BlueOregon Gear...
blueoregon admin
So, here at BlueOregon HQ, we're always asking ourselves, "Self, what is it that Blue Oregonians really, really need?" Our current answer: T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, and other useless stuff. So, before we start hawking merchandise, our question to you is this:
What should BlueOregon gear say? Any particular slogans, catchphrases, motttos, etc? (Please, keep it clean, keep it Blue, and keep it Oregon. No "Darth W. Bush" stuff here... That stuff's funny, just not original.)
If we pick your catchphrase, and we're able to sell at least ten shirts with that slogan on it, we'll send you a free t-shirt. So, whaddya got?
p.s. Another self-promotional item: We just crossed the 50,000 page views mark. Thanks, folks! Be sure to clue your friends in about BlueOregon...
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11:19 a.m.
Sep 14, '04
Well, here's the t-shirt idea I've been pondering for awhile...the back would be decorated with favorite Bush quotes from the past four years.
"It's a complicated for the smart guy."
11:29 a.m.
Sep 14, '04
This is great --- we need a shirt to wear after all our anti-bush shirts become obsolete collector items (soon!)
Well, the Blue Oregon shirt certainly needs to have the blog address in some clear easy to read font, perhaps just below the state outline in blue letters.
Next, I like the motto "Where the Left is right" and some of the other great ones we hear on Air America. I also like the little mottos you have on the website in the upper right hand corner. You could use some of those mottos and it would be great by me.
Here are some other attempts:
It's the livability, stupid
Leading edge of the left coast
Where True is Blue
Land of Milk and Progress
Dude, Where's My Mail-in Ballot?
A River of Democrats Runs Through It
Water Cooler for the Cool
Thanks, Ginny
12:24 p.m.
Sep 14, '04
I actually kind of like your sample t-shirt (and Ginny's ideas as well).
Here are my other, um, "thoughts":
"Slog the Blog."
"Blog, f*cker" (You know, Abercrombie and Fitch and Urban Outfitters would sell these)
" We Love Bloggers. Oh, yeah, and dreamers. And all that other stuff."
" the other white meat. Actually, kind of a left-wing red meat."
"Keiko's Dead. Time for"
"Lefty? Avoiding work?"
"A short history of Oregon: Lewis and Clark. The ballot initiative. The bottle bill. The beach bill. Urban growth boundaries. Assisted suicide. Medical marijuana. Vote by mail. (ok, well, we're working on it.)"
Or, " Breaking news, and naked photos of Kari Chisholm."
12:38 p.m.
Sep 14, '04
I had a couple of what I thought were fairly clever ideas. And then I see what Evan, Ginny, and Rachel have come up with. Oy--what smarties. I've never let embarrassment deter me, however, so here they are:
"It's not Lon Mabon's Oregon any more."
"If Tom McCall were still alive, he'd be blogging at BlueOregon."
I'd spend fifteen bucks on several of those ideas (faves: "It's a complicated for the smart guy." "Water Cooler for the Cool." "Blog, F*cker"--though we'd have to apologize to the Bus for that last one.
12:40 p.m.
Sep 14, '04
Oh, and while we're on promotional items, I should alert you all to the article about Randy Leonard and his blogging habit in today's Tribune. BlueOregon gets a mention!
3:46 p.m.
Sep 14, '04
I'm not sure if this is nearly as clever as I think it is... but I like it. :-) (I also like Blog, f*cker. Just for the record)
"Don't be Left behind..."
Sep 14, '04
How about:
"Feeling blue?" (with BlueOregon's address)
If Bush wins (I can't believe I just uttered those words), it would be even more appropriate.
Sep 15, '04
4 More Years of Dread? "Vote Blue, Not Red"
"Get Your Blog on for Democracy "
"Rut-Ro-Raggy..My Scooby snacks are going to Iraq"
"Oregon, Oregon" Where for Art Thou, Voter?
"He Hate Me" Vote Blue!