A Career Destroyed

Jesse Cornett

Okay, I’ll take a crack at it. I’m back on the east coast right now, and checking the news back home even more frequently than usual. It’s been many hours since the latest sad story about State Representative Kelly Wirth broke. So far as I can tell, there hasn’t been a whisper about it on Blue Oregon.

She’s a public servant and a mother. I sincerely hope this investigation comes up with nothing, as would I hope if it were targeted at someone who I disagreed with as much politically as I agree with Wirth. This one-two punch of her recent tragedy combined with the current investigation will likely spell the end of her political career. And what a sad end it will be. Whether the allegations are true or not, it will be used against her and she will never win another election again. I’m not even going to get into the details of whether I think that’s a good thing or not.

If you have thoughts, please share them. But for once folks, let’s remember that the politicians (and bloggers and other commenters) are people too.

  • Jesse O (unverified)

    Apparently KOIN is reporting they found meth in her car, and are searching for her. I was never all that impressed. Sure, she had good values, but I've heard she wasn't all that effective at a legislator.

    Hopefully Corvallis D's can now focus their efforts on replacing Sen. Frank Morse (yes, there's a primary still, and two candidates left, but...)

  • Don (unverified)

    Frankly, given her record in terms of not showing up, not having a real staff, etc, I'm sorry that she had to go through this but if it means Corvallis has a full-time rep during session, the end is not too bad.

  • Sometimes Truth Hurts (unverified)

    Ok, this is a tough post under these extraordinary circumstances, but I think we will have to say good-bye to Rep. Wirth. Without calling her record or attendence as a legislator into question, recent events alone have sealed her fate.

    I understand that nothing has been proven in a court of law, but in this business perception is reality and that is the framework we must operate within. I don't think there is any way for Wirth to get back in good graces with the public.

    I feel bad for her situation, but that does NOT change the fact that her actions put our party in jeopardy, which at least deserves a cold shoulder from our party and I believe warrants our party's every effort to deseat her.

    I know this sounds cold hearted and a little cut throat businessman, but sometimes we have to recognize a poor investment and cut our losses.

  • Aaron (unverified)

    This is truly sad, Rep. Wirth was not the worse Democrat in this session. But what of her daughters?? Yes there will be damage control for FuturePAC--but the family fallout is a higher issue!!!

  • Lefty Fitzpatrick (unverified)

    Yes, this is a real tragedy. I feel sorry for Wirth and her family. Having seen her around, it's clear that there has always been something up with her. While this story is the end of the chapter on her political career, Kelly has a golden opportunity to get herself on the path to recovery and improving her life.

    She never did seem to have much fum in Salem. For the life of me, I'm not really even sure why she was there. But here's how she could write a new chapter and redeem herself: 1) admit to whatever petty personal use stuff she evidently did and PLEA to a misdemeanor, if charges are filed. 2) leave the legislature behind, but take the employee assistance benefits accrued from her legislative service before her term officially ends and check into treatment and counseling. 3) Establish a personal plan that will help her find herself and whatever it is she wants in life. 4) Spend the rest of her time with her kids.

    Not a recipie for greatness, but a formula for personal and family success. It may ultimately be a sad chapter of the Kelly Wirth book, rock bottom if you will, but you can always pick yourself up and write a new chapter. This is America, after all.

  • Nestle (unverified)

    Funny how it's always Democrats with these kinds of scandals. Maybe we should get some values??

  • Becky (unverified)

    I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions here, but I agree the political fallout is lethal. If true, it wouldn't make me think less of her as a person, but it would make me question her wisdom and ability to serve the public as a legislator.

    I think this is a great opportunity to talk about the fact that the meth problem is affecting people of all kinds and to look at how we can better address it. I happen to agree with Wirth that splitting up families isn't necessarily the answer - unless the parents refuse to stop using, in which case their behavior is likely endangering their children. We have to find the funding and develop effective programs to help people overcome this drug AND we need to aggressively educate the public, especially young people, about the dangers of meth use so they will choose to stay away from it in the first place.

  • Greg (unverified)

    I never followed her political activities much. However, I read that it was well-known she had an attedance issue. Does anyone know why?

  • Jeff Bull (unverified)

    I touched on this same subject this morning, albeit less charitably. (What can I say? I've got a dark, dark sense of humor – if I didn't bite my tongue at least a dozen times a day, who knows what would happen).

    In defense of how, well, smart-alecky my post is I'd only note one big detail omitted from a lot of what I'm seeing here: if every report now out there is true, Kelly Wirth made a series of bad decisions. IF – and I emphasize that "if" – Ms. Wirth screwed around with an attached man, that's not smart; the fallout from such "experimentation" is never predictable. And IF, Wirth dabbled with meth on any level, she should know a hell of a lot better on that as well.

    Even the headline here, "A Career Destroyed," ascribes some kind of passive role to Wirth. In my mind, that's unfair to just about every human being on the planet who have done similar things and yet they get stigmatized as the "dregs of society" while Wirth gets sympathy? That ain't right.

    I do feel for her kids. Really, they're hearing horrible things about their mother and it's all very public; they didn't do anything and don't deserve the grief. They have my full sympathy. Wirth…not so much.

  • Don (unverified)


    As to the attendance issue, I honestly don't know why she missed session so much. I heard many disparate reasons.

    I do want to temper my comments from earlier today though. I think she should withdraw from the race and endorse Sarah but beyond that I wish her all the best in recovery and hope she can avoid going down the hole to meth addiction as so many in our community have heartbreakingly done.

