BlueOregon on KPOJ
blueoregon admin
Tomorrow morning, BlueOregon will be featured on the new Thom Hartmann show on KPOJ.
One of our co-founders, Kari Chisholm, will be on air to talk about what's happening here at Blue.
Set the alarm on your clockradio to 6:20 a.m., tune in to 620 AM, and wake up Blue.
More Recent Posts | |
Albert Kaufman |
Guest Column |
Kari Chisholm |
Kari Chisholm |
Final pre-census estimate: Oregon's getting a sixth congressional seat |
Albert Kaufman |
Polluted by Money - How corporate cash corrupted one of the greenest states in America |
Guest Column |
Albert Kaufman |
Our Democrat Representatives in Action - What's on your wish list? |
Kari Chisholm |
Guest Column |
Kari Chisholm |
connect with blueoregon
10:07 p.m.
Apr 19, '05
Why are all these frickin radio and tv shows on so damned early.
Apr 19, '05
I will be following you, Kari, sometime after 7 AM.
12:22 a.m.
Apr 20, '05
Can we get an .mp3 up here after the fact? 6:20's not happening.
1:10 a.m.
Apr 20, '05
Yes, please let us know how it went, for those of us too far from the KPOJ airwaves!
1:30 a.m.
Apr 20, '05
You can listen live right here!
Not sure how to grab an mp3 from it, though.
Apr 20, '05
Thom Hartmann's first few shows have been great.
We just need to get Thom some bed music for his show that says "Portland!" a little more emphatically... Someone needs to share some Sleater-Kinney from their I-pod with Thom's producer :-)
6:33 a.m.
Apr 20, '05
I'll have an mp3 of Kari's segment a little later this morning, unless someone beats me to it.
7:38 a.m.
Apr 20, '05
In theory this will work: kpoj_blueoregon_kari.mp3.
Apr 20, '05
Thanks b!X.
Too bad that Thom didn't focus on the blog (and the theory behind it) so much as random current issues.
Maybe at least Kari will sell his house... good plug. Go back to sleep.
Apr 20, '05
man, Sleater-Kinney are from about The Shins instead?
12:32 p.m.
Apr 20, '05
FYI, I also have the Randy Leonard segment, but I'm not sure what the storage and/or bandwidth issues are for, so I didn't want to post two mp3s.
Someone can let me know if I should just go ahead and upload that one as well.
12:55 p.m.
Apr 20, '05
Nice work on the mp3, Bix. Go ahead and post the Randy one. We're OK on bandwidth and storage.
Apr 20, '05
Thom's show needs to borrow music from the Majority Report. I love the music on their show.
3:03 p.m.
Apr 20, '05
Thom needs to gather with some progressives, a little focus group. Learn how to pronounce local names, hear what's important... and learn some history quick!
Music, I'm partial to Al Franken's use of Live Grateful Dead, myself. The Wheel, Terrapin Station, Althea. This works for me, but could use some rotation...
Anyone going to the Al Franken Dem Fund Raiser next week? Should be interesting.
7:33 p.m.
Apr 20, '05
Apr 23, '05
KPOJ features a brand new live, local morning show to its Progressive Talk line-up: Thom Hartmann.
Local, excuse me? From Montpelier? Plllleeease.