Ashcroft News
Jeff Alworth
This is just dandy. John Ashcroft turned in his resignation today (MSNBC headline: "Attorney general declares victory over crime, terror"), but not before giving Oregon the finger on the way out:
U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft filed an appeal Tuesday with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the justices whether he has the authority to block Oregon's physician assisted suicide law.
He said doctors in Oregon who prescribed federally regulated drugs for the purpose of assisted suicide could face prosecution.
He somehow managed to destroy my joy at seeing him go. (Or not: a post-resignation loss at the hands of the Supremes would, I suppose, form a fitting epitaph.)
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connect with blueoregon
5:34 p.m.
Nov 9, '04
And let's just hope there's no truth to the rumor that he's getting ready for a Supreme Court appointment.
Nov 9, '04
Actually, an Ashcroft nomination might be ideal--someone so bad and nasty not even the GOP could back him without blushing. If it's not going to be someone decent, I'd rather fight someone as bad as Ashcroft.
7:33 p.m.
Nov 9, '04
I'm not celebrating until I know who is going to replace him and where he's going next.
Everytime I say about this administration, "Surely they couldn't find anyone worse for the job," they outdo themselves once again.
Nov 9, '04
"Death with Dignity" is an issue that deserves national play, because it drives a wedge right were we want it: between the religious fascists like Ashcroft and the largely reasonable secular-libertarians.
The GOP needs the latter, and may have lost Oregon in part by pushing them away on this issue. The more noise we can get made about this issue nationally -- as a libertarian issue, a states-rights issue, etc. -- the better.
What's the worst thing that could happen? Supremes rule against Oregon, Oregon gets to be a states-rights martyr, every GOP elected official gets to defend the Feds' right to make moral judgments in place of Oregonians.
Being Gordon Smith could get really unpleasant. Especially if he voted to confirm the next AG, and possibly even the decisive vote on the Supremes.
Peace, Jarrett
8:48 p.m.
Nov 9, '04
Being Gordon Smith could get really unpleasant. Especially if he voted to confirm the next AG, and possibly even the decisive vote on the Supremes.
I'm not sure that's the nail I'd like to drive into Smith's Senatorial coffin (no pun intended). I hope he realizes that it's time to put his money where his mouth is when he says "I realize most of Oregon is pro-choice/supports death with dignity, etc. etc." I could stand having him around if he actually stepped up to the plate on this one. It's too important. Then after everything is secure, we find a far less damaging way to oust him.
Nov 10, '04
I imagine enough internet pressure can get Smith to abandon his Gang Of Psychos (GOP) registration, to avoid being jailed with, and for, their abominable infamy.
The Ashcroft/Evans do-si-do seemed like it was a cover-up and a lie about something. (Everything they say is a lie -- see: WMD's in Iraq.) Probably Ashcroft's health is failing, and his constitution is pasty and doughy to begin with, (it's possible to be too white, and it's sorta fatal), so nothing sinister in that. It didn't seem like enough. My last take on it is they are two good rats getting off the sinking pirates' ship. What, Ashcroft a good guy? Yeah, let him go and keep pulling tighter the noose around the war criminals still in the cabinet. And saying that to them -- the cabinet faces war crimes charges, but Ashcroft got out so he must have a conscience; and them seeing they could be charged for what he did should be enough to turn them, (the cabinet we're talking here), turn them to roll over on Ashcroft. He'll be back -- to face charges. If we play along for now like he's gotten away.
Today was my pick for the October Surprise date, and solely based on Ashcroft going fugitive I say cheeky-ly I should win the wine. What was the Octo.Surpo measured as, the event that ices the election? I say today was the tipping point when Bush begins losing the election (did you see all the vote fraud evidence in the precincts?), and Kerry wins it. Cable TV can't stonewall the burgeoning vote fraud story much longer; it's fit to burst.
There's talk of a national one day strike. Sounds like something that would tie in with rallying around Howard Dean, and something he is 'goofy' enough to endorse. Just don't stop with a general strike on inauguration day. Add on BOYCOTT Cable TV -- stop financing the lies that hypnotize the red states -- as further example of action an individual can take, and cause residual effects to remember the strikers by for a long time after the strike.