  • (Show?)

    Yeah, Jesse, I wondered why we hadn't posted anything either, until I considered posting something on it. But what? All we can do is wait and see. I do think, given the gravity of the allegations, that politics should be a secondary concern. No doubt some will try to eke out a political score (like the unsurprisingly anonymous Nestle, above), but the consequences here are far graver. Let's hope for the best--

  • Aaron (unverified)

    For the Nestle post: Funny how it's always Democrats with these kinds of scandals. Maybe we should get some values??

    Hmm let's see scandals from the Republicans---Rep Dolye getting caught with hand in his PAC money for personal use.

    It is a different type of scandal--but it still a black-eye towards the general public about the "value and integerity" of the elected officals.

  • Jeff Bull (unverified)

    Quick addendum in light of some comments above: I don't see how this bleeds to the broader party. I think those suggesting that Wirth step aside to get her life in order, as opposed to running a race she'll have no chance in hell of winning are on to something. But, beyond that, and assuming any of it turns out to be true, this was an intensely personal failing. Unless someone is caught trying to cover for her, or the party appartus somehow screened her, it doesn't involve anyone else in the party.

    I can't see this sticking to anyone else. There's no reason that it should.

  • Tax Increase (unverified)

    This is such a mellow, thoughtful and polite discussion of a leader's mistakes, especially when heald against the public lynching of Lou Beres and his associated idealogies a few posts down. I can't help but find it slightly hypocritical.

    Kudos to Jesse for even bringing the topic to discussion.

  • A Question of Jeff (unverified)

    Jeff, that is exactly my point.

    Our Party ought not defend her "alleged" actions, cover for her, or support her re-election.

    IF we do any of the above, we run the risk of damage to the broader party.

    My earlier comments about putting our party in jeopardy; I was referring to the big push this campaign cycle to take back Majority in the House. (this could have negative ramifications for the broader party, IF others cover for her, etc.)

    I don't know, maybe her seat always goes D and we have nothing to worry about. I know she is from Corvalis, but I haven't seen a breakdown as to the demographics of her district.

    By chance, does anyone know any history of her district. Is there a Democratic registration edge? How much? How long has her seat gone D? etc.

  • Sid (unverified)

    Tax Increase-

    You're comparing someone with a drug problem to someone who molests underage girls in his own family? And doesn't the fact that the alleged molester is a Christian evangelical mean anything to you?

    I see a broken life in Kelly Wirth. I see a broken life AND raging hypocricy in Lou Beres.

    Don't compare apples to oranges. It won't get you very far.

  • (Show?)

    This was clearly the elephant in the room today. I don't even want to talk about it but it clearly needed to be discussed.

  • Lefty Fitzpatrick (unverified)

    I agree with Sid - Wirth didn't hurt anybody but herself. Obviously her kids have to go through this sorry episode, but what Beres is alleged to have done is very, very different.

  • (Show?)

    H.D. 16 information:

    Other: 143 Dem: 13,880 Rep: 10,014 Con: 29 Lib: 244 Nat: 5 NA: 8,605 PAC: 467 Total: 33,387

  • Becky (unverified)

    Tax Increase -

    It is so utterly appalling that you would even think to compare what Lou Beres did to what Kelly Wirth did that it made my stomach turn. Do you really have so little concern for children? In fact, that really seems to be a common thread here - in both cases, there has been a repeated expression of concern for the well-being of children. That's what you call compassion. In case you were wondering.

  • Steve (unverified)

    I have no idea why Wirth being a Democrat or Beres being a Christian has anything to do with this.

    Both parties chose to engage in behavior they could have controlled or stopped. Mr Beres messed up children and Ms Wirth is lucky she did not kill someone while driving high.

    Both were hypocrites for publicly condemning behavior they engaged in private and both ruined the innocent lives of anyone related to them. Using these personal actions to whitewash Christians or Democrats only betrays the biases and misrepesents the 99% of Christians/Democrats who are good citizens.

  • observer (unverified)

    Wirth isn't a hipocrite. She was the ONLY legislator to vote against the meth legislation this session. Sure, it turns out to be a self-serving series of votes, but at least she was true to her addicted self. I think she is just SUPER! Besides, meth is a totally victimless crime. I'm sure her kids were old enough to look after themselves while she was strung out in a cheap motel.

  • Marc (unverified)

    I'm a Republican to the right of probably everyone that posted above, and I would like to say:

    Trying to score political points out of this is disturbing. Sure, its the business we are in, but my concern is for Kelly and her children. She allowed her personal troubles to invade her ability to represent her constituency, and should have resigned in 2003. But I will not dance on her political grave.

    Rather, I will pray for her and her family that she is able to clean up her life and make things right with the people she has hurt, but with the understanding that she may have to face accountability for her actions. That is the same prayer I prayed for Rep Doyle and for Lou Beres.

  • Please Marc...Honestly (unverified)


    Trying to score points? I believe our discussion was how to retain her seat, in other words, how to keep your side from scoring points out of this.

    You find it disturbing that we are not focused on her kids and family? Apparently you never did read the posts above, because that is obviously the common thread.

    You find it disturbng that we are strategizing as to how to retain the seat? Please...Do you honestly think we are going to fall for that. Awe Shucks, well don't I just feel like a donkey's ass, how calculative of me.

