Election Party Roundup
Kari Chisholm
Your marching orders: print this out, stuff it in your pocket, and get back out there and get back to work rustling up voters. No partying until 8:00, OK?
They used to be called "victory parties" but these days, no one wants to tempt fate. So, where are the election parties tonight? Here's the statewide roundup...
The big Democratic Party of Oregon party is at the Portland Convention Center. Many other organizations and campaigns are in various suites there, too. They're listed at the end of this roundup.
Deschutes County Democrats: Bend Community Center, 1036 Fifth Street.
Benton County Democrats: Party HQ, 958B NW Circle Blvd.
Lane County Democrats: Vets Club, 1626 Willamette Street.
Jackson County Democrats: Party HQ, 130 East Main Blvd.
Douglas County Democrats: Lava Lanes, 2400 NE Diamond Lake Blvd.
Congresswoman Darlene Hooley & Marion County Democrats: Grand Ballroom, 187 NE High Street.
- No on 35: Windows Terrace, Convention Center Red Lion, 1021 NE Grand Ave.
- No on 37: 1100 NW Glisan, 3rd Floor. (5:30-8:30)
- Tom Potter for Mayor: Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street.
- Jim Francesconi for Mayor: Northwest Labor Council, 11th & Madison.
- Portland Mercury: Doug Fir, East Burnside & 7th. Stage performances from Radical Cheerleaders, Triangle Productions' hee-larious "W – The Musical" and Kick the Squirrel Comedy Troupe's very own mock election. (Plus, instant Canadian passports, just in case.)
- Rock the Vote & Willamette Week: Bossanova, 722 E Burnside. DJs Nocturne and LeRoj kick out the jams.
Portland Convention Center, 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
- Oregon Bus Project: room D-133
- Oregon League of Conservation Voters: room D-134
- Senator Ron Wyden: D-135
- Congresswoman Darlene Hooley: room D-137 (doors open at 9:30)
- Yes on 34: room D-138
- Sam Adams for City Council: room D-139
- Nick Fish for City Council: room E-141
- Bill Bradbury for Secretary of State, Hardy Myers for Attorney General, Randall Edwards for State Treasurer: room E-142
- Oregon House Democrats and Senate Democrats: room E-146
- Congressman David Wu: room E-148
- No on 36: room F-149 to F-151
And now, in the spirit of bipartisanship... The Oregon Republicans will be at the downtown Portland Marriott.
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1:24 p.m.
Nov 2, '04
Kari, Thanks this is very helpful.
Nov 2, '04
Thanks, Kari! This site rocks!
Nov 2, '04
A true public service...and for free! Thanks Kari.
2:43 p.m.
Nov 2, '04
Depending on your moxie and interest, you could also drop in on the Republicans. They're at the downtown Marriot, doors opening at 8. My guess is that it would be pretty fascinating to see.
3:59 p.m.
Nov 2, '04
Also, Stop the Repeal is at 1125 SE Madison, Suite 210 starting at 7:30, and Reps-to-Be Buck and Brading and current Rep. and Sen.-to-Be Monnes-Anderson are at the Main Street Ale House 333 N. Main St. in Gresham 7-9.