Kulongoski stands up to Bush on conservation
Jonathan Singer
Greens and outdoorsmen (hunters and fishermen) do not always see eye to eye on all issues, but when they do it can lead to great successes for the Democrats (just look at this year's results from Montana and Colorado). By combining the goals of the environmentalists with those of the fishermen in the state, Kulongoski just took a giant step towards ensuring his reelection -- and perhaps a giant leap towards helping the Democrats retake the state House of Representatives in 2006.Gov. Ted Kulongoski, on the heels of a fiery Monday speech at the statehouse in which he criticized federal environmental policies, told the Bush administration Friday he would sue unless federal agencies make hydropower dam operations less destructive to salmon.
Kulongoski's action adds considerable weight to the side of fishing and conservation groups, which are challenging the administration's recent conclusion that federal dams in the Columbia Basin pose no threat of driving endangered salmon to extinction.
Kulongoski on Friday said he was "gravely concerned" the administration's approach to salmon protection "abandons any effort to achieve recovery of Columbia and Snake River salmon and steelhead populations."
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3:47 p.m.
Jan 15, '05
Kulongoski just took a giant step towards ensuring his reelection
Easy, tiger. The greens and outdoorsmen got their butts kicked on the forest measure a couple of months ago. Ted almost lost last time against Extremo Mannix. And we're not sure all the Goldschmidt fallout is on the ground yet.
Jan 15, '05
You do say that well; but I would call your "greens and outdoorsmen and all the Goldschmidt issues" and raise you "teachers and rural health" as "additional portions of powder keg" on the issue of Teddy K's re-election bid.
Jan 15, '05
I think if an election were held today between Mannix and Kulongoski, K-ski would win, not because of himself, but because of the tremendous grass-roots movement that has taken root over the past year.
In fact, I won't be suprised if the guv gets a little more progressive. I'm sure the wingnuts will say he's pandering to the base, but hey, that's the name of the game.
Now if only they'd bring up the open source legislation again, and make a huge deal out of how much money it could save the state. Karen Minnis would throw another fit, but the liberal attack dogs can just say she's in bed with Microsoft, which is the truth.
Jan 15, '05
Sid, can you provide a link to the open source legislation/bill? Or some background about the legislation and Minnis' response?
Jan 16, '05
It was American Electronics Association that bent SOH Minnis's ear on this bill HB 2892. Yes, Microsoft(and most of its local offices) is part of AEA; and there is connection with SOH Minnis and M$.
But the interesting thing is that there was a "Rogue Republican" for opensource.
It was Rep. Donna Nelson(R-HD 24 McMinnville) sees little value to the state. Believes the process is already open and competitive. Believes a law is not required for the state to choose open source software. Notes Yamhill County commissioners and clerks oppose the bill. While Rep. Billy Dalto(R-HD 21 Salem) thinks the bill would provide cost savings. Lists the reasons he propones the bill. Believes the government should be allowed flexibility to consider incorporating evolving technologies.
1:03 a.m.
Jan 16, '05
Oh, Ted could beat Mannix, but surely the reds aren't dumb enough to run him again, are they? More likely someone like Karen herself. I wouldn't be too quick to bet on Ted against her.
7:39 a.m.
Jan 16, '05
They are dumb enough to run Mannix again. Mannix controls the process and he won't go quietly.
Outside of the metro area, Kulongowski isn't perceived as a radical urban liberal. He isn't going to go out and slay himself on a tax increase.
7:55 a.m.
Jan 16, '05
Rural Health is a broken Federal program. Teachers will support Kulongowski in his re-election.
D Nelson has more than a couple of loose screws.
Jan 16, '05
K2 has been sending Mannix a dozen roses every week for years.
Jan 16, '05
Google HB 2892, and 'oregon legislature opensource software.' You'll find a lot of information about cities and counties across the country that are using opensource and saving money. The Portland School Board uses opensource for some of its applications.
It's also important to note that we have a Linux lab in Beaverton and every year Portland hosts an international opensource convention downtown.
Jan 16, '05
Oregon GOPers just reelected Mannix as their leader. He intends on running again for guv.
I think it would be hard for a moderate Republican to win in the GOP primaries for guv. The wingnuts control the party in Oregon, just as they do in DC. See Ron Saxton.
1:11 a.m.
Jan 17, '05
I'd support Vicki Walker over Ted in a heartbeat.