Why John Kerry is Going to Win.
Andrew Simon
A few days ago I was on the way to my grandparents house to mow their lawn (hey, a couple of extra bucks doesn’t hurt when you are in high school). I was almost at their house when, out of nowhere, a few young kids, maybe in third or fourth grade jumped out from and started yelling.
I wasn’t too shocked. I probably pulled some of the same juvenile antics back in the day. It took me a few seconds to realize what the kids were screaming at random cars that passed by.
“Vote for Kerry!”
“John Kerry rocks!”
This wasn’t a coordinated campaign event or a filmed stunt. It was just a couple kids who wanted to change the world. Albeit, yelling at cars may not be the most productive way to go about campaigning but that’s beyond the point.
I have never seen, or heard of, so many people, young and old, mobilizing to elect John Kerry. In what other point in American presidential history have kids wanted to elect a candidate for office so badly that they would stand on the street and yell at cars three months before the election? My friends, I have a feeling that Kerry and Edwards are going to win this one. Its gonna’ be close, but the good side will prevail.
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Aug 7, '04
Nice to see more highschool level poli blogging.
Aug 8, '04
Kerry will win if GOP dirty tricks don't overwhelm us by even one electoral vote. Here's one of many concerns: rumors in the blogosphere that voters are being defrauded by false change of address cards being mailed in that move them to other precincts. Could this happen in Oregon with mail ballots? It would be a good idea to double check that the elections office has your most up to date address. As was noted on the blog for america today, "In battleground states, quietly knocking off 1% of reliable Democratic voters off the rolls could throw the state Red." Contact your elections office: http://www.sos.state.or.us/elections/other.info/clerk.htm