Rampant Commercialism (sort of)
blueoregon admin
Well, BlueOregonians, you knew the day was coming: We got BlueOregon shirts, hats, tote bags, and other useless stuff. So dig deep and get yourself one of the first DON'T BLAME US... WE VOTED FOR KERRY shirts that celebrates an Oregon that's Blue. Buy stuff here.
Oh, and the offer still stands: Come up with another good t-shirt slogan, and if we sell ten, we'll buy you one.
And, if you'll just move your eyes to the top of your screen, you'll notice that those Google Ads are now gone. They were 'contextual' but not really relevant. (Give to the RNC?!) Now, causes, companies, and campaigns that want to talk directly to you can do that. Learn more about the ads here.
I do want to highlight one item: BlueOregon is not about making anyone (certainly not me) rich like a dot-commer in the Clinton Era. After our expenses, we'll be using any leftover cash to reward our volunteer contributors. It won't be much, but it'll be nice -- like a big group hug from all of you.
Thanks again. Y'all are kicking butt. Be sure to tell your friends about BlueOregon.
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12:50 a.m.
Nov 16, '04
What, no one wants my Proud Resident Of The Urban Archipelago shirts? ;)
Nov 16, '04
I just learned this a couple days ago, but Democrats aren't always represented by "Blue." It's simply been a coincidence that it's worked out that way the last two elections.
More info: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2004_11/005157.php
What are you guys going to do in 2008 if the Jeb/Condi ticket is "Blue" and the Dean/Obama ticket is "Red".?
These are the things I must consider before parting with my hard-earned "green." If I buy a shirt, I want to know I'm going to be able to wear it proudly for at least 6-8 years...
9:42 a.m.
Nov 16, '04
JS, yeah, that's true. Every paper used to color the maps however they're graphic designer felt like. Then, there was an article in the Atlantic Monthly that used red and blue as the metaphor. It seems to have stuck.
Personally, I'm glad progressives are no longer perceived as "red" communists.
10:31 a.m.
Nov 16, '04
I'm going to start redesigning my wardrobe based on blogging propaganda.
The tee that says "I am Atrios" has always appealed, too.
10:32 a.m.
Nov 16, '04
But does anyone actually buy tote bags? I thought they were post-modern, ironic commentary on our materialist country. But I suppose you could tote your Che Guevara and Karl Marx books in 'em.
12:24 p.m.
Nov 16, '04
Tote bags? Yeah, probably not. It just had the best logo image on it. Now, that ever-pervasive item for our materialistic society. The T-shirt. We do have an organic, made-in-the-USA t-shirt, though -- it's a few more bucks, but nice...
12:25 p.m.
Nov 16, '04
Thank you, JS.
I am so blatantly stealing your idea - "Dean/Obama 2008 - For America."
Don't worry, as the originator of the idea, I'll give you a free t-shirt and a share of the credit when I donate the proceeds to the brand-spankin' new Democratic National Committee, complete with ass-kickers and true patriots.
Nov 16, '04
Oooh...Ooooh! We need bumperstickers!
Nov 16, '04
6:34 p.m.
Nov 16, '04
Oooh...Ooooh! We need bumperstickers!
Better yet - bumper magnets. :-) Or those little clingy window stickers. Anyway, some sort of car decoration would be groovy.
12:32 a.m.
Nov 17, '04
Ask and ye shall receive... Bumper Stickers.
Nov 17, '04
One request for use of proceeds.
Could you consider updating the board to a modified bulletin board system which alerts you to new comments on various pieces every time you log on? I know you have the recent comments list to the right, but it is too short for the length of time between my log-ins and my memory is too short to remember which essays I had read and perhaps commented on.
The essays posted here often generate many comments and in the body of those comments are found interesting viewpoints, opinions and links.
When I log on, I have no way of knowing if someone has posted a comment on an older topic without clicking and scrolling endlessly.
And for those who may not want to purchase more "stuff" -- perhaps a subscription-type service or something.
I get more value from the essays and comments here than I do from the staid old Boregonian -- and would be willing to pay for it.
Thanks for the work.
9:29 p.m.
Nov 17, '04
If this were running MT rather than on Typepad, there would be plugins that could be added that woudl allow the comment notification via email.