If Bush wins
Jack Bogdanski
A friend and colleague sends along a link to this set of interesting reflections on a W. second term.
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Aug 31, '04
I haven't read them all but good grief, Easterbrook is completely out to lunch. He argues that Bush is so deep in the pocket of the oil industry that he will be the first to impose global warming controls.
It's some sort of weird Nixon goes to China argument based on the idea that this presidency is actually interested in leaving a progressive legacy. I for one can't think of a single instance where this presidency when faced with a choice of doing the difficult right thing or doing the easy venal wrong thing chose to do the right thing. I can't imagine that global warming will be the place they chose to start.
Sep 1, '04
Greenfield's submission was hilarious!
Sep 1, '04
And Buckley's was ever so charming and dapper.
Thanks for these!