Is she promising to vote against her party?
Isaac Laquedem
I received mailings from the David Wu and Goli Ameri campaigns on the same day. Congressman Wu's is straightforward: it invites me to a $25/person reception. Ms. Ameri's is a well-organized two-page list of reasons to vote against David Wu this fall. But among those reasons is the following sentence: "But let me tell you what, in my opinion, is the worst thing about David Wu's philosophy. It's not even his! Instead, it belongs to those who lead his party in Congress because David Wu votes more than 90% of the time with the very liberal leadership of the Democrat party." (underlining in original.)
If Ms. Ameri is going to vote more than 90% of the time with the leadership of the Republican party, then by the same argument her philosophy isn't really hers either. And if she's implying that she will vote with her party's leadership less than 90% of the time, then why is the Vice President campaigning for her?
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6:09 p.m.
Aug 7, '04
Yikes, someone close that i or em tag. Heh.
Aug 7, '04
I'm not sure what happened there, as I used the automatic underlining tag and didn't think I was putting anything in italics, but I'll try to repair it. Thanks for the warning.
Aug 7, '04
I wish I had a compelling reason to vote for WU. I mean, I'm going to, but I wish my representative seem like less of a tool.
I miss Elizabeth Fruse.
Aug 9, '04
Yeah no kidding. He is a total tool. Why can't the state Oregon Dem office work on getting new, fresh, sane, non-asshole blood into races? They should have been scouting these last few years.
Aug 11, '04
Tool, you say? That is better than a WHORE!
Isaac hit Goli Ameri's disingenuousnes right on the head. This Royalist-turned-Republican is George Bush's #1 pro-war whore in Oregon. (Of course the #1 pro-war whore in the GOP is Condoleezza Rice -- whom according to the 12/14/03 Willamette Week Goli Ameri referred to as her role-model.) There is NO WAY Ameri is going to stray from the GOP-line. Hell, she is already indebting herself to the Capitol Hill establishment -- as a challenger -- with a rare $500/person-$1K/PAC luncheon in Washington on August 19.
Add to this the $1K a person fundraiser that Cheney and the photo-op she'll get with Bush Friday the 13th (probably to send as a consolation to her 92-year-old daddy whom she fears wont be able to return to Iran in light of her campaign -- read the 5/5/04 Oregonian).
Aside from all of this let's start, and expand, the debunking of this Iranian emigre's FALSE "refugee from the revolution" myth-making campaign. Her campaign has only this month corrected the GOP congressional campaign website which had been stating that she "left Iran in 1973 during the Islamic revolution" which as we know occured during Carter's, not Nixon's, presidency. This is a result of the exposure of this and other "error" and inconsistencies on the EYERANIAN.NET blog.
She was never a "refugee" although she has dishonestly referred to herself as such (on the NPR 6/16/04). Nor was her family "chased out" of Iran as she dishonestly told the cheering crowd at her primary victory (OPB 5/19/04). She gave a revealing interview to the Willamette Week (2/24/04) in which we learn that she has traveled repeatedly to Iran even after the revolution that supposed "persecuted" her family. Sounds fishy?
There's more. Check out EYERANIAN.NET for the 2 sets of exchanges about her and her inconsistent and deceptive self-portrayl.
Aug 11, '04
Correction to date of Willamette Week intervew>
both references to it should have read 12/24/03
find it at
Aug 11, '04
BTW here is the link for the blog,961.shtml