    I find it disturbing that you think this little guilt trip of yours will have any effect. Really man, you tell us you are a Republican and then expect us to take you seriously when you say we are wrong for strategizing, and during a campaign cycle no less.

  • Sid Leader (unverified)


    One of our own, so to speak, is hooked on the KILLER drug of the century and some folks are crying crocodile tears?


    Wirth's as bad as W and Rowe, maybe worse. Especially when she voted to back her DRUG DEALER instead of my schoolkids. And school kids read the paper, too, sweetie!

  • OYRsDied (unverified)

    Marc Lucca,

    You are our most favorite young republican ever! You, just about single handedly, destroyed an entire republican organization for us. We didn't have to do a thing. Your lying, deceitful, and disgusting behavior drove away an entire membership base. HOORAY! You and your Sugar Daddy, Rep. Doyle, have given us enough political cover to not only weather this little personal tempest, but also take back the House! We just want to say THANK YOU, WE LOVE YOU and we hereby declare you GRAND WIZARD OF THE OREGON YOUNG DEMOCRATS.

    http://www.oregonyr.com http://feministing.com/archives/000390.html

    Thanks again!

    Little D

  • Phyllis (unverified)

    Have you ever hit a meth head with your car? They get right back up. No way she's guilty ... she was down for the count.

    In all seriousness, keep the disingenuous garbage to yourself if you're a republican tourist looking for cheap jabs on our site. If you're banging around here for kicks, take up a hobby. I hear model ship-building is a lot of fun, and doesn't require a lot of energy to be expended by fat republicans.

  • Jeffersonia (unverified)

    Sigh. So young, and yet so cynical. Well, hey, nice to know I fit right in.

    Speaking as one of those obnoxious, jaded b*stards who gets paid to watch these sort of passion plays, I can throw my opinion in here as to why stuff like this always seems to happen to Democrats. I believe it's because your party pulls from a more "regular Joe" level of society. The average American who's in trouble with the law is getting popped for small-amount drug possession or maybe doing a DUII diversion program; the average upper-middle-class or upper-class American who's in trouble with the law is having strategy meetings with Jeff Skilling or maybe being paid a $4M salary while he serves in prison like that Capitol Consultants crook, Wiederhorn. So, you get Doyle action on the red side, Wirth action on the blue. It actually points to a strength of your party that, if you guys would start using it again at the national level, might lead us back into that blessed state of gridlock that I remember so fondly from the late 1990s ... back before those red idiots decided that when it came to big, reckless spending programs, they were gonna show us all how it's done.

    sorry, I'm a little off topic, and a bit grumpy to boot. See ya!

  • paul h (unverified)

    This is nothing but a tragedy for Kelly and especially her kids, and I wish her the best in working everything out. However, as a constituent who basically agrees with her political views, I have to say that she had already worn out my good will before this happened (lack of attendance, lack of reliability for meetings and calls, general flakiness). I know that nothing has been proven and these are only allegations, but they did not come as a surprise to me given her past record, and she no longer has the benefit of the doubt. She owes it to her constituents to pull out of the 2006 race, at the very least, and I would suggest that she resign immediately.

  • Jorge (unverified)

    I, too, am sad that Kelly has to go. She was my butterfly, my lover, and my dealer. I will never forget when I returned that iPod, how she looked at me with those fat, cottage-cheese like thighs and said "Jorge, give me some meth...."

    Oh how I long for those days. I hope she doesn't resign, where will will I get my meth?

  • (Show?)

    Wirth just put out a press release-- she has resigned. KATU's reporting it right now.

  • CrimsonGOP (unverified)

    After seeing KATU's Eric Mason, the Jerry Springer of the Oregon Legislature, report about Wirth resigning, it occurs to me that some months ago, I heard that Wirth was having an affair with Mason. So, my question is, has anybody asked Wirth or Mason if they were having an affair. Also, is it some kind of conflict of interest to report on somebody with which you had an affair?

  • Sabrina (unverified)

    Hmm...Wirth votes "no" on a very controversial bill...and THEN the coppers just happen to find the stuff in her ride? I don't know...sounds an awful lot like a "set up" or a "plant" to me...Either that, or Kelly really is a user...and therefore guilty as hell!

    I'm not fully convinced of that, mind you. Yet, you gotta wonder what else is going on in her life that would cause her to turn to such a drug? Perhaps she really is more to be pitied than censured? Hard to say. With meth being so widely abused today especially by more middle to upper middle class women who are obsessed with staying thin and to achieve "perfection", it may not be too unlikely that perhaps Wirth also succumbed to the pressure to use this poison!

    Is there a silver lining in all of this scandal? Yes. Now maybe more people will start waking up to the fact that meth abuse is not just a "trailer park trash" problem, and just quit looking the other way and start taking action to rid this state and this country of this scourage!. Meth's ugly tentacles are not only destroying the poor and working class, it's even invading the places where the powerful live, work and play, and it's beginning to destroy these lives, too.

  • LT (unverified)

    Seems to me to be more tragedy than farce.

    What I did notice on the TV coverage was Gordon Anderson's "they should have seen this coming".

    Yeah, and Republicans should have seen Dan Doyle's financial problems also.

    Time to stop the tit for tat.

  • Dare!PDX (unverified)

    First off the Republican side is not alone with Dan Doyle style finance issues. Having looked at a few Democracked C and E's I can attest to a few extremely unethical legislators from the Portland area (Ginny's little random computer rental pay-out to herself kind of raises eyebrows). Second, Doyle deserves what he got and should have known better given Bradbury is such a softy on the whole partisan politics thing.

