunscreen, we'll provide the rest. The parade starts at 12:00, so we'll meet in the staging area at 11:00. Call Marissa (503-249-1571) to sign-up and get directions!

  • Kevin (unverified)

    Anyone wanna sign my Westlund petition?

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    Howdy folks,

    We’re in the final stretch and we need YOUR help!

    We have three (or maybe two or four, depending on how you count) important ways to help as we close out the Primary:

    Tomorrow, we’ll be taking advantage of free weekend minute plans, and having a cell phone bank at the campaign office from 12-5pm. Locaton: 1322 NE 118th Ave.

    If cell phone banking isn’t your thing, we’ll be phone banking on Monday night from 4-8pm. Location: AFSCME HQ 6025 E Burnside.

    If neither of those are up your alley, on Tuesday during the day (that’s right, during the day – call your bosses now, get that time off scheduled), we’ll have one more round of phoning, from 11-3pm, again at AFSCME's office.

    Finally, before the day gets started for most, we’ll be doing the same thing we did this morning: visibility. C’mon, you know you’ve always wanted to be one of those loons around election time who stands on the busy street corners, actually getting excited about people honking at you!

    Call Nathaniel at 503-255-2040 to sign up for a shift (heck, or all of them).


    Jesse Cornett

    P.S. Did I mention that we need help phoning?

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    If you live in Multnomah County, we have a running list of GOTV activities for our endorsed candidates at

    If you just want to walk in your neighborhood, we can get you the materials and lists necessary to do that. Give us a call at 503-248-0826 or e-mail me at field [at]

    As I was reporting at our meeting last night, Democrats appear to be turning out higher than the average right now. However, Republicans are turning out at even higher levels. Why does this matter (beyond the obvious non-partisan races here in the county)? Because it's practice for November.

    They're training their volunteers now. They're making contact with their voters now. We've had reports that Minnis has more than 200 volunteers walking her district. That's not for the primary, it's for November.

    It's also typically true that what you do in the primary, you do in the general. So if people vote now or they volunteer now, they're more likely to do it again in November.

    We can't let the Republicans beat us-- we need to be out walking the districts for our candidates, calling our voters, etc.

  • Jim Hill for Governor (unverified)

    Jim Hill for Governor - Leadership for a Change!

    All of our GOTV callers and canvassers are Oregon volunteers. We don’t need to hire out-of-state paid dialers.

    Please join the Jim Hill team and help Get Out the Vote.

    Starting today Friday till 7pm Tuesday we will be running a state wide GOTV effort from the SEUI offices in Portland, Salem, Eugene and Medford. We are set up to phone bank and lit drop so come on down to any of the shifts bellow:

    Friday 9am till noon and 1pm till 4pm Saturday from 10am till 1pm and 1pm till 4pm

    Sunday is Mothers day so you should spend some time with her and your family.

    Monday 9am till 12pm, 1pm till 4pm and 5:30pm till 8:30pm. Tuesday from 9am till 12pm, 1pm till 4pm and 5:30pm till 7pm.

    In Portland come to 6401 SE Foster Rd. and please RSVP at 503-891-5092. In Salem Come to 1730 Commercial St. SE and RSVP at 503-540-8466. In Eugene meet at 488 E 11th Ave Ste B100 and call 541-342-1055 X 312. In Medford call for shift info because it is a little different. 541-261-9174.

    With your help we will this Primary and nominate a Democrat who can win in November. Thank you for your support.

  • Erik Sten for Portland City Council (unverified)

    One more phone bank.

    Will you do two hours of phone calling for Erik Sten? We'll keep it simple - promise.

    Saturday, beginning at 10am, ending at 5pm (Bring your cell) 1313 NW 19th Avenue in Portland

    Call Jennifer Yocom (503.459.1292)with questions or email at [email protected]

    Best, Jennifer

    And remind your friends to get their ballots in

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    Jenni-- did you say you heard high turnout? Why is Kauffman telling The Trib today that he's seeing lower turnout, expecting only 40% total?

  • Nathan Barkus (unverified)

    Hey all,

    The Ben Cannon for District 46 campaign could use your help - GOTV phone banking, snacks/drinks provided, good fun, easy to find location. Volunteering has been awesome thus far, thanks everyone who has come out.

    2-hr shifts all weekend (except parts of Mother's Day!) call us at 503-236-4078 or email [email protected] and we'll happily get you on the schedule.

    Cell phone not req'd, we have land lines.


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    Nope, not high turnout-- it's running about the same as the 2002 election right now.

    Sorry, bad headaches and writing don't go well together...

    I meant when you look at the % of total voters who have returned their ballots, that is lower than the % of Dem voters who have returned their ballots.

    However, the % of R's who have turned in their ballots is even higher.

    The % of total voters is low because NAV and those registered in the various smaller political parties are turning out in much smaller numbers.

  • Anna Galland (unverified)

    Building Votes - Get Out the Vote Action Canvass!

    We’ve done some serious work to register young voters throughout Portland and Eugene. Now it’s time to make sure they actually VOTE.

    Just 3 days before ballots are due, we will hit the streets, knocking on doors and reminding folks to mail in their ballots. This is where the rubber hits the road. Help make sure young voters in Oregon make their voices heard!

    Date: Saturday, May 13, 2006 Time: 10am - 1:30pm Location: Pacific NW College of Art — 1241 NW Johnson

    How to sign up: sign up online ( or give us a call: 503-736-2535. Or JUST SHOW UP.

    (Are you a Block or Apartment Captain? Have you been trained already, and you’ve been procrastinating? Here’s your chance! Take the morning to talk with your neighbors and remind them that the time to vote is NOW. Then join us at 1:30 at Hot Lips Pizza on NW 10th and Irving to meet all the other folks out doing the same good work and celebrate!)

    <hr/> <h2>Building Votes is a nonpartisan young voter program incubated by the Oregon Bus Project.</h2> <hr/>

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