BlueOregon Needs Your Help: Friday Deadline.
blueoregon admin
Do you like BlueOregon? Has it made your life a richer, funnier, smarter place?
If so, please send money to... er, no, never mind, save your money. Instead, just take a moment and nominate BlueOregon in the Washington Post contest for best political blogs. We're particularly interested in the Best Outside the Beltway category. The deadline is Friday.
Oh, and feel free to use this post as a suggestion box. Let's hear your ideas - how can BlueOregon be even better?
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Kari Chisholm |
Kari Chisholm |
Final pre-census estimate: Oregon's getting a sixth congressional seat |
Albert Kaufman |
Polluted by Money - How corporate cash corrupted one of the greenest states in America |
Guest Column |
Albert Kaufman |
Our Democrat Representatives in Action - What's on your wish list? |
Kari Chisholm |
Guest Column |
Kari Chisholm |
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9:42 a.m.
Sep 2, '04
Love the group you've assembled here, Kari.
I'd make one minor change. Somewhere, on the page that gens up for making a post, needs to be a list of what's doable/what's not in terms of formatting/fonting, how to quote somebody, etc.
It's different from Movable Type, to Scoop, to the many different iterations of Blogger. I discovered italic type off a random guess. but I wouldn't have known.
I don't know if this is possible in Movable Type or not, either, but a little account security would go a long way, too. If we're posting here at all regularly, it's not too much to ask for a password; in the current format, for example, someone could log in as Slevin and call you a shit!
Sep 2, '04
Somehow I don't think anyone could successfully emulate his inimitable style.
Since this post is in the open discussion category: How come no posts about the RNC? I know at least some of you are watching at least some of it. No posts about how hateful it is? No mocking Zig-Zag Zell? No making fun of the Governator? Don't make me go read Atrios.
1:33 p.m.
Sep 2, '04
Minor issue: is it possible to have the links I click on open in a new window? Generally, I think BlueOregon's been going great and I enjoy being a part of it. Thanks Kari!
1:37 p.m.
Sep 2, '04
It's interesting to launch a political blog focused on Oregon politics in the middle of the most heated presidential campaign in a generation. Sorta sucks the wind out of the local sphere, particularly when we know 500 votes might elect a president.
I think we've tried to keep things local, and this will probably be far more interesting come late fall (after, say, Nov 2). But maybe we've resited the temptation too assiduously.
Sep 2, '04
Ever the contrarian, maybe there's some interest in helping the blog-o-sphere accept nominees for a Rate The Newspapers contest. Uh, with prizes.
<h1></h1>3:06 p.m.
Sep 2, '04
Ever the contrarian, maybe there's some interest in helping the blog-o-sphere accept nominees for a Rate The Newspapers contest. Uh, with prizes.
Holy crapola, Batman. This is brilliant, and let's go ahead and do this for Oregon. We might want to open a thread over at the ORblogs discussion forum about this, where it might be seen by a wider selection of Oregon bloggers, including from all over the state who have experience with their own local/regional papers.
Let's do it.
10:59 p.m.
Sep 2, '04
Says Rachael: Minor issue: is it possible to have the links I click on open in a new window?
R, just hold down the SHIFT key when you click. Voila, new window. ;)
11:01 p.m.
Sep 2, '04
Oh, and just to clarify one point: I'm a co-founder of BlueOregon - along with Jeff Alworth and Jesse Cornett. Initially, I was a skeptic, but those guys brought me along - and now I'm a true believer, too. :)
12:47 a.m.
Sep 11, '04
How 'bout making a mirror site in WML so that I can actually read posts on my phone when I'm travelling for work and am bored? :-)
Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask, does it?