Kulongoski: Definitely in.

Governor Kulongoski again declared that he's definitely running for governor, despite murmurs from potential primary opponents to the contrary. From the Salem Statesman-Journal:

Kulongoski told reporters that he's serious about seeking re-election. "I'm out there raising money," Kulongoski said. "I'm out there all over the state. People won't return my calls any more because they know why I'm calling."

Asked why he hasn't made any public declarations that he's running for re-election, Kulongoski said, "We're working on it." The queries came amid buzz from would-be governor candidates and their aides questioning whether Kulongoski will stay in the race.

Read the story.

  • (Show?)

    His speech at the City Club friday while not a declaration, made clear he's running again. He gives good speech. Unfortunately the state of Oregon --and education in particular-- is not as rosy a picture as described.

  • Stan Pdgorny (unverified)

    Yaaawn Um, what, another declaration?

    Wake me up when he files.

  • Winston Wolfe (unverified)

    Ted who?

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Here's a repost from the old thread of the same title:

    Press Release from vicki Walker's campaign:


    Roll Call newspaper listed Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski as the most vulnerable incumbent governor in the nation in its October 19, 2005 edition.

    The paper said, “Kulongoski is taking hits from the left and the right” and ranked him more vulnerable than even California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who is suffering through the worst job performance numbers of his tenure.

    While Roll Call mentioned governorships that were more vulnerable to a party change than Oregon’s, none of the other seats have an incumbent governor running for re-election.

    “Even 3,000 miles away, the pundits understand that Oregonians are dissatisfied with the current lack of leadership in Salem,” said State Senator Vicki Walker.

  • Jon (unverified)

    "People won't return my calls any more because they know why I'm calling."

    'nuff said, Ted.

in the news 2005

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