Groundhog D(el)ay

Mari Margil

It's that same deja vu all over again...on this Groundhog Day 2006 (6 more weeks of winter)...

Bill Murray got to do the same day over and over again until he got it pun intended.

Apparently the U.S. House of Representatives has not been afforded the same privilege.  Because, while Tom Delay certainly set the standard for, well, the worst possible behavior for federally elected officals, the House turned around today and elected Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) to be the new Majority Leader.

That apple don't fall from the tree...

  • JB (unverified)

    Deja vu all over again, indeed. It appears that they observed a lot by watching their former leader. Well, they can't say they didn't say everything they said. But one thing's for sure: when they came to a fork in the road, they took it...and in the process, pulled a Boehner. Everything old is new again. (my apologies to Mr. Berra)

  • (Show?)

    There was at least one fun fact in the election of the new house leader.

    The results of the vote totalled higher than the number of people voting, and they had to vote a second time.

    Think Progress thinks we may need to get Jimmy Carter on the phone.

    They seem to be incapable of an honest election even in house.

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