Trick or Treat
Jason Evans
We keep hearing rumors of an "October Surprise". I've tried to avoid the countless conspiracy theories floating around. However, my hunch seems to jive with what many others feel: Osama bin Laden is going to be found and turned over to the U.S. before the November elections. Could it be true?
According to the President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, and U.S. intelligence officials, bin Ladin is alive. He's living in Pakistan.
Why the hell aren't we going after him? Why isn't the full force and might of the United States of America being brought down upon Pakistan in an effort to get this guy?
Because we're liberating terrorists in Iraq. Bush Co. can't spoil the surprise by pulling out and heading to Pakistan. They'll leave the discovery up to the "special forces" on the ground there.
I fear the mighty White House spin machine is warming us up for this theoretical big surprise. Why, then, am I not at all surprised?
Is the White House ready to pull their prize rabbit out of their magic hat? Or is Osama bin Laden only a scapegoat in a bigger conspiracy which, if exposed, would actually show oil negotiations between the ruling bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia and the Bush family as the primary reason for invading Iraq?
Talk amongst yourselves. I'll be hiding in my bunker.
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Sep 28, '04 democrats are becoming so's quite laughable.
First you have a "pool" on the capture of a mass-murdering bastard like it's some kind of parlor game, then a post that God has struck down Mark Hatfield because he supports the President, and now this latest post which vomits up the Michael Moore bile...
must be nice to be so smug inside your bunker.
Sep 28, '04
The GOP doesn't need to bother with Osama. Haven't you seen the poll numbers?
Sep 28, '04
The GOP doesn't NEED to bother with Osama?
Think about that statement...
Sep 28, '04
Mike D...
I'm "hiding in my bunker" because I knew there'd be some rather unfriendly remarks.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I enjoy writing things which create a reaction. I'm not afraid to toss my opinion out there for discussion and/or criticism. I prefer to highlight the most extreme side of the left and watch how people react.
After all, it's only my opinion...
Sep 29, '04
Why Trick or Treat when you can TRICK or VOTE?
To find out more, go to:
(a) It's Timely. (b) It's Effective. (c) It's Potentially Habit-Forming.
It's Halloween, politics-style.
Or politics, Halloween-style!!!
Whichever you prefer...
Stay tuned: The Trick or Vote Parade is just getting started!!
Sep 30, '04
Well, I don't know what to think about the rabbit-in-the-hat theory. I sure have heard it a lot. It is a little funny when you think about it how desolate Afghanistan is and we haven't found Osama in 3 years, while we found Saddam in all of the densely populated state of Iraq in just 3 months. Either they're not trying very hard or he's already under wraps in that bunker, where Mike D is coming to find you, Jason.
I also think it's kind of predictable and weird that the best answer for this theory by Bush-backers is "What!? Utter nonsense! Ha ha! That's prePOSterous!! Fiddlesticks! (Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain!)"
Michael Moore appears to hit a nerve with every R. I know, despite their unwillingness to view so much actual footage of the president.
One thing is sure, if they do "find" Osama in October, Kerry and the democrats are done this time around, whether it's pre-planned thing or not. Nobody will care in the boom of American triumph echoing around the world.
Oct 15, '04
Here is an October surprise the Bush administration did not anticipate. Shades of Vietnam.
Military investigating whether unit in Iraq refused to undertake mission
WASHINGTON -- The Army is investigating reports that several members of a reservist supply unit in Iraq refused to go on a convoy mission, the military said Friday.
Relatives of the soldiers said the troops considered the mission too dangerous.
The reservists are from the 343rd Quartermaster Company, which is based in Rock Hill, S.C. The unit delivers food and water in combat zones.
According to The Clarion-Ledger newspaper in Jackson, Miss., a platoon of 17 soldiers refused to go on a fuel supply mission Wednesday because their vehicles were in poor shape and they did not have a capable armed escort.
The paper cited interviews with family members of some of the soldiers, who said the soldiers had been confined after their refusals. The mission was carried out by other soldiers from the 343rd, which has at least 120 soldiers, the military said.
Convoys in Iraq are frequently subject to ambushes and roadside bombings.
A whole unit refusing to go on a mission in a war zone would be a significant breach of military discipline. A statement from the military's press center in Baghdad called the incident "isolated."
"The investigating team is currently in Tallil taking statements and interviewing those involved. This is an isolated incident and it is far too early in the investigation to speculate as to what happened, why it happened or any action that might be taken," the coalition press information center said in the statement, sent to The Associated Press in Washington.
In the statement, U.S. military officials said the commanding general of the 13th Corps Support Command had appointed his deputy commander to investigate the incident.
The statement did not confirm several aspects of the relatives' stories, including the number of soldiers involved and the reason they refused the mission.
The soldiers refused an order on Wednesday to go to Taji, Iraq -- north of Baghdad -- because their vehicles were considered extremely unsafe, Patricia McCook of Jackson, Miss., told The Clarion-Ledger.
Her husband, Sgt. Larry O. McCook, was among those detained, she said, saying her husband had telephoned her from Iraq.
The platoon being held has troops from Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi and South Carolina, said Teresa Hill of Dothan, Ala., who told the newspaper her daughter Amber McClenny is among those being detained.
Patricia McCook said her husband told her he did not feel comfortable taking his soldiers on another trip.
"He told me that three of the vehicles they were to use were 'deadlines' ... not safe to go in a hotbed like that," she said, according to the newspaper.
(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)