    As for Wirth, you should be applauding that you can get a more productive legislator. If the primary in that precint isn't packed with aggresive new candidates (being its a safe seat) I'd be surprised. As few seats as D's can win safely being actually as liberal as your are, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys don't have people getting ready to move.

  • Holly (unverified)

    Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Pugs set her up. I mean, why would she leave meth in a car knowing the polise were likely to search it! Why are so many freepers showing up here to stoke the fires and pretend they aren't gloting?!

  • tillittsu (unverified)

    You people are all idiots! Repugs and Dems alike. Has anyone ever heard of the 4th Amendment and Due Process? Since when is the victim's property seized and searched as part of the criminal investigation, anyway. Geez!

    Why are Democrats jumping all over Wirth to resign when Wirth has denied the allegations, and so far, no lab results on the substance found in her car. At least wait until there's conclusive results confirming meth before you get all giddy. Wankers!

  • (Show?)

    The story on the news tonight (straight from a cop's mouth) was that her car was actually searched a few days after the accident.

    I thought it was pretty strange that the victim's car would have been searched in the first place. Now that an officer has said it was a few days later, it makes me wonder even more.

    Why would her car have been searched a few days later unless some kind of tip had been sent/called in?

  • (Show?)


    A lot of people are calling for her resignation not because of the meth, but because of her performance as a legislator.

    There were discussions on this topic from before Wirth was even hit by that car.

    Someone who has missed as many days, committee meetings, etc. as she did should at least not run again. If she does run again, hopefully the voters will remember come primary time that she wasn't there when she should have been and vote in a different person.

  • Mac Diva (unverified)

    One of the things that turns skeptical people off about liberals is their hypocrisy. The difference between what liberals say and what they do is often incredible. If Kelly Wirth does not take responsibility for her actions she will be a poster child for Oregon Democrats' hypocrisy, like it or not. Liberals with good sense should be hoping her rumored resignation is true.

    As for the legal issues, the evidence suggests Wirth is a tweaker. The suggestion there should not have been a search of her car after she was assaulted is absurd. At the very least, it would have been searched before it was towed, to account for her belongings. Witnesses say that Wirth's alleged lover told police she used meth at that time. So, there was another reason to search the vehicle as well. I don't think that trying to attack the evidence of meth possession will serve here well at all.

  • tillittsu (unverified)

    Mac Diva, Your comments are mere gossip and speculation. However, you write in such a clear, calm manner, I'm almost convinced by your illogical arguments. Or not.

  • Hey Mac (unverified)

    Mac Diva,

    The difference between what liberals say and what liberals do turns people off huh. Well, If what you say is true, I guess I am surprised so many Republican donors supported Doyle, knowing he was pocketing the money. He couldn't possibly have told them one thing and then gone and done another.

    You want to talk poster child. Dan Doyle is the poster child of your party. Which is worse?

    How many voters can relate to an issue with substance abuse, either themselves or someone in their families? Quite a lot

    How many voters can relate to an issue with embezzlement? Very very few. Unless you have some polling data I am unaware of.

    Oh what fun it is to watch the other side fall on their face. You R's have fun with this while it lasts. Lord knows I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of watching you guys squirm over Doyle's embezzlement.

    and to Democrats, of course R's are dancing a jig over this. When you have nothing else to latch on to, small victories are cause for celebration. And yes, they see this as one for their side. And Look whats happening to them at the national level, Delay, Rove, Frist. And who's next? I don't know, but evidence would suggest a number of other Bush cronies are coming down too.

    And Mac, I don't think it would serve you well to defend them.

  • hollyh (unverified)

    Sounds like Mac Dive and Marc are the same person. Why is Marc Diva so adement about scoring political points out of this? Marc Diva is the only one trying to score political points. What's your real reason, Marc Diva? RU covering up for your crony Repugnant friends?

  • *yawn* (unverified)

    this is devolving nicely.

  • No Falling Asleep, We Needed This Discussion (unverified)

    Is it devolving? Or is it simply expanding the arguement? The Republican involvement in this post has added a new dynamic to the original conversation. They feel bad about the Dan Doyle issue and sometimes if it is too much work to make yourself look good, sometimes it is easier to make someone else look bad, in which case you have a wash.

    I think Republicans know this tactic is common and I think it is helpful to us to hear the ways they see this unfortunate turn of events, and the ways they will be conveying that messege to the public.

    They want to make Wirth the poster child for our party, of course, but I believe it stems from their fear that has been growing for months that we will make Doyle their poster child. In that way, these two issues are tied together and I don't really see it as devolving from the arguement.

    I actually find it helpful and most of all entertaining

  • Wide Awake (unverified)

    Yawning Marc Diva doesn't want this discussion, for exactly the reasons you state. The GOP is in BIG trouble: Doyle, Berres, Frist, Delay... all that on top of Mannix being their front-runner? They are DESPERATE for distractions. I think that's why so many of us are sceptical about this whole thing. It just seems awfully convenient.

  • (Show?)

    Regarding the search...

    Here's what the AP says:

    "Police searched Wirth's car six days later as part of a routine follow-up on the attack..."

    I can't say that I have ever heard of police searching a victim's car six days after an attack. Doing a catalog of items before a car is towed is one thing. But that's not what this was.

