Desperate Measures
Jason Evans
Imagine my surprise. Bush supports civil unions for gay men and women.
Armageddon is coming.
Fresh on the heels of this revelation, we received a pre-recorded call from Kelly Clark last night via the disreputable FEC Research group. This time, however, it wasn't a push-poll. It was a brief statement from Mr. Clark declaring that Measure 36 did not prevent civil unions as opponents are suggesting. Defining the purpose of the measure, Mr. Clark again says 36 was written to prevent "back room" deals from commissioners in Multnomah and other counties.
The timing of this call was most interesting. Local news was reporting yesterday that new polls in Oregon, such as they are, show the state has become more evenly split - 50% in favor, 46% opposed, 5% undecided - on Measure 36. Only a few weeks ago, the measure enjoyed a larger margin of passage.
On a personal note...
I was not allowed to be a part of the political process on any level as I was growing up and into my early 20's. My beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness barred me from voting or even expressing an opinion about politics and the governmental process. The JW's feel that "worldly" neutrality is best when you truly believe in God's kingdom as the only hope for mankind's salvation. Now that I am no longer a member of that cult I truly appreciate the process, flawed as it may be. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't. During those time that it doesn't, we know that things can be changed. Regardless of how things turn out, we will ultimately be O.K.
I am nervous and excited about November 2nd. Buckle up, folks. It's going to be a great ride!
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