<h2>All the commotion today might be understood by the following, which could also explain why the internet is raging tonight and communication links are fritzing. Reports said Sunday night, (when chickens spilled free in Oregon City), skywatchers in WA saw the aurora borealis, and Monday night viewers stretched across to Michigan. Personally, I see in my typing here I'm twitchy and restless, and have been all day. If these symptoms include you, (I don't believe I am the only one getting bumpy internet flow tonight), then consider you might be suffering solar innervation. Plug into the buzz here. And the remainder (below) is a current sample. ('Current sample' -- get it?)</h2> <h2>Copyright, 2004, Tomas Hood (NW7US). All rights reserved.</h2>This page was rendered on 10-Nov-04 0724 UTC.
Sun Spots: 90 as of 11/09/2004 :: Flux: 127 | Ap: 91 | Kp: 7 (296 nT) Solar Wind: 716 km/s at 4.5 protons/cm3 :: [ Other Kp graphs ]
On 2004 Nov 10 0723Z: Bz: -23.9 nT Bx: -1.3 nT | By: -0.9 nT | Total: 24.0 nT [ Real-Time Solar Wind data dials ]
Most recent satellite polar pass: Centered on 11/10/2004 : 0446 UTC Aurora Activity Level was 10 at 0446 UTC visit noaa for latest.
X-ray Solar Flares: 6h hi [X2.5][0213Z 11/10] 24h hi [X2.5][0213Z 11/10]
Global HF Propagation Conditions for 0600Z on 10 Nov, 2004 Low Latitude: Poor Mid Latitude: Poor Hi Latitude: Poor(PCA)
Summary for last 24 hours: Space weather for the past 24 hours has been severe. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G4 level occurred. Solar radiation storms reaching the S2 level occurred. Radio blackouts reaching the R3 level occurred.
Forecast for next 24 hours: Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be moderate. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected. Solar radiation storms reaching the S1 level are expected. Radio blackouts reaching the R2 level are expected.
If there are warnings, they are listed lower on this page.
Warnings/Alerts issued in the last 24 hours, if any: (scales:
Warning (113): Geomagnetic K-Index of 6 expected From: 2004 Nov 09 0050 UTC To: 2004 Nov 09 2100 UTC Condition: Persistence. Extends Warning #112.
Warning (23): Proton 100MeV Integral Flux above 1pfu expected From: 2004 Nov 10 0333 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1500 UTC Condition: Onset
Warning (231): Proton 10MeV Integral Flux above 10pfu expected From: 2004 Nov 07 1829 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1600 UTC Condition: Persistence. Extends Warning #230.
Warning (447): Geomagnetic K-index of 5 expected From: 2004 Nov 10 0100 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1500 UTC Condition: Persistence
Warning (45): Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse expected From: 2004 Nov 09 0940 UTC To: 2004 Nov 09 1010 UTC Condition: IP Shock Passage Observed: 2004 Nov 09 0919 UTC
Watch (75): Geomagnetic A-index of 30 or greater predicted Valid for UTC Day: 2004 Nov 11
Alert (178): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 0900-1200 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1136 UTC
Alert (179): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 1500-1800 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1459 UTC
Alert (180): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 1500-1800 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1617 UTC
Alert (185): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 0600-0900 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 10 0655 UTC
Alert (63): Geomagnetic K-index of 7 Period: 1800-2100 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 2006 UTC
Alert (64): Geomagnetic K-index of 7 Period: 2100-2400 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 2247 UTC ...
<h1></h1>Nov 10, '04
I imagine enough internet pressure can get Smith to abandon his Gang Of Psychos (GOP) registration, to avoid being jailed with, and for, their abominable infamy.
The Ashcroft/Evans do-si-do seemed like it was a cover-up and a lie about something. (Everything they say is a lie -- see: WMD's in Iraq.) Probably Ashcroft's health is failing, and his constitution is pasty and doughy to begin with, (it's possible to be too white, and it's sorta fatal), so nothing sinister in that. It didn't seem like enough. My last take on it is they are two good rats getting off the sinking pirates' ship. What, Ashcroft a good guy? Yeah, let him go and keep pulling tighter the noose around the war criminals still in the cabinet. And saying that to them -- the cabinet faces war crimes charges, but Ashcroft got out so he must have a conscience; and them seeing they could be charged for what he did should be enough to turn them, (the cabinet we're talking here), turn them to roll over on Ashcroft. He'll be back -- to face charges. If we play along for now like he's gotten away.
