Drinking and Driving
Brian Wagner
A word to the wise. If you suffered massive brain trauma in 2001 and spent 3 weeks in a coma, it's probably better to avoid excessive alcohol intake. Bill Johnson, the former 1984 Olympic gold medalist skier, was arrested yesterday in Troutdale. After being pulled over by a sheriff's deputy, he held his gold medal out the window and taunted, "I bet you don't have one of these." He then proceeded to punch the deputy in the face; when being held at the MultCo Detention Center later that day, he tried to attack an officer.
It's sad to see a guy who has gone through so much after reaching the top of his profession fall so far because of alcohol.
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4:31 a.m.
Feb 14, '05
It is also fairly sad that he drives around with his medal in his car. What, is it hanging off the rearview mirror or something?
Feb 17, '05
The tv news actually did a good job of illustrating how Bill Johnson has permanent brain damage. This means his brain doesn't work like the rest of ours, whether or not he is drunk or sober.
As far as jumping to conclusions, I'd say another safe bet is that the cops arrested him for drinking solely on the basis that he was acting strangely.
Johnson is in obvious need of help.
My prediction: charges will soon be dropped; or more likely will be used to get him some court ordered help. Unfortunately in our country, we only dole out mental help after a run-in with the cops. Now aren't we forward thinking?