    Searching the car six days later because she was the victim of an attack is absurd. Why would they need to search your car that many days later?

    This seems to say that someone turned in a tip that there was meth in Wirth's car.

  • re: tip (unverified)

    Jenni Simonis- You seem a bit coy regarding the search being prompted by a tip. Do you mean someone set her up? Or that the search was justified because somebody tipped the cops off? Even with the Patriot Act, a warrant is required for a legal search. Do you know that the police had a warrant? If the car was impounded for forensic evidence as part of the criminal investigation, would a search based on a tip about drugs require a separate warrant? Has anyone thought about the legality of any of this? Do people know that people are protected against unreasonable search and seizure (seizure and search in this case)? I'm not being a wise-guy. I'd genuinely like to know why people are focusing on the gossipy part of this and not on the legal issues. A little guidance here?

  • askquestions1st (unverified)

    It is truly disappointing that almost all the folks here seem much more interested in spouting than engaging in some serious questions about what at this point quite possibly is dubious police work and certainly very poor journalism. Here is some key information with cites:

    1. On the 10/12/2005, the police had already leaked this story to the press. For what reason? Oregonian 10/12/2005 http://www.oregonlive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news/1129114912147840.xml?oregonian?lcpl&coll=7

    "She is the target, and I can tell you it involves what are user amounts of methamphetamine," Lt. Bill Kohlmeyer, spokesman for the Salem Police Department, said Tuesday. "At this point we don't think she is involved in dealing drugs or anything like that."

    1. Yet on 10/13/2005, they said this: Statesman Journal http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051013/NEWS/510130342/1001 10/13/2005

    "Our detectives are working on it," Okada said. "They're at a really sensitive point in the overall investigation at this point."

    What were the police doing leaking this story and publicly commenting in the way they had the day before if in fact, this investigation was at a sensitive point which is normally an assertion that case could be compromised if commented upon? Particularly since the "target" had been publicly identified and the charges leaked to the press by the police.

    1. Furthermore, carefully read this from 10/13/2005: Gazette Times http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/10/13/news/community/2wirth.txt 10/13/2005

    The substance in Wirth’s car has not been confirmed as methamphetamine. Scanlon expected a result back from the state crime lab in four to eight weeks, and noted how many other samples of the drug the lab gets submitted for testing.

    So in fact, from an evidentiary standpoint, they did not even know it was meth but they, the press, the Governor, and the Democratic leadership were already out there saying she should resign.

    1. And should you be unwise enough to say, "well the police know what it is": Statesman Journal http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051014/UPDATE/51014003 10/14/2005

    Police searched Wirth’s car six days later as part of a routine follow-up on the attack and found a small amount of what they believed to be methamphetamine. Test results have not been released.

    Given what the press, police and the pols were already presenting as an open-and-shut case, each for their own selfish reasons, why have the test results not been released? Because they aren't available yet? And why is the S-J if they know that, not reporting accurately?

    Now, beyond the shoddy evidentiary work and slovenly reporting, there are serious questions about search-and-seizure that the press also has failed to squarely address:

    1. On 10/13/2005 the police sure sounded like they were trying to justify a search that may be of dubious legality: Gazette-Times http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/10/13/news/community/2wirth.txt 10/13/2005

    “It wasn’t a drug investigation,” Scanlon said. “We were conducting a thorough investigation of an assault, and the purported relationship with the other gentleman.

    1. At best, this statement reads ambiguously as to whether the police were legally justified in doing the search, particularly when read next to this, published one day later 10/14/2005: Oregonian 10/14/2005 http://www.oregonlive.com/newslogs/oregonian/index.ssf?/mtlogs/olive_oregonian_news/archives/2005_10.html#087389

    Wirth was at her car when she was struck. Police conducted the search six days after the incident, and say it was a routine part of the investigation. The search warrant for Wirth’s car remains sealed.

    Did a warrant actually exist at the time of the search? Is there some attempt to "re-write history" going on? What are the bound of a "routine investigation", or is it whatever the police can get away with if the press doesn't hold them accountable? Lousy reporting leaves these to be quite reasonable questions.

    In almost all cases, warrants have to be served on the subject at the time of the search. Why isn't the press asking the police this question and reporting that? Furthermore, warrants ordinarily are public documents, particularly after they have been executed and except in extenuating circumstances. This warrant is almost one month old --- if it existed at the time of the search --- and the police obviously leaked this story to the press before the arrest was made. Why is the press not asking and reporting the answers to these questions?

    1. The final point is for all those who believe themselves to be "good Democrats". What kind of comment is this from the party leadership on 10/14/2005 AFTER she had resigned?

    Gazette-Times http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/10/15/news/community/sat04.txt 10/15/2005 State Democratic leaders welcomed the action by Wirth.

    “Kelley Wirth has done the right thing, and her decision is what the House Democrats had urged. By resigning her seat, she has responded properly,” said a statement by House Democratic Leader Jeff Merkley and Assistant House Democratic Leader Diane Rosenbaum.

    “The people need legislators who inspire confidence and trust — legislators they can rely on to help them with problems,” the statement continued.

    Obviously this statement reeks of disingenuousness, political cowardice, political incompetence, or all three. On the face it is not supportive, nor does it withhold judgement in the face of very murky facts.

    They should have said simply they respect Wirth's decision. If they really had political courage that would "inspire confidence and trust", they would have said that because the facts are so unclear, and the press has utterly failed the public in reporting a clear set of facts, intellectually honesty and simple decency demands that they withhold any further judgement.

