38 v. 12, or so they say
Brian Wagner
It is articles like this one that convinces liberals that conservatives are crazy. Red America, the writer says, is all that is good about America. Blue America (specifically the 12 states of California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, and Delaware) must be forced to secede due to its moral degradation. Oddly enough, Oregon and Washington seem to be placed with the 36 other states that would supposedly favor a constitutional resolution expelling the 12 offenders.
Edit: Hat-tip to Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo for the link.
Also, spent last weekend in DC and visited the WWII Memorial, which is masterfully designed to blend into the surroundings and allow for large crowds to meander around the walls that contain the names of all the states of the Union. Took this picture there:
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connect with blueoregon
12:06 p.m.
Nov 10, '04
Oddly enough, Oregon and Washington seem to be placed with the 36 other states that would supposedly favor a constitutional resolution expelling the 12 offenders.
That is quite odd considering we've been blue since 1988 - in a group that's second only to Minnesota and DC (MN having been consistently blue since 1976 - and, well, D.C. is always blue). I think they're trying to ensure they have access to the Pacific so they'll need both Portland and Seattle. Otherwise I think they'd group us in with the 12 (though I guess then it'd be 14, eh? hehe). Unless we're simply not morally degraded enough.