Vote For Jeff Alworth In The 3rd Annual Koufax Awards
The One True bIX
According to the explanatory post on the blog which organizes the awards:
The Koufax Awards are named for Sandy Koufax, one of the greatest left handed pitchers of all time. They are intended to honor the best of the left of blogtopia (ysitp). At its core, the Koufax Awards are meant to be an opportunity to say nice things about your favorite bloggers and to provide a bit of recognition for the folks who provide us with information, insight, and entertainment usually for little or no renumeration. The awards are supposed to be fun for us and fun for you.
Right now, the semi-finalist voting is taking place and our own Jeff Alworth has made the Best Writing semi-finals.
So click over and vote by posting a comment to the just-linked page.
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Jan 9, '05
I must emphatically disagree. Jeff Alworth is part of a clique of 'liberals' who once tried to drive me out of the blogosphere for being smart, an excellent writer and a minority woman who stands up for herself. Now, I'm suppose to turn around and support someone like that as the cream of liberal commentary? Not in this life time. (Or the next, if reincarnation is real.) Hypocrisy is the main reason many people who are out there living on the frontlines of America's failures do not trust white liberals. And, they are right not to. A vote for someone like Jeff Alworth is a vote for hypocrisy.
Besides, his writing and thinking are mediocre at best. But, with plots to drive better writers and thinkers out of the blogosphere, that's what you end up with, eh? So-so people patting themselves on the back. Pathetic. I urge people not to encourage such nonsense by refusing to participate in it. Let them lie to themselves, but don't assist them.
9:32 a.m.
Jan 9, '05
Refraining from the bulk of that, I feel compelled to ask: How is this Jeff patting himself on the back when it's not Jeff who posted this item?
Jan 9, '05
The members of the clique are patting each other on the back, with their so-called awards. (Which allows for 'deniability' by making it 'you pat my back and I'll pat yours' by people like you and Jeff Alworth.) Hypocrites and worse having each other on. And, as I said before, y'all are free to do that.
But, I urge people who don't suffer the delusions of that group to treat it with the skepticism it so richly deserves. That clique is representative of what is wrong with 'liberalism' in America. It should not be encouraged.
11:20 a.m.
Jan 9, '05
Well, I appear to have achieved yet another level without my realizing it. Apparently I am part of some clique and/or cabal which has been running around messing with Mac Diva's life.
Someone please start forwarding the memos, because I have no idea who this person is and apparently I was supposed to be spending my time actively causing problems for them.
Look, I have no idea what your issue is with Jeff. But don't you dare start making Jack Peek-like accusations about me being part of some conspiracy against you. It's weak.
11:54 a.m.
Jan 9, '05
Um, yeah, if Jeff was some sort of cabal ruining your life, Mac, he sure didn't bother letting me know before we invited you to join BlueOregon as a regular. As you know, Jeff is one of the co-founders of BlueOregon...
One last thought - how do you "drive someone out of the blogosphere"? I mean, technically, how is that possible? After all, anyone with a net connection can launch a blog... and apparently, eight million people have.
Jan 9, '05
Since Jeff Alworth was actively involved in the campaign I am sure he can direct you to the efforts that occurred, Kari. I gather I'm supposed to have 'forgotten' the vicious, racist attacks on me he and his clique made. The same argument is being made in regard to the prosecution of the mastermind of the "Mississippi Burning" murders, Edgar Killen. The families of the murdered men are supposed to 'forget' that they were the victims of bigotry because time has passed. It doesn't work that way. People who are victizmed don't forget.
B!X claims to have reasons for promoting Alworth. I have reasons for not promoting him.
1:59 p.m.
Jan 9, '05
B!X claims to have reasons for promoting Alworth. I have reasons for not promoting him.
Which is entirely fair. For what it's worth, my only thinking was, "Hey, someone I know is nominated, guess I'll go post about it." And that was it.
I almost obsessively avoid mere socializing... why would I want to be part of a clique/cabal?
Jan 9, '05
WTH is Mac Diva? Am I to understand he/she (unclear of the gender from the posts) is a regular contributor here?
Mac's writing suggests he/she may be more comfortable with the Rush, Lars, Savage crowd of conspiracists than this group of primarily thoughtful, logical folks who mostly are over their (perceived) victimhood (if they ever had any).
2:48 p.m.
Jan 9, '05
Boy, you stay off Blue Oregon for 12 hours, and you find out you're 1) a candidate for a Koufax Award (considered by lefty bloggers to be the cream of the awards) and 2) a racist. Fire and ice. Nice.
To the award--thanks to b!X for the heads up. I wasn't even aware of it. There are many heavy hitters there, and so in this case, nomination must be regarded as honor enough.
As to Mac Diva's opinion, I should mention a word or two here. This is an open public forum, and it's hard to argue that MD's words aren't on topic. And, to the extent that I'm a good writer or "mediocre at best"--well, those are judgments we make individually.
But then there's this claim that I've made "vicious, racist attacks." That, at least, is not subjective. It's an objective statement that we can judge objectively. And in this case, Mac Diva's way off the mark.
About a year and a half ago, Mac Diva had a spat with a group of bloggers in which some pretty serious charges were hurled. Most, from what I could tell, were false, including those leveled at Mac Diva. I have long since lost the thread of most of the debate, but here are a couple links, should you wish to read more: Rittenhouse Review, Greenhouse.
To my knowledge, the only words I said on the matter were at Alas, a Blog. You can read those comments yourself and see if they are vicious or racist.
2:50 p.m.
Jan 9, '05
Oh, I'm "Emma" in those comments--back from when I blogged as "Emma Goldman" on my blog.
Jan 9, '05
Randy S., intelligent people know that 'divas' are female. As for your ignorant comments about racism, they are what I expect from your type of 'liberal.'
At least Jeff Alworth acknowleged that I was lied about. That is more than I expected.
9:59 p.m.
Jan 9, '05
I have nothing against Jeff - he's a good, maybe even great writer from what I've seen on BlueOregon - but that semifinal roster is a freakin' pantheon of liberal thought. It's a tough choice.
My heart says Gilliard in a walk. He's earned it; even if he's a {shudder} Manchester United fan.
Jan 10, '05
Jeff is the best hands down !!! Mac stop and take a breath..
Jan 10, '05
From what I've read, Jeff champions racial and cultural diversity and would cut his tongue out before he would think/utter/write a slur. I've tracked his work for some time now and I suspect he's published, pseudonym unknown. More important though for the Koufax, is his broad research and clear liberal thinking. Plus, I suspect, a bit of heart. Yes on Jeff.
Jan 11, '05
Ms. Diva:
"As for your ignorant comments about racism, they are what I expect from your type of 'liberal.'"
What was that Don Henley song? "Get Over It."
I don't know what "type" of liberal you take me for, but I do think there is something to be said for the Republican philosophy of personal responsibility.
Whatever "injuries" you might have received from anyone's comments about your race, your gender or any other thing, when you parade them out here as an excuse for objecting to a "subjective" nomination of a writer for an award -- well, victimhood never is pretty and one can only hope you can Get Over It.
In other places on this blog I've found your writing to be insightful, thoughtful and well-reasoned.
In this case, you are just crying about something upon which reasonable minds could disagree. There is nothing about Jeff's writing which I have found to be racist, small-minded or bigoted. Learn to let it go.
10:47 p.m.
Jan 12, '05