    As it is, to any thinking person this statement does exactly the opposite than "inspire confidence and trust" in their judgement or integrity. They can hardly be blamed though, given the nature of the comments by most on this board, including the thread's initiator.

    Of course the Repugs are even worse in this case. They are the party that professes to be more suspicious of government power, yet they haven't uttered one peep about these questions about police behavior, and the utter failure of the press to work to provide a full and fair accounting of the matter.

    And before anyone hyperventilates and misrepresents this post as a defense of Wirth, spare us and re-read it carefully and recognize it to be a defense of you and your civil rights.

  • PugCops? (unverified)

    Did some sleuthing on that sanmarco@charter.net character who started the freeper invasion. According to his website http://www.gopusa.com/oregon/editor.shtml, he lives in Polk County (right next to Salem) and he's a former cop.

    Let's see, VERY suspicious police work brings down a Democrat. Freeper Mark immediately shows up to "score political points." COINCIDENTALLY, this freeper lives right close to Salem is "in" with the police is an officer in the Republican Party.

    I have a hard time believing that the chairman of the Polk County Republican Party has nothing better to do than send fake prayers to Democrats out of the goodness of his heart.

  • PugCops? (unverified)

    Did some sleuthing on that sanmarco@charter.net character who started the freeper invasion. According to his website http://www.gopusa.com/oregon/editor.shtml, he lives in Polk County (right next to Salem) and he's a former cop.

    Let's see, VERY suspicious police work brings down a Democrat. Freeper Mark immediately shows up to "score political points." COINCIDENTALLY, this freeper lives right close to Salem is "in" with the police is an officer in the Republican Party.

    I have a hard time believing that the chairman of the Polk County Republican Party has nothing better to do than send fake prayers to Democrats out of the goodness of his heart.

  • PugCops? (unverified)

    Did some sleuthing on that sanmarco@charter.net character who started the freeper invasion. According to his website http://www.gopusa.com/oregon/editor.shtml, he lives in Polk County (right next to Salem) and he's a former cop.

    Let's see, VERY suspicious police work brings down a Democrat. Freeper Mark immediately shows up to "score political points." COINCIDENTALLY, this freeper lives right close to Salem is "in" with the police is an officer in the Republican Party.

    I have a hard time believing that the chairman of the Polk County Republican Party has nothing better to do than send fake prayers to Democrats out of the goodness of his heart.

  • PugCops? (unverified)

    Did some sleuthing on that sanmarco@charter.net character who started the freeper invasion. According to his website http://www.gopusa.com/oregon/editor.shtml, he lives in Polk County (right next to Salem) and he's a former cop.

    Let's see, VERY suspicious police work brings down a Democrat. Freeper Mark immediately shows up to "score political points." COINCIDENTALLY, this freeper lives right close to Salem is "in" with the police is an officer in the Republican Party.

    I have a hard time believing that the chairman of the Polk County Republican Party has nothing better to do than send fake prayers to Democrats out of the goodness of his heart.

  • PugCops? (unverified)

    Did some sleuthing on that sanmarco@charter.net character who started the freeper invasion. According to his website http://www.gopusa.com/oregon/editor.shtml, he lives in Polk County (right next to Salem) and he's a former cop.

    Let's see, VERY suspicious police work brings down a Democrat. Freeper Mark immediately shows up to "score political points." COINCIDENTALLY, this freeper lives right close to Salem is "in" with the police is an officer in the Republican Party.

    I have a hard time believing that the chairman of the Polk County Republican Party has nothing better to do than send fake prayers to Democrats out of the goodness of his heart.

  • Marc Lucca - SHOO !! (unverified)

    Marc Lucca (OYR Liar & Scumbag) We have you pegged! ;) 170 West Ellendale Ste 103 PMB105 Dallas, Oregon 97338 503-917-1086

    Marc, you have to realize that we can track your ISP identification. So, giving yourself free advertising under what you think is a hidden identifier shows what a truly pathetic, untruthful and deceitful former (and current) doughnut eater you truly are. We withdraw Grand Wizard status and relegate you to your old position of ORP urine bucket boy. Get a life and post under your true identity. Add constructively to the conversation or remain silent. Thank you.

    Denise Graham R to D

    http://www.oregonyr.com http://feministing.com/archives/000390.html

  • askquestions1st (unverified)

    Not that anyone cares but here is another item from the press that I would have thing those who want do more than bloviate might find useful on this topic:

    10/16/2005 http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/10/16/news/opinion/edit03.txt

    Rep. Andy Olsen has also gone on record saying that she has come to him numerous times in the past claiming that her car had been tampered with.

    Anyone notice that none of the lazy reporting includes the question whether the package the alleged drugs came in had a fingerprint on it that could even prove Wirth had touched it?

    And that not one reporter has asked the basic question of how police and prosecutor could even start to prove a possession case when Wirth did not have control of the car or even access to it for at least 6 days?

  • JoeBas (unverified)

    ... and giving my take on everything that's gone down here the last few days. There's not going to be any punches pulled in this post, and there's gonna be a lot of spades called a spade... so if you're of a weak constitution, or sick of all of this already, I'd suggest you go find another thread now.

