My lucky day
Jack Bogdanski
On a rare day/evening combination downtown yesterday, I spotted the following fine political figures of whom we Portlandians feel so proud:
Ooooh, pinch me!
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connect with blueoregon
Oct 22, '04
Jack, is there a compiled list of the 'October Surprise' contest entries sorted by date so that we could scratch each one off as the month's days lapse by?
Besides, I want to change mine. Mine was that the 'O.S.' was there wouldn't be one, and in its stead would be a post-election "rigged upheaval" for the same intent -- trying to affect the election results -- after the fact, and my date was Nov. 5. I want to change it to Nov. 9. As long as I'm looking at it, I may as well (or may as wrongly) go ahead and set wager that Mount St. Helens has its 'upheaval' that day, too. That can be our 'signal' to judge the contest by, maybe. It's sort of an unarguable event, it either erupts or it doesn't.
I choose Nov. 9 simply because it is 11/9, the reverse of 9/11.