Today was my pick for the October Surprise date, and solely based on Ashcroft going fugitive I say cheeky-ly I should win the wine. What was the Octo.Surpo measured as, the event that ices the election? I say today was the tipping point when Bush begins losing the election (did you see all the vote fraud evidence in the precincts?), and Kerry wins it. Cable TV can't stonewall the burgeoning vote fraud story much longer; it's fit to burst.
There's talk of a national one day strike. Sounds like something that would tie in with rallying around Howard Dean, and something he is 'goofy' enough to endorse. Just don't stop with a general strike on inauguration day. Add on BOYCOTT Cable TV -- stop financing the lies that hypnotize the red states -- as further example of action an individual can take, and cause residual effects to remember the strikers by for a long time after the strike.
<h2>All the commotion today might be understood by the following, which could also explain why the internet is raging tonight and communication links are fritzing. Reports said Sunday night, (when chickens spilled free in Oregon City), skywatchers in WA saw the aurora borealis, and Monday night viewers stretched across to Michigan. Personally, I see in my typing here I'm twitchy and restless, and have been all day. If these symptoms include you, (I don't believe I am the only one getting bumpy internet flow tonight), then consider you might be suffering solar innervation. Plug into the buzz here. And the remainder (below) is a current sample. ('Current sample' -- get it?)</h2> <h2>Copyright, 2004, Tomas Hood (NW7US). All rights reserved.</h2>This page was rendered on 10-Nov-04 0724 UTC.
Sun Spots: 90 as of 11/09/2004 :: Flux: 127 | Ap: 91 | Kp: 7 (296 nT) Solar Wind: 716 km/s at 4.5 protons/cm3 :: [ Other Kp graphs ]
On 2004 Nov 10 0723Z: Bz: -23.9 nT Bx: -1.3 nT | By: -0.9 nT | Total: 24.0 nT [ Real-Time Solar Wind data dials ]
Most recent satellite polar pass: Centered on 11/10/2004 : 0446 UTC Aurora Activity Level was 10 at 0446 UTC visit noaa for latest.
X-ray Solar Flares: 6h hi [X2.5][0213Z 11/10] 24h hi [X2.5][0213Z 11/10]
Global HF Propagation Conditions for 0600Z on 10 Nov, 2004 Low Latitude: Poor Mid Latitude: Poor Hi Latitude: Poor(PCA)
Summary for last 24 hours: Space weather for the past 24 hours has been severe. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G4 level occurred. Solar radiation storms reaching the S2 level occurred. Radio blackouts reaching the R3 level occurred.
Forecast for next 24 hours: Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be moderate. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected. Solar radiation storms reaching the S1 level are expected. Radio blackouts reaching the R2 level are expected.
If there are warnings, they are listed lower on this page.
Warnings/Alerts issued in the last 24 hours, if any: (scales:
Warning (113): Geomagnetic K-Index of 6 expected From: 2004 Nov 09 0050 UTC To: 2004 Nov 09 2100 UTC Condition: Persistence. Extends Warning #112.
Warning (23): Proton 100MeV Integral Flux above 1pfu expected From: 2004 Nov 10 0333 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1500 UTC Condition: Onset
Warning (231): Proton 10MeV Integral Flux above 10pfu expected From: 2004 Nov 07 1829 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1600 UTC Condition: Persistence. Extends Warning #230.
Warning (447): Geomagnetic K-index of 5 expected From: 2004 Nov 10 0100 UTC To: 2004 Nov 10 1500 UTC Condition: Persistence
Warning (45): Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse expected From: 2004 Nov 09 0940 UTC To: 2004 Nov 09 1010 UTC Condition: IP Shock Passage Observed: 2004 Nov 09 0919 UTC
Watch (75): Geomagnetic A-index of 30 or greater predicted Valid for UTC Day: 2004 Nov 11
Alert (178): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 0900-1200 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1136 UTC
Alert (179): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 1500-1800 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1459 UTC
Alert (180): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 1500-1800 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 1617 UTC
Alert (185): Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Period: 0600-0900 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 10 0655 UTC
Alert (63): Geomagnetic K-index of 7 Period: 1800-2100 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 2006 UTC
Alert (64): Geomagnetic K-index of 7 Period: 2100-2400 UTC Threshold Reached on 2004 Nov 09 2247 UTC ...
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