    Frankly, it's tough for me to put into words how pissed off I am about all of this. There was absolutely NO NEED for Cheers to take the action she has here, except for her own ego and pride. EVEN ASSUMING all that she's said is true, about the board needing to have one admin for technological reasons, and even ASSUMING that she had to be that admin for the time being to get the board up... once it was back up, there was nothing stopping her from making RPM the Admin again, and going down to moderator status herself. Nothing, that is, except her own arrogance and self-superiority. She claims that RPM didn't really "Want" to run this anymore. Well then, why not offer to take it off his hands above board? Simple. He'd have turned her down flat. And if RPM was about to shut the board down, as she theorizes, then why not wait until he did, THEN start the replacement board? Because this phantom shutdown wasn't going to happen -- we ALL know RPM was just blowing hot air for attention, like he always has for years past. Well then, why not take the high road, and resign, and start her own forum from scratch, instead of making off with one in the dead of night? Again, pretty simple. Everyone knows the toughest part of getting a board going, is the first few months. Why struggle like that, when there's a ready-made pool of sheep who don't care who's running things, so long as it's here? Why struggle indeed, unless you have charachter and scruples... two things that seem to me to be sorely lacking in this whole sordid affair.

    What pisses me off a lot about this, is not that she stole the board from RPM; it's that she stole the board from US. ALL of us have posted here for years and years now with the understanding and compact that not one person would have absolute power over us. We've ALL put our time, our thoughts, and our efforts into making this board the community it was, and NOBODY, not RPM, not Cheers, not Maggie... NOBODY has the right to take that away from us. And before you say that nothing has been taken away from us, I ask you to bear in mind what the individual now in sole power here DID to get hold of that power, and also ask yourself what compunction she will have against using that power now that she went through such machiavellian machinations to get hold of it. She's already shown a remarkable appetite for keeping her power, and very little reluctance to use that power in the past. I see no reason why that would change in the future. What it comes down to is, she seems to think that this forum needs a LEADER... when in fact, all we've ever needed is a facilitator, an administrator, soemone to keep the lights on and the door open. My friends, that day has come and gone here. We've all been to places that have had "Leaders". We've all been through Racestuds, and many of us have had experience at Qwaz's as well. And that's EXACTLY the situation we now face at this board... a single person, with the biases and preconceptions that are inherent to the human condition, and who's shown NO scruples or charachter whatsoever, nor a desire to control her impulses, in charge of everything that goes on here.

    But what pisses me off the most, is the underhanded, lowdown, scummy, dead of night BACKSTABBING way in which this all went down... and that fact that a very good person got completely blindsided by avarice and greed. Cheers says she "Didn't have a choice". Bullshit. We all have choices. She could have kept the forum down until she contacted the other admins and let them know what was going on. She didn't. Why? Well, now she had power, why should she give it up? She could have chosen the high road, and if she felt she was being forced out, resigned, stated her piece, and started her own place, all of which would have shown maturity and charachter and poise. Instead, she "was forced" to take control of things. Uh huh... and I got some oceanfront property in Iowa for you too. And in the process, a very good person, a person who's been a friend to me AND A LOT OF YOU for years and years, who's seen me through some of my darkest days, and always been there for me... took a big fat dagger in the back. And yes, I take that personally. So should you. It should MATTER when something as scummy as this goes down. Most of you seem to have the attitude of "Sucks for her. Oh well, it's not me.", and just sit there with your mouths closed and your heads down, and say NOTHING about what a rotten thing it was... even after she's been there for some of you before, just like she's been there for me. And all I can say to you people, who sat there with closed lips and bit your tongue and bowed your head and just LET it happen without a word... for shame. I thought better of a lot of you, and I'm really dissapointed in some of you. Some of you say "This is just an internet board", and it is... but behind each and every one of these screen names is a real person, and to see good people take it in the back, people you care about, and just blow it off the way some of you have... it boggles the mind.

    To Cheers directly -- you need to know and understand, that I used to have a lot of respect for you... even recently. A lot more than I have or had for RPM, truth be told. But after the disgusting, vile, stinking, COWARDLY way that you have gone about conducting yourself the last few days, there is not a shred of that respect left as far as I'm concerned. To me, you're nothing but an arrogant power-hungry harpy who couldn't wait to get her clutches on another little piece of control in your life. You say you've worked hard on the forum, and are entitled to whatever respect you have -- I say we ALL have worked hard on making this forum what it is, and respect is earned, and LOST, by our actions and conduct. And your conduct in this matter has been BEYOND reprehensible. And to make matters worse, you've sat back and allowed your minions and supporters to go onto other forums, and use nothing more than base charachter assassination against your former fellow administrators... one of whom is currently YOUR MODERATOR, to suggest that you're more trustworthy to run this forum... when you and I both know that a skeleton in the closet is a skeleton in the closet, no matter how much dirt might be covering it. And your allowing them to use this tactic, while keeping silent and not even supporting your current moderator, is disingenuous at best, and disgusting, dastardly and downright dirty at worst. To put it bluntly, you have shown your true colors in your actions over the last few days in particular, and as far as I'm concerned, you can take your newfound sole rule of this place, roll it up REAL tight, and shove it up your ass.

