Portland Water Bureau arrives in New Orleans
Randy Leonard
Last Monday 16 tractor trailer trucks left Portland hauling Water Bureau trucks and equipment to the heart of downtown New Orleans. They arrived yesterday and set up camp in preperation for the arrival of the Portland Water Bureau crews.
This morning at 4 AM 35 members of the Portland Water Bureau took a plane from PDX to New Orleans. They arrived earllier this evening. They are staying for 30 days in a camp in downtown New Orleans.
If you would like to wish them well click here to go to the Portland Water Bureau's new blog. There is a short entry that says they are having a hard time getting a good internet connection but, in the comment section, Interim Director David Shaff has entered a short comment.
They would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
I could not be more proud of the men and women of the Portland Water Bureau.
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Oct 9, '05
Mr. Leonard,
I do wish them well. Helping out is of course admirable and everyone surely gets that.
I'm also sure the voters appreciate your leadership. New Orleans voters that is. But what have you done for us lately?
I find it a little too easy for you to be all over this worthy cause while failing to work hard on local disasters such as the Pension and Disability Fund.
Today's O story was the last straw for this union family.
It is clear to me that our Policeman Mayor and Fireman Commissioner contributed to the problem this corrupted system represents. It's failure to even recoup losses from large settlements speaks volumes. As with the other wasteful aspects of this program you and Mayor Potter have undoubtedly been aware of them all along. Even contributed to the crafting of these horrible policies.
There is no excuse, no blaming others and every reason you and Mayor Potter should be held accountable.
The burden this policy has placed upon our city and public services is staggering.
Shame on you both.
Oct 9, '05
"Today's O story was the last straw for this union family."
Union family? I'll bet not.
And while Leonard was on the disability committee, Potter never was.
I smell a right wing republican disguising itself as a democratic union family.
Oct 9, '05
Not a union family? Why not? This program is not supported by democrats or union families, outside of those cashing in. The mess is hurting us and the city and needs to be cleaned up. If Commissioner Leonard or Mayor Potter knew about or participated in the mess what's their excuse? Or who do they blame?
Oct 9, '05
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but this thread is about the Water Bureau personnel in New Orelans.
If you want to ask me questions about the pension fund write your own post or send me an email. However, those comments and/or questions are not appropriate here.
Oct 10, '05
I'm sure the Portland Water Bureau is exactly who they want down there cause they do such a good job here.
7:05 p.m.
Oct 10, '05
"Lefty"- I'm guessing the people of New Orleans could give a rat's ass about billing problems two thousand miles away that have since been fixed. They need running water, which we take for granted as a basic of every day life, and I'd bet they're damn glad to be getting some much needed help.
Good for those guys for going down there and doing the difficult - and apparently thankless - job of helping a great city recover from unparralleled disaster.
So, yeah, I would kind of think the Water Bureau would be a good fit to work on Water infrastructure, as opposed to sending representatives of say, the Internation Arabian Horsemen's Association.
Oct 10, '05
Charlie- Thanks for the nice comment. I was beginning to regret doing the post until you weighed in.
There is a lot of good, hardworking people at the water bureau that get up every day and work hard to do a good job. They get very bummed out and demoralized by the constant negative attacks they receive in exchange by some in our community.
I appreciate their work and I very much appreciate you acknowledging that.
Oct 11, '05
Well, if ever there was a group that knew how to pump a city's toxic sludge into a river, its the Portland Water Bureau. They should be a big help in New Orleans. And the best part - the bill will probably go to New Brunswick, be half the amount, and 3 months late.
Oct 11, '05
And no, commissioner, I don't blame the workers at the water bureau. I blame decades of impractical liberal government in this city that has put the inmates in charge of the asylum while strangling the services that people really use, like transportation and stormwater removal.
The water bureau employees are probably doing great work, and I applaud their willingness to volunteer in N.O.
I'm sure the streetcar and skycar operators will be great too.
Oct 11, '05
Hey now, I wasn't saying anything about the people out there doing the work on a daily basis. I'm grateful for them and their efforts to provide a regular supply of crystal clear delicious goodness to my tap. I'm glad Oregonians are in New Orleans helping out. I was just making a joke about the billing, but I see that it hit a little close to home for some...
Charlie's comment about the horse association, for example, was pure magic.
Oct 26, '05
Just a correction - we don't pump, nor do we allow, anything to go into the river. The Water Bureau just provides water. Sewer and storm water are all under the perview on the Bureau of Enviornmental Serives....please don't blame us for sewage overflows.