100 Days of BlueOregon
blueoregon admin
Just a quick note, folks, to thank all of you for making BlueOregon a big success. In the 100 days since we went live, we've had 268 original posts. Y'all have contributed 2659 comments and have generated nearly 90,000 page views. That's an average of 900 page views a day - with about 2000 a day for the last few weeks. Thank you.
An arbitrary list of some of the best posts so far...
July 20: The Nanny Diaries, Portland-style, by Leslie Carlson
July 20: Combustion: Internal and Spontaneous Human, by Pat Ryan
July 22: Insiders' Guide to the Oregon Brewers Festival, by Jeff Alworth
July 23: Friend: Download This Free Proclamation for Local Use, by Kim Stafford
July 29: You Know You Make Me Wanna (Shout!), by Anne Martens
July 29: You Must Whip It…, by Jesse Cornett
July 30: Small-Town Portland Love, by Jason Evans
August 3: Chief Brink, by Randy Leonard
August 5: Why John Kerry is Going to Win, by Andrew Simon
August 10: Vacation, by Kenji Sugahara
August 13: Conversations at the Portland Kerry Rally, by Jeff Alworth
August 18: Nader Ballot Fraud, Part 3 (EXCLUSIVE), by Kari Chisholm
August 26: Vote, sistahs! by Rachel Vorberg-Rugh
August 27: Major League Baseball in Portland, by Randy Leonard
August 28: 76 years old… Never voted….He’s voting this year. by Lew Frederick
August 31: John Howard Kisses W's Butt, by Elizabeth Cage
September 10: Just answer the door, already, by Erin Haick
September 15: Oregon Troops Say Support Kerry “so we can get outta this hellhole”, by Chuck Sheketoff
September 23: We own the airwaves, by Bill Deiz (guest column)
September 26: Urban Greens vs. Rural Progressives, by Pat Hayes (guest column)
September 28: Is KXL financing a political campaign? by Chuck Sheketoff
October 10: Night in America, by Jack Bogdanski
October 11: Joint Terrorism Task Force; Yes or No? by Randy Leonard
October 15: Spreading the Oregon Love, by Brian Wagner
October 19: Nothing more to say, by Erika Meyer
October 21: Respect every vote, seek every vote, count every vote, by Tim Nesbitt (guest column)
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Albert Kaufman |
Our Democrat Representatives in Action - What's on your wish list? |
Kari Chisholm |
Guest Column |
Kari Chisholm |
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Oct 27, '04
Second day without a comment.
I am so-o-o-o grateful for BlueOregon.
Thank-you for a great website!!