Pro Measure 36

Kenji Sugahara

Ahh... how I missed the blogging. I do have a good excuse... I got a job that I love. No billable hours... no 60 hour work weeks... just a whole lot of creativity and fun. There's so much stuff out their to make fun of, but I think I found someone who did one of the funniest things I've seen ever.

If you haven't looked in the Oregon Voters' Pamphlet, check out the first two and next to last arguments in favor of Measure 36. Clever, classic, and brilliant. It's old news but seeing it printed in the pamphlet had me rolling on the ground laughing. You can even check out the author's (Dennis Moore) website.

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    I don't care who y'are, thaaaat's just funny.

  • Kismet (unverified)

    O M G!! That is great! I can't wait to vote now. ~K!

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    There's also a couple of Measure 37 arguments at the end of the Yes on 37 statements that poke holes in Measure 37.

    Will they be effective? I'm not sure.

  • shampton (unverified)

    Yes, I loved the voters pamphlet--esp the 36 section. One statement I found very compelling is the married couple who were able to use their status to make a lifesaving decision for one. Outlawing certain kinds of families is a new low, and I hope this goes down to a rousing defeat. The Oregon Humanities Journal is coming out with an issue themed on Marriage sometime soon to further the debate.

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