Anarchy in USA
Erin Haick
You know the left is united when the street punks stop yelling “Anarchy!” and start yelling “Kerry!”
One of the more interesting groups that has cropped up for this election cycle is, which will be showing its leather-and-spikes self in Portland today and Saturday. This will actually be the second “Rock Against Bush” tour, a two-day event starting tonight, at that home to left-wing documentaries, the Clinton Street Theatre. Clara Frenk, of Outfoxed, will be on hand after the screening to further elaborate on FOX’s practices.
On Saturday, Punkvoter will be participating in a rally with the Oregon AFL-CIO. And then the music starts over at the Roseland Theatre with Anti-Flag, Midtown, Epoxies, and Strike Anywhere. Good political fun will be had by all, and the Epoxies are truly wonderful and should be seen.
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Sep 19, '04