Oregon vs. Pennsylvania
Jeff Alworth
There's largesse headed to Oregon to elect John Kerry. How large?--that depends on you. The folks from Running for Change PAC (they host concerts and running events to defeat Bush) are having a contest to award $10,000 to either Oregon or Pennsylvania. The loser gets a thou.
On Friday, September 17, 2004, the Running for Change PAC will give away $10,000 to the Democratic coordinated campaign committee of either Oregon or Pennsylvania -- but we need your help to decide. You can decide in which of these two critical swing states our money can help John Kerry most.
You exercise your power by following this link and voting. (According to polling over the past 60 days, Kerry leads Bush by 4-11 points; in Pennsylvania, the lead has wobbled between Bush and Kerry, with Bush holding the most recent 2-point edge.)
Your vote will decide...
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connect with blueoregon
Sep 8, '04
I just voted for Pennsylvania. Sorry, guys.
2:42 a.m.
Sep 9, '04
OK, Red, tell us why.
7:31 a.m.
Sep 9, '04
Probably because of my polling stats. Hey, I'm delighted to think that Oregon might safely be in the blue camp. Wasn't that our goal, Kari? We appear to have succeeded which means--if I read this properly--that we need to propogate a blog called BluePennsylvania.
How about a BlueOhio, while we're at it?
Sep 9, '04
And perhaps I should change my blog to BlueWestVirginia, though I don't have the time/energy to do it alone.
I voted for Pennsylvania because based on what I've been reading, that state is much more up in the air than Oregon, and it has 21 electoral votes.
Here's a handy Electoral Vote Predictor, updated frequently based on new polls.
12:53 p.m.
Sep 9, '04
I'm inclined to agree w/ Red, K. It's a matter of math. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the 10k donation leads to a Kerry victory for that state and certain Bush-dom for the other. Not that that's likely, but hey - just look at the 2000 results - one vote here, one dollar there. Anyway, wouldn't you rather see Kerry win no matter how (as long as it's legal and ethical, of course) than say "Hey, four more years of Bush, but we've stayed 'blue' for a fifth straight cycle." ?? Sure Gore took PA by more than he did here in 2000, but there's no Nader factor this year, either. I just agree w/ Red that it's money better spent in PA. The polls are closer and there's a hell of a lot more at stake.
JMHO, of course. :-) Not that you actually said for which state you had voted (if you had)... and I haven't voted yet, myself... but what are your thoughts?
11:16 p.m.
Sep 19, '04
PA won (by 500 votes), but Oregon didn't entirely lose - Concerts for Change/Run Against Bush upped their Oregon donation to $5,000 instead of just $1,000. :-)
Note that they've got other competitions going for folks to weigh in on (both ending 9/30):
Iowa v. Wisconsin - www.IAvWI.org Missouri v. N. Carolina - www.MOvNC.org