The Next Progressive Voice of Portland
John Dunagan
Think you've got what it takes?
From OregonLive's Jobs web (which, for my line of work, has been about as fruitful as one of those 'mine your own diamonds' tourist traps they have in Arkansas):
Employment - General
RADIO Portland Progressive Talk AM 620 KPOJ - Portland's Progressive Talk Station is looking to add a live, local show to our line-up. We are searching for a team of people. Hosts. News People. Producers. If you can help us deliver interesting, entertaining and relevant local programming to our Progressive listeners, we want to hear from you. Send packages to: Mike Dirkx, AM 620 KPOJ, 4949 SW Macadam Avenue, Portland, OR 97239. No calls or email audio files please. Clear Channel Radio Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
I've been lobbying (ok, well, not in the definition that the operatives know it) for this since Air America's first day on the radio. All politics is local.
And hey - I'm available! So, what goes into a 'package?'
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Feb 3, '05
Kind of ironic that progressive talk AM in Portland is owned by Clear Channel...
9:06 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
I've been thinking of this, too. It's amazing how many hours KPOJ just replays Franken. You'd think more people would tune in to hear a Blue Oregon hour, wouldn't you?
Hey, that's not a bad idea....
9:59 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
So how do we find out who's got the best "radio voice" among us?
Personally, I'd like to nominate Jack Bogdanski for the job, unless his voice is really high-pitched and girlish.
10:56 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
A moderate Republican as the progressive voice of Portland?
11:00 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
As long as the host is appropriately mean spirited and viscious, they could give Lars a run. They wouldn't even need to cut off the mikes of guests or terminate phone calls in mid sentence.
I ain't the guy, but Jeff just might be......Also, what's Phil Busse up to these days, beyond the Mercury effort?
That's a couple of "Angry White Males" right there.....
<hr/>Almost any Blue Oregon topic could easily kill a couple of radio hours.
11:14 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
Rich, I too just saw that Jack is considering switching party affiliations. Maybe we could have a "Crossfire" thing going on - a moderate Republican v. a progressive Democrat. It might be that interesting as radio goes, however, because they'd be agreeing so much.
11:15 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
That last sentence should read: "It might NOT be that interesting as radio goes, however, because they'd be agreeing too much."
11:36 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
The best Progressive voice in Portland has to be Jefferson Smith. His mind is not half bad either. His voice has that odd mixture of a preacher, school teacher and used car salesman that I think works on the radio.
However, he is one of my best friends and I say all this at the risk of being accused of shilling for a buddy.
11:38 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
Whoever it is has to be truly funny, I think. Too much of not just Air America, but even talk radio in general, is not.
I like the current national lineup and I thank them for their service, but sometimes it's unlistenably dull.
The ad says "entertaining" - let's hope whoever they pick lives up to that requirement.
Feb 3, '05
Jefferson does have a good voice and is no dumby. He may too serious for talk radio, though. Someone who can't behave like a jerk, would be out of place.
Hey, maybe I'll apply.
11:58 a.m.
Feb 3, '05
Pat, who you callin' white? Oh, wait a minute...
Actually, I did work on the most sublime hour of radio ever produced: the Rogue Hour, which aired in July, 2003. Pat Ryan, bless his heart, was one of the merry band who produced it, as was Jefferson "Half Bad Mind" Smith--whose voice is indeed sultrily radio-ready. He also has a connection or two around the state, which is a bonus.
Busse was a guest, along with Caitlin Baggot, queen of the Zephyr, though both are probably too big now to consider slumming on the radio. (This was pre-Mayoral Candidate Busse.)
In fact, it doesn't require much imagination to think how you could assemble a hell of a group to produce a show. All kidding aside, the Rogue Hour was conceived as something closer to the Daily Show than Limbaugh, which put it ahead of most of the content on Air America.
Anyone's interested, I'm ready to jump in...
12:00 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
Oh, I should point out that it's the producer--someone who actually knows what the hell's going on in a radio booth--that's hard to find. Keen and interesting minds we have in thick abundance; radio folk not so much.
Kari's kind of a techno guy, maybe it's one of his hidden talents...
12:37 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
For what it's worth, I agree with Chubby!
Jefferson would be perfect for this job. He's able to get a progressive message across convincingly & in a way that holds people's short attention spans.
Perhaps we should start a Draft Jefferson movement? Or a convince-him-to-go-for-it campaign?
He can be reached at the Bus office at:
(503) 233-3018 or online at
[email protected]
Let's give Lars a run for his money and show everyone how 'blue' Oregon truly is!!!
Feb 3, '05
Chubby, the first thing I thought of when reading the article was Jefferson Smith.
I don't know him - YET. I will.