    That being said, there are still people here who I do care about. Yes, I care about some of the people here, so call me what you will for doing that. And many of those people, people whose opinions I respect and admire, have asked me to try and at least give it a chance. And while I have absolutely ZERO respect for the administration now running this board, I've calmed down and decided that I'm not going to allow a power-hungry person to separate me from my friends. As such, I'll still be around from time to time -- lurking much more than before, yes, and speaking mainly with the people I genuinely care about, and socially with the ones I like but don't know as well. I'll also be spending a lot more time at other boards, because the fact is when (not if, but when) this place goes to hell in a handbasket with the changes that are "not coming", I plan to not have quite the attachment to this place that I once had... as well as most of my efforts and focus into having somewhere that folks can go to get out from under the yoke of the changes that are coming (Anyone remember "For a rules change, Post"? Guess what's job #1).

    So, there you have it. Get out your forks and knives, and get your "sour grapes".jpgs out, and try to rip me to shreds -- I don't care. I've said my piece on it, and the folks I genuinely care about already know how I feel. The folks I like generally like me back, and the rest of you who think I can just go to hell, trust me... the feeling's mutual.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  • (Show?)

    re: tip

    It could be either situation, I don't know. I just thought it was curious that her car was searched six days later as part of the investigation of her being assaulted. I've never seen that before. Even having worked closely with two police departments for almost two years, I've never seen anything like that.

    We had a few cases down there where someone was intentionally run down, and there was never a search of the victim's vehicle.

    It could be that she's doing drugs and that the person who hit her knew about it and made a tip, hoping to take her down that way.

    It could be that it was planted into her car and then the tip made.

    I don't know. But I do hope that the police are taking all possibilities into consideration. I'd hate for Wirth to be branded a meth user if it isn't true. I'm no fan of hers, and I've wanted to see a different Dem hold the seat after the next election. However, that doesn't mean I'm willing to proclaim her guilty of something before the facts are out and a trial is held.

  • Marc (unverified)

    Nobody is trying to hide. I gave full disclosure as an R, and used my real email address. And once again, "Little D", you think people give a crap about your petty personal grievance. This is a political blog, in case you hadn't noticed. And the D's who have worked with me who blog here know what I am about and your childish character assasination will once again only serve to make you look like the petty, pathetic amateur that you are.

    With that said, my earlier point stands. I worked next door to Kelly and am genuinely concerned for her, though I am glad she won't be in the legislature anymore. And you have not, nor will you, see any statement from me dancing on her political grave. What have I to gain? You guys will likely replace her, and ineffective Democrat, with an effective one.

    As to retaining her seat? Come on, get real. That isn't a remotely competitive seat for Republicans. It isn't even a concern. Fact is, Dems didn't like Kelly for the wide variety of valid reasons she gave you. But she could have been caught on tape raping puppies and the D's would still control her seat in Corvallis. Heck, she could probably STILL beat the R's in her district.

    To "Pug": If you think I somehow ran to the Salem police impound lot and planted meth in Kelly Wirth's car, you qualify for the tinfoil hat award of the day. Won't the mothership be proud!

    In reality, I think, for the legal reasons given above, she will likely beat that rap unless she admits the meth is hers or a hospital blood test indicated she was under the influence. But you can't leave evidence in a tow lot for 6 days and not have a chain of custody problem.

    As for the accusations leveled here about the organization I am part of, I won't dignify them, other than to say I am very proud of having helped police our own of someone who makes Kelly look like a saint. If you want to defend such behavior, go right ahead.

  • TWright (unverified)

    Denise, I believe you sank Marc's dingy. The "OYR Ego Case", was that it?? That was a death-moan, if I ever heard one. :-)

    That's right, Marc. Lash out. We'll never really understand you. A man of principle. A visionary, by any means necessary. You had to be a pathological liar. You had to be a cheat. You supported sexual harassers. You had to hold secret meetings against your own bylaws. You must purge your ranks by trickery, deceit and generally unseemly behavior. The loyal ones will understand someday. It was for the good of the party! The failed pro-bono lawyer? He was to scare off anyone with a backbone, yet a light bank account.

    Why did you do it? Policing your own? Right. Taking credit for getting your political adversary elected to local office so he could voluntarily step down as Chair? That is too darn funny. I might tear up. Say the name, Babe! Was there was a damsel involved? Yah -Yah. That was it. The 90-95% who up and left, immediately upon disclosure of your roll of transgressions? They were just part of a natural ebb and flow of membership, they were spoilers, they wouldn't play ball, they were against the party, they were against God, so obviously it couldn't have anything to do with you. ;-)

    According to the NYRF just his afternoon, Oregon has gone from over 500 YR's to "under 50 at least paper ones", or whatever unverified persons you put on a register somewhere. The largest clubs have vanished completely. A couple intermediate ones say "Who's Marc?" with a wry smile, and others are freelancing and ignoring any supposed state entity at all. We're loving this!

    The ones that remain don't publish memberships, don't have meetings and don't respond to requests for info from their own national office. They actually snickered when I asked how the Oregon clubs were doing. I believe her phrase was "They are trying to rebuild after a bit of a civil war, but really I think they're finished and waiting for someone to pick up the pieces." THEN she offered to send me chartering documents to try to pick up those pieces. (Yessssss I did confess to being a D, and she just giggled her apologies, but it was still STUNNING.) :-)

    Marc, this is a small state, with an even smaller political community. Everyone gets everyone else's emails and "confidential memos". Our files overfloweth. Yours show a definite need for counseling. We love you too, and believe you should have access to comprehensive mental health coverage. NEVER put anything in an email that you wouldn't want the entire planet to know. A competent politico would know that. You CLEARLY don't.

    Much love,


    PS: Try watching out for that use of state property for private political business in the future. Paper paper everywhere.

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