I got just one question
Jack Bogdanski
Hey, Commander-in-Chief! If you're doing such a great job, where is bin Laden?
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connect with blueoregon
7:23 a.m.
Sep 20, '04
I'm not usually a cospiracy theorist by any means, but I have a hunch we'll be finding him, oooooh mid- to late-October. Y'know, just a hunch. And, of course, if we don't find him by election day then we really don't know where he is. That's my little theory anyway.
Sep 20, '04
yeah, you beat me to it cc.
October Surprise. either Laden or another terrorist attack.
Sep 20, '04
Just pray the answer isn't "sitting in a Pakistani jail waiting for late October."
Sep 20, '04
Or more gruesomely, lying in a body bag in cold storage waiting for late October.
1:29 p.m.
Sep 20, '04
Kerry, today:
3:47 p.m.
Sep 20, '04
You know, Red, your comment made me take my conspiracy paranoia one step further. What's to stop this administration, which has actively and intentionally deceived the public before to serve its own agenda, to just, y'know, say we caught him DOA and finding a "hero" who gunned him down (like in Wag the Dog with that crazy Schumann guy played by Woody Harrelson)? They'd only have to keep the facade going for a couple weeks, then say "Oh, guess it wasn't him. Musta been a body double." And what could anyone do about it?
<h2>Yeah it may be out there and it may be completely paranoid on my part but just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you. ;-) Hey, it could happen! lol.</h2>