But when I heard him speak at a MCDC meeting this past summer, my first words to my friend sitting next to me was "This guy needs to lead this State". Listening to him made me so proud to be an American Democrat who votes!
I think it's important that we give Jefferson a venue that will allow the most people to hear his good news message! ;-)
1:13 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
I thought of Jefferson, too.
But he would need a foil, I think, to keep it from becoming all-earnestness radio (the "entertaining" part of the ad). And the article did say "hosts," so there's room for one more.
So if they need a team, I think it would be good if Jefferson's one of that team. Who's the other?
I already get mailers from them, and surf by the site every so often, so I'd prefer to see another from the "rest" of BlueOregon (i.e., perhaps not BusPac).
1:23 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
Oh, snap! JoAnn Bowman.
Her and Jefferson Smith. I'd listen to that every day.
Feb 3, '05
Jo Ann would be wonderful, but would Jefferson's ego be up to such an intrepid woman?
2:35 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
Personally, I'd like to nominate Jack Bogdanski for the job, unless his voice is really high-pitched and girlish.
Well, listen for yourself (it's "AUDIO 2").
2:54 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
RE: Jefferson's ego.
Yeah, it would be up to it.
I can tell you this from the personal experience of a strong-willed woman who doesn't hesitate in speaking my mind with him.
To his credit, I have always found his response to be fair-minded & respectful, as well as informative, insightful, & full of conviction.
I think a female/male host format w/Jefferson & a leading female progressive voice would be quite entertaining & impactful.
Feb 3, '05
Campaign to get Jefferson Smith on the air: email Mike Dirkx and suggest Jefferson Smith!
Mike (KPOJ) Dirkx [email protected] Mike Dirkx [email protected]
Feb 3, '05
shoot, thats an easy one:
my wife, Lynn. She used to be in radio at KINK and OBP. She was a producer and on-air personality.
Good luck getting her interested, tho. She says there isn't enough salt in the ocean to go back to radio. How about Rebecca Webb? With b!x?
3:50 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
Hmm, JJ.
Would it be over the line to ask why your wife wouldn't go back?
I'd be all right with b!x, too, if he sounded good. He'd have to be able to work with JoAnn, though.
Feb 3, '05
Sure, John!
No secret, really. Radio is extremely stressful. The pay is all right, but the hours suck. The best hours to work (the ones with the most prestige) are morning drive, from 5-9. AM.
Oh, and the market is so incredibly fickle that there is absolutely no job security. none. It isn't "if" you get laid off in radio, its "when".
Feb 3, '05
OK, Jefferson assures me his ego is not fragile and that he is goofiest guy on the blue side of things. He has my vote.
5:59 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
I'll vote for Jefferson and Jeff. Both are quick, well informed, and Jefferson has that orator's voice........No.........NOT A BIT LIKE JOHN KERRY.
6:19 p.m.
Feb 3, '05
Could you provide that e-mail adrs again - for Mike Dirkx at KPOJ (preferably hyperlinked)?
Feb 4, '05
Elizabeth, I feel dumb for not knowing how to hyperlink it, but here it is typed up: [email protected].
Mike Dirkx is the guy who will be handling the hiring of the Progressive Team on AM 620.
1:18 a.m.
Feb 4, '05
I'd be careful about campaigning to KPOJ, especially via email, to hire this or that person. It's their decision, not ours.
Besides, the candidate drives this private process, not the 'voters.'
For example, if Jefferson's interested, he should figure out what goes into a package and send it. But a concerted email 'campaign', even from well-meaning supporters, could make Mr. Dirkx feel like his hand is being forced, thus driving the candidate out of a chance to interview and eventually get the job.
Not to be pedantic, but it's progressive talk radio, not progressive politics. It's a job, not an elected public service position.
Many of us want to see Jeff go beyond the Oregon Bus Project, and put his brilliant progressive mind, and resonant manner of conversation, to a higher and more public purpose.
But this isn't that opportunity.
Feb 4, '05
Randy Leonard moving over from KXL would be my choice. He truly speaks in blue tongue. He already has some day job but it's pretty similar, just not on the air. Other than that, bring back Sheila Hamilton. She was a kick.
Feb 4, '05
To answer John's original question, a "package" usually refers to an audio demo (tape or CD), a resume and a letter of interest.
My vote would be for Joe Uris to host this show, if he could fit it in with his PSU schedule.
Feb 4, '05
I do not think a few emails from us would hurt Jeff's chances. With all of the ideas floating around, I do not think Mike Durkx is going to get more than a few emails in support of any one candidate.
Jefferson is an amazing speaker, well-connected, knowledgeable, funny, and perfect for PR. I am positive that his application package will speak for itself, if he does indeed pursue the job.
I understand your concern, but I disagree that a few emails would cost Jeff the job should he pursue it.