Joshua Gibson
I am done, kids.
While BlueOregon is often an excellent place for progressive voices to gather, it is clearly not the place for a writer of my sensibilities. I am not leaving because of the enormous negative reaction to my recent post. I welcome negativity, if only because it isn't dull and complacent. I welcome a heated exchange of ideas, even at their most base. I fully understand that my stances, being obnoxious to begin with, invite it in return. So, all of that mostly amused me. What bothered me was the decision of the editor to remove the "personal attacks" written by some about me and me about some. I understand and appreciate the community standards of the site, but it is profoundly clear that I don't fit in to that scheme. I won't be protected by editors and I won't have my genuine concerns about the progressive community's homophobia swept under the rug, as if they do not exist.
So this is my last appearance at BlueOregon. For those of you who still want to read my scatological (and occassionally cerebral) takes on politics, pop culture, news, and anal sex, please visit me at Fagistan. I may be a heartless, cruel and a capricious dictator, but I you can still say mean things about me in the comments section.
Farewell, my blue friends. It was fun, while it lasted.
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