Yet Another Bush Blue State Payback?
Jon Perr
In the aftermath of the 2004 election, folks in Blue State America have been bracing themselves for the inevitable retribution from the Bush team. From carefully selected military base closures and faith-based initiative grants to possibly ending the deduction for state income taxes, blue staters have been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Apparently, the s**t has hit the fan in Southeast Portland. Areas of the city that make Berkeley and Cambridge look like bastions of the conservative ascendancy have been hit by the mysterious Bush Banner Bandit. This canine excretory activist has been planting small flags bearing the image of the President amidst recently produced
It is unclear whether this is the work of ardent Bush foes or instead a statement by a supporter of the President designed to tweak the granola-crunching, sushi-munching, latte-sipping, Birkenstock-wearing, compost-producing denizens of Southeast Portland. In any event, the perp's sense of humor - and hygiene - are a few standard deviations outside the norm.
Metaphorically, seeing George Bush up to his eyeballs in manure seems fitting. His Social Security plan is wildly unpopular, gas prices are soaring, and American trade and budget deficits are out of control. Meanwhile, Tom Delay's ethical woes, Bill Frist's judicial assault and John Bolton's sinking U.N. nomination have Bush up to his neck in it. As the President who pioneered fake news, fake reporters and fake science knows well, it is better to give than receive.
As for the Bush Banner Bandit, please don't, as Bush himself might say, make the pie higher.
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Apr 26, '05
Sounds like the Republican Dirty Tricks squat to me. Is G. Gordon Liddy still on the radio? This calls for a vast right wing pooper scooper.
Is dog shot even worth discussing, irrespective of its party affiliation. Must be a slow news day. Does Kari exercise any editorial control whatsoever?
I had a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on my car, and some "progressive" asshole ripped my rear windshield wiper off while it was parked at Multnomah County Republican Party HQ. Wish somebody would write a story about that!
Apr 26, '05
This isn't unique to Portland.
I have seen the same thing in the blue Pacific Heights in San Francisco.
Shit and Bush - a pretty good combination...
10:35 p.m.
Apr 26, '05
Does Kari exercise any editorial control whatsoever?
No, not really. I manage the guest columns, and the big picture of who's a regular, but I don't read and approve stuff before it goes live from our regulars.
Apr 27, '05
I don't know. The most obvious interpretation is that Bush foes are trying to associate the president with excrement. On the other hand, as someone who recently moved to the Portland area, I have noticed that dog crap is a highly characteristic feature of the metropolitan area. Perhaps it is a sign of solidarity with the French -- Paris being another city deep in dog shite. That being the case, some twisted Bush-lover might be coopting these little characteristic local expressions by planting the flag of his leader.
Whatever motivates this person, I wish he or she would come to Red Sunset Park in Gresham where I run. I could slaalom through the flags without taking so much trouble to avoid the innumerable obstacles left by lazy and contemptuous dog owners.
Apr 27, '05
Ahhhh Paris: I love the smell of dogshit in the morning.
Apr 27, '05
MAYBE the dog doo-doo is symbolic of the Bus environmental policies. The other day I was thinking of the depth of Conservative hypocrisy. It would seem highly likley that the home of a Con would be immaculate, white carpets, white walls, clean counters, perhaps a shelf or two of book that look nice, but are never read. How would they rspond if someone took a dump in the corner of that room?
Well, we have this park, or perhaps the planet, and it is our living room. As far as we know, it is the only living room in the universe, at least until further notice. But the Cons think it's okay to take a industrial dump just about anywhere, and Dubya sits there as President with this sh#% eating grin on his face because he's has dumped all over us and is making a fortune for himself and his friends. Thanking God for the Christian lemmings who are "approved and not ashamed." Maybe they should be.
9:10 a.m.
Apr 27, '05
Did you see the person rip off your wiper, Gonzo? Otherwise, how did you know it was a "progressive?" Perhaps it was someone like my blogpartner--a traditional conservative Christian who thinks George Bush is a disaster as President. Although it's admittedly a stupid thing to vandalize a car over politics, and he's way above that, you get my drift. Or perhaps it was even someone at BC04 HQ who just didn't like YOU.
Food for thought...
9:11 a.m.
Apr 27, '05
Did you see the person rip off your wiper, Gonzo? Otherwise, how did you know it was a "progressive?" Perhaps it was someone like my blogpartner--a traditional conservative Christian who thinks George Bush is a disaster as President. Although it's admittedly a stupid thing to vandalize a car over politics, and he's way above that, you get my drift. Or perhaps it was even someone at BC04 HQ who just didn't like YOU.
Food for thought...
9:15 a.m.
Apr 27, '05
oops, sorry.
1:09 p.m.
Apr 27, '05
also happening in Germany, apparently. Priceless picture--I like their MO better:
Apr 27, '05
Yes, who knows? Perhaps all the stolen signs, keyed cars, pies in faces, etc., etc. were perpetrated by disaffected Christian conservatives.
Such reasoning...
Anyway, back to the dog crap: forget about metaphors for a minute, around the Portland area there seems to be a large number of citizens who don't mind befouling their neighbors environment. What are the chances they're all Republican?
Finally, I resent the stereotypical representation of conservatives dwellings promoted by Gregor. My house is actually quite disorderly, thank you very much. And I have actually read all the books on my shelves. Well, many of them...
Now, do assuming that at least some of the Porland area dog-dropping scofflaws are "progressives," if they're houses are orderly is that a sign of their "hypocrisy."
They say pride comes before a fall. Perhaps indignity comes before fatuity.
Apr 27, '05
I meant "indignation," not "indignity." You see, as a conservative I don't have a dictionary to help me get these things right the first time.
Apr 27, '05
How can you read and be a conservative, Anthony? I don't get that at all? My remarks about Cons is that it was "highly likely". I put in a disclaimer :-{)> And what the heck does fatuity mean, anyway? Nevermind, I'll get out my thesaurus, geesh!
To get back to who's poop is it anyway? Well, as long as we're out there painting people with a big wide brush, my guess it they ALL came from the half of the country that did not vote, and they were probably, I mean there were ALL, of mongrel origin.
Fatuity? Hmmm.
PS - Anthony, it sounds like someone lives in your home. Maybe there's hope.
Apr 27, '05
oh, you're mean, Anthony. Very, very mean. Now I know why your a Con. It all makes sense. You were born without a heart. Gosh, I hope Congress gets some post-Sciavo legislation to keep you alive a few years longer.
Apr 27, '05
This custom apparently originated in Germany and is catching on over here. While I'm not the person(s) participating in this activity, it seems like a pretty fitting and harmless form of freedom of speech to me. (Oh, that's right. That's not allowed anymore.) For more info (and 6 different pictures of * available for download), see
Apr 28, '05
All we are say-ing
Is give poop a chaaaance...
Apr 28, '05
Yes, I think it's a "fitting form of protest too," apart from being littering, and if you're under 17 years of age. But then who else would be wax hysterically about the demise of freedom of speech. Grow up already.
There are plenty of mature avenues for expressing one's opposition view. The reasonable, decent left gets a bad name from the crybabies who can't bear when a democratic election runs against them and start throwing political tantrums in the form of ridiculous exaggerations at the one end and vandalism and assault at the other. If you want to look at questions of freedom of speech, look at the treatment conservative speakers get on campuses. It has been nearly impossible for them to speak in the first place, and when they do speak they face the gamut from disruptive audience behavior of all sorts to the recent fad of pie throwing. (...Give pies a chance?)
(...though my own inner adolescent thinks W. Bruce made an excellent joke.)