FEC not the devil after all?
Tim Mooney
I just returned from the Federal Election Commission's hearing on its draft rule regulating internet communications. You remember... the one where they were going to regulate every blog in America, including our beloved BlueOregon? Well, as it turns out, they are only talking about regulating paid political ads on blogs and other web sites. There are a host of other issues that still need to be hammered out, but for the most part the blogosphere... and BlueOregon... will remain largely untouched. I think. Maybe. After all, it's just a draft.
So much for a definitive post on the subject, but after all this is DC, and we're talking federal election law. Take a look at some of the earliest takes from other election lawyers here and here.
The biggest question out there... Are bloggers part of the media? Do blogs like BlueOregon deserve the same protection from election laws as KGW, KEX, (gulp) Fox News, The Oregonian, Willamette Week etc. Your thoughts on the topic... and please, no jokes about the dubious nature of the O as a media outlet. They get SO sensative about that...
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11:38 a.m.
Mar 24, '05
Oh my God! The BlueOregon software is posting all on its own!
11:46 a.m.
Mar 24, '05
The BlueOregon software is posting all on its own!
Maybe we should start calling it "Hal."
12:06 p.m.
Mar 24, '05
Yeah, Tim forgot to add his name to his post. That's fixed now.
1:39 p.m.
Mar 24, '05
Thanks Kari... I wish I could say that was the